3 days in Olso: packing list & outfits.

May 26, 2019 | 2 comments

Last weekend I traveled to Oslo – a presstrip I was invited on by Mercedes Benz, to celebrate the launch of their new electric car EQC (read more about my experience with this trip over on my Instagram right HERE) – it was also my very first time visiting beautiful Oslo. But I can say this much, that it’s not the last time that I will visit that place! I actually ought to visit Malmø in Sweden as well at some point. I think many of us living in the cold north tend to flee to the warmer destinations when we want to go on vacation and it’s kind of a shame, because we’ve got lots of beautiful areas to visit in Scandinavia. Even though the weather is of course not always on our side here.

I love packing rather light when I travel, but mostly it’s the effortless outfits that I rely so much on, because they can easily be dressed up or down. Especially if I’m surrounded by lots of people I’ve never met before, I don’t want to spend energy on worrying too much about my outfits; although of course I always want to look and feel like the best version of myself.

Sidste weekend var jeg i Oslo – en presse tur jeg var inviteret på sammen med Mercedes Benz, i forbindelse med lanceringen af deres nye el-bil EQC (læs mere om min oplevelse af eventet på min Instagram HER) – og det var også min første rejse til den smukke by. Det er ihvertfald langt fra sidste gang, at jeg vil besøge mit fine, Skandinaviske naboland! Faktisk burde jeg også få besøgt Malmø på ét eller andet tidspunkt. Tror mange af os der bor heroppe i det kolde nord foretrækker ferier sydpå, men det er egentlig lidt synd, for der er jo masser at opleve og se i vores eget opland også. Selvom vejret selvfølgelig er lidt mere ustadigt, og aldrig helt til at regne med.

Jeg elsker at pakke forholdsvis let, men mest af alt er jeg kæmpe fan af at pakke ubesværede outfits, der nemt kan dresses op eller ned. Især hvis jeg véd at jeg skal være omgivet af en hel masse mennesker, som jeg aldrig har mødt før. Så har jeg hverken overskud eller lyst til, at skulle bekymre mig for meget om mine outfits; men derfor vil jeg selvfølgelig gerne fremstå som den bedste version af mig selv, både mentalt og udadtil.

A good, visual packing list is something I love – so of course I had to make one for today’s post. I’ve saved it to my Pinterest too by the way, in case any of you would like to pin it for your own reference if you’re going away at some point. Conveniently enough, I was informed of the dresscode before the trip which actually made packing a little bit easier.

On the day I departed I was wearing the very first look above. Very classic but also just very comfortable. I had to change when I arrived in Oslo though, because it was so hot. The perfect weather for the national day they were celebrating though! Couldn’t have arrived on a more festive day, and just being surrounded by all those happy people in the streets was amazing. But a long sleeve shirt, a wool blazer and wool pants was a little too warm. I didn’t plan on bringing a coat to be honest, but because the weather forecast started to show a little more rain and clouds the closer I got to my departure, I packed my Everlane* trench just in case. It’s water repellent so it’s quite practical. In general I choose items that I knew were comfortable but also easy to style all together for this trip.

I actually only managed to wear the first evening look showed above, but for both of the possible outfits I had planned out, they were suitable for both a daytime look or a nighttime look as well. Styled up with my metallic boots* and my beautiful vintage bag instead of sneakers and a shopper, that was a really effortless way to look a bit more festive during the evening. Anything fuss-free like that and I’m all there. Always.

En god, visuel pakkeliste er noget jeg elsker – så derfor har jeg selvfølgelig lavet lige præcis sådan én til dagens indlæg. Jeg har iøvrigt gemt den ovre på Pinterest, hvis du vil gemme den som inspiration til din egen weekendtur. Meget belejligt var jeg blevet oplyst om eventuelle dresscodes før turen, og det gjorde det super nemt at pakke.

På rejsedagen var jeg iført det allerførste look ovenfor. Meget klassisk og pænt, men også virkelig behageligt. Skiftede dog da jeg ankom til Oslo, da vejret var lidt varmere end jeg havde regnet med. Det var iøvrigt nationaldag i Oslo, og det var så skønt at overvære alle de festglade mennesker i gaderne! Og vejret kunne jo ikke have været mere perfekt. Men ihvertfald var uldbukser, langærmet skjorte og uldblazer lige en tand for hedt for mig. Egentlig havde jeg ikke tænkt mig at tage en rigtig frakke med, men eftersom vejrudsigten ændrede sig til lidt flere skyer og regndryp jo tættere vi kom på weekenden, så pakkede jeg min trench fra Everlane* med. Den er nemlig vandafvisende, hvilket jo er super praktisk i ustadigt vejr. Alt i alt havde jeg gjort en dyd ud af at vælge items til turen, som både var behaglige og nemme at style på kryds og tværs.

Jeg nåede faktisk kun at være iført det første aftenlook ovenfor, men fælles for begge disse outfits er, at de kan bæres både dag og aften. Et par metallic støvler* og min fine, nye vintage taske til fordel for sneakers er en nem og hurtig måde, at se lidt mere festlig ud på. Og igen, det er bare så dejligt ubesværet.

I’ve also really tried making it a habit for myself, to always bring my reusable water bottle from 24 Bottles* with me in my hand luggage when I travel, as well as a reusable coffee cup. I’ve forgotten it many times in the past. Maybe I’ve always thought you weren’t allowed to bring it with you in the airport, I don’t know – but of course you are, you just need to make sure there are no contents in these before going through security. In Oslo I couldn’t find any cold water taps in the airport though, so I had to buy a water when I was heading home. But, you know. Small victories count as well, right?

If you’d like a few more practical tips on how I pack, a few accessories I can’t go without when I travel, and also how I make sure to keep my suitcase tidy (so it’s also easy to unpack when you get home), there might be a little inspiration for you in the video below.

Jeg har også så småt gjort det til en vane, at have min drikkedunk i metal fra 24 Bottles* og en genanvendelig kaffekop med mig i min håndbagage når jeg rejser. Jeg har været slem til, at glemme det de sidste par år når jeg har været ude at rejse. Måske har jeg altid tænkt man ikke måtte have det med igennem security, men selvfølgelig må man det – man skal bare sørge for, at der ikke er noget indhold i inden man går igennem. I Oslo lufthavn var jeg dog nødt til at købe en vand på vej hjem, da jeg ikke kunne finde nogen koldtvandshaner i deres lufthavn. Men altså. De små sejre tæller også, ikke?

Hvis I har lyst til lidt flere praktiske detaljer i forhold til uundværlige accessories jeg medbringer på ferien, samt hvordan jeg sørger for at holde mest muligt orden i min kuffert (så den også er nem at pakke ud når jeg kommer hjem igen), så er der lidt inspiration at hente i videoen nedenfor.


  1. Krystal

    This post has me yearning for a return visit to Oslo – and I think you nailed the perfect, functional and light packing list in an utterly stylish manner!

  2. Alli

    Hi there, I follow you on YouTube and find your content useful, I’m here now as going to puglia Italy for 5 days in March, my husband as booked underseat bags (45x20x25cm) help! Anyway my comment is about an app I’ve found called Tap and it shows you all the places in your location where you can fill up your water bottle thought you might find it useful too x


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