6 steps: how to care for your wardrobe at the end of a season.

Feb 23, 2018 | 4 comments

When the seasons change (especially the more significant changes from winter to spring and summer til fall) I like to do a bit of extra in order to care for my wardrobe. This doesn’t just go for the items my wardrobe consists of which will be looked through, washed, fixed etc., men also the physical closet gets some love. I take everything out of the closet – not only does this make it much easier to clean shelves, drawers etc. but I constantly force myself to evaluate everything I possess and not least to rediscover how awesome my wardrobe is.

Ved de store sæson skift (fra vinter til forår og fra sommer til efterår) gør jeg gerne lidt ekstra ud af, at pleje min garderobe. Det gælder ikke kun de produkter jeg har i den, som bliver gennemgået, vasket, repareret etc. hvis det trænger, men også selve skabet får sig en tur. Alt kommer ud af skabet – det gør det ikke kun lettere at rengøre hylder m.v., men på denne måde tvinger jeg hele tiden mig selv til, at revurdere de ting jeg er i besiddelse af og ikke mindst genopdage hvor fantastisk en garderobe jeg faktisk har.

1. Take everything out of your closet

Start by emptying your entire wardrobe – that will make the following steps more manageable.

2. Divide your clothes into piles

Divide your clothes into the following piles:

  • Seasonal (that you want to store)
  • Items that must be dry cleaned
  • Items that need to go to the cobbler’s
  • Items that needs to be repaired
  • Items that you want to sell/donate

You can learn more about how to care for your wardrobe in general right HERE, and read my thoughts on the clothes we donate and what actually happens to it right HERE.

3. Clean the shelves, drawers etc.

Nothing beats a thorough cleaning of your wardrobe so that it is freed from dirt, dust bunnies and other uninvited guests you don’t want to deal with the upcoming season. A clean and tidy closet is not only more inspiring in a busy everyday life; it will also provide you with newfound respect for the items in contains.

1. Tøm dit skab fuldstændigt

Start med, at tømme skabet fuldstændigt – det gør de følgende punkter mere overskuelige.

2. Opdel dit tøj i bunker

Del nu dit tøj op i følgende bunker:

  • Sæson (som du vil gemme til næste år)
  • Ting som skal til rens
  • Sko der skal til skomageren
  • Tøj der skal til skrædder/repareres
  • Ting der skal til salg/donation

Du kan læse mere om hvordan jeg generelt passer på mit tøj lige HER, og lære lidt mere om hvor det tøj du donerer egentlig ender lige HER.

3. Gør hylder, skuffer etc. rene

Der er intet som en grundig rengøring af garderoben, så den bliver fri for fnuller og skidt og klar til den nye sæson. Et pænt og rent skab er ikke blot mere inspirerende i det daglige; den giver dig også en helt anden respekt for de ting den opbevarer.

4. Wash seasonals that need to be stored

Before packing away the clothes that you want to store for future seasons, go through it and check if there is something that needs to be washed/cleaned first, so it’s ready for use the next time you pull it out of storage. Alternatively you can air “wash” items – just let them hang in fresh air for a few hours. It is not only better for the clothes, but also for the environment. At the same time, you should also give your bags and leather boots a cleanse and some care with leather lotion. I use a lotion I bought in a horse supply store several years ago and it is still over half full. You can also make leather care yourself out of 2 tablespoons of vinegar and 4 tablespoons of linseed oil. Then you’ll save the packaging and the money to buy leather lotion if that’s something you already have in your household.

5. Deal with reparations, dry clean only, etc.

Pick a day during the week (or just in the near future) where you hand in the shoes that needs a fix up at the cobbler’s, bring clothes that can’t be washed in the machine to the dry cleaner’s and take the clothes that need to be adjusted/repaired to a tailor – or fix it yourself. I usually take a few hours out of my scehdule to get it all organized at once, but do it as you please. I regularly get my boots fixed at my local cobbler’s, especially my more expensive boots. Then they are ready for another season and they will look like new!

6. Store your clothes the right way

It is an individual matter how you prefer to store your clothes and it also depends on the types of cabinets or drawers you have. Perhaps you are into the Konmari folding method, but in my closet, this form of storage doesn’t make sense because it consists of these very large and wide/deep shelves. Instead, most of my clothes hang on hangers, except knitwear (never hang your knitwear!) and fancy clothes that I don’t use so often. It’s about finding an inspiring system that is easy to keep tidy of and that gives you a great overview of everything you have in your wardrobe. It makes it easier to get dressed in the morning and you avoid things “disappearing” or becoming wrinkled and worn out-looking. And while we’re at this point, you should rethink what you want to put back into your closet and thus what you want to invest in, in the future. Read my capsule wardrobe guide on just that right HERE. The clothes I want to store away is being kept in these large plastic boxes in the opposite side of my closet, but depending on what you prefer you could also store it away in big cotton bags or bedrollers under your bed.


