Biodegredable doggy bags.

Sep 5, 2017 | 1 comment

/ It’s kind of a constant development, making better choices whenever you purchase something. Now that I feel I’ve become quite environmentally conscious about my consumption of clothing and beauty products, I have slowly begun to move toward the kitchen and scullery too. There are many areas here as well where you can choose plastic-free and quit the disposable products as long as you are aware of their existence!

Det er lidt en konstant udvikling, det her med, at tage bedre valg når man køber ind. Nu da jeg føler jeg er blevet ret miljøbevidst omkring mit tøj- og skønhedsforbrug, så er jeg langsomt begyndt at bevæge mig ud imod køkkenet og bryggerset. Der er virkelig mange områder her, hvor man også kan vælge plast-fri produkter og droppe engangsprodukterne, så længe man véd der findes alternativer!

/ Plastic is truly an area where it can be quite hard making the most environmental-friendly choices, I think. For example – in my supermarket they wrap the organic bananas in plastic, and the conventional ones are plastic-free. Which one is the better choice then? But even small steps count! We have quit the plastic bags when we go grocery shopping (we always bring our own reusable cotton bags) and try to stay away from the thin plastic bags they like to wrap around your fruit and vegetables in some supermarkets. Most recently, we have also begun to buy biodegradable doggy bags. As it says on the package, plastic doesn’t belong in nature, and it doesn’t really make sense to wrap it around your dog’s “leftovers” – which in itself is biodegradable, but not very nice to leave behind on the pavement – into something that nature can’t break down! So, from now on; the bio-degradable ones are my choice. Just a little tuesday tip from me to you 🙂 You can get these at most supermarkets but probably also at your pet store.

Plastik er helt klart ét af de områder, hvor de gælder om at have tungen lige i munden når man vil vælge det mest miljørigtige alternativ, synes jeg. For eksempel pakker de økologiske bananer ind i plastik, og de konventionelle er uden emballage der hvor vi handler ind. Hvad er så det rigtige valg? Men selv små skridt tæller! Vi har for længst droppet plastikposerne når vi handler, og forsøger også at sige nej tak, til de der tynde plastikposer de gerne vil lægge dit frugt og grønt i i nogle supermarkeder. Senest er vi derfor også begyndt at købe bio-nedbrydelige hundeposer. Som der så fint står bagpå, så hører plastik ikke hjemme i naturen, og det giver egentlig ikke rigtig mening oppe i mit hoved, at pakke hundens efterladenskaber – der jo i sig selv egentlig er nedbrydelig, men knap så venlig at efterlade sig midt på fortovet – ind i noget, som naturen ikke kan nedbryde! Så fra nu af er det nej tak til hundeposer i rent plastik. Bare lige et lille tirsdags-tip fra mig til jer 🙂 De kan fås i de fleste danske supermarkeder som Føtex og Kvickly, men helt sikkert også hos din nærmeste dyrehandler.

1 Comment

  1. Lyndsey

    Hi Signe! Thanks for the post! Really interesting read, I like the comment about the organic bananas in plastic, so annoying! Your blog has inspired to finally start mine (its still kind of a working progress but hey, you gotta start somewhere. I’ve been watching your videos reading your posts and we have so many of the same values and ideas. Thanks so much again, looking forward to the next one!


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