Style: my love for hats this season!

Oct 2, 2017 | 0 comments

/ I was in Copenhagen last Monday for at meeting wearing this outfit, which has quickly become one of my personal favourites for this season. While I was walking the streets of beautiful Copenhagen it struck me, that I must have been looking like an old school off-duty train driver in that combo of my stribe blazer and cap, but nonetheless I felt pretty stylish, haha!

Sidste mandag var jeg i København til et møde, og der var jeg iført ovenstående, som hurtigt er røget ind på favoritlisten over efterårets outfits. Mens jeg gik rundt i Københavns gader slog det mig pludselig, at kombinationen af min nålestribede jakke og min kasket må have set lidt ud som en loko-fører off duty, men jeg følte mig vildt godt tilpas alligevel, haha!

blazer – Gestuz / t-shirt – Only / jeans – Levi’s 501 skinny / boots – Acne
/ bakerboy cap – Asos/ bag – Marc by Marc Jacobs / necklaces – Glitter
find similar options in the bottom of this post

/ I really need to make a serious effort not to put this hat on with whatever I’m wearing at the moment (PJ’s and a bakerboy cap… you feel me? Anyway….), but I just think it’s such a cool accessorie, especialy if you’rehaving a bad-hair-day. It’s kind of silly in a “I don’t take myself that seriously” but at the same time it’s edgy and has the right amount of autumn vibe.

Jeg skal virkelig anstrenge mig for ikke, at tage hatten på til alle mine outfits lige p.t. (den er ikke nødvendigvis så fed sammen med min pyjamas, men altså) for