4. Vask tøj der skal pakkes væk

Inden du pakker det tøj væk som du vil gemme til fremtidige sæsoner, så gå det igennem og undersøg om der er noget der skal vaskes/renses først, så det er klar til brug næste gang du hiver det frem fra gemmerne. Du kan evt. nøjes med at lufte noget af det, hvis det ikke er decideret beskidt. Det er ikke alene bedre for tøjet, men også for miljøet. Dit tøj har bedre af frisk luft, end du tror. I samme omgang bør du også give dine tasker og læderstøvler en rens og en omgang pleje med læderfedt. Jeg bruger en bøtte jeg har købt i en heste forretning for flere år siden, og den er stadig over halvt fuld. Du kan også lave en læderpleje selv ud af 2 spsk eddike og 4 spsk hørfrøolie. Så sparer du emballagen og pengene på at købe læderfedt, hvis det er noget du allerede har i husholdningen.

5. Tag dig af ting der skal repareres, sendes til rens, etc.

Vælg en dag i løbet af ugen (eller den nærmeste fremtid) hvor du afleverer de sko der har brug for det hos skomageren, kører tøj der ikke kan vaskes i maskinen til rens og afleverer tøj der skal justeres/repareres hos en skrædder – eller fix det selv. Jeg plejer at sætte nogle timer af til, at få det hele ordnet på én gang, men det kan du jo gøre som du synes. Jeg får gerne jævnligt sat ny hæl og forsål på hos min lokale skomager, især på min dyrere støvler. Så er de klar til en omgang mere og ser ud som nye!

6. Opbevar dit tøj rigtigt

Det er individuelt, hvordan man helst opbevarer sit tøj og det kommer også helt an på hvilke former for skabe eller skuffer man har. Måske er du til Konmari foldemetoden, men i mit skab giver denne form for opbevaring ikke rigtig mening, fordi det består af nogle meget store og brede hylder. I stedet hænger det meste af mit tøj på bøjler, pånær striktrøjer (de kan ikke tåle at hænge) og pænt tøj, som jeg ikke bruger så tit. Det handler om at finde et system, som er inspirerende, let at holde orden i og giver dig det fulde overblik over alt det du har i din garderobe. Det er med til, at gøre det nemmere at klæde sig på om morgenen, og du undgår at ting “forsvinder” eller bliver grimme og krøllede. Og nu vi er ved dette punkt, så genovervej hvad du vil have tilbage i skabet og dermed hvad du vil investere i fremadrettet. Det kan du lære mere om i min capsule wardrobe guide lige HER. Det tøj jeg gemmer væk fra tidligere sæsoner opbevarer jeg i nogle store klodsekasser i den anden side af mit skab, men alt efter hvad der passer dig bedst kan du også opbevare det i nogle store bomuldssække eller bedrollers under sengen.


  1. Anna

    Do you have any tips on how to clean a wool jumper that has a curry stain? I saved for ages for this jumper and then the first thing I did was drop curry on it. I have tried careful sponging and using wool detergent but the stain is stubbornly hanging on. I don’t dare use stain devil and white vinegar didn’t work either!

    • signeh24

      Ohhh, that’s a toughy! Curry is almost impossible to get off. I would take it to a dry-cleaners, and have them guide me. I can’t really think of a great but gentle way to deal with something like that, so sorry! Hope you figure something out <3 xx

  2. Pamela

    I am a big fan of properly caring for things as I feel that is a pillar of ‘sustainable’: buy good things and look after them well. I am currently pulling out two skirts, two tops, a couple dresses that I wore around my wedding 18 years ago!!! They are back in style and in good shape because I cared for them and stored them. In this way I can ‘go shopping’ from my own wardrobe. Thanks for a great quality youtube and blog, and it’s highly impressive you write in English and in Danish. Respect!

    • signeh24

      Thank you SO much Pamela! I am so impressed you’ve had clothes from way back that you can now pull out like that – that’s why I love capsule wardrobes! Respect to YOU for that! <3


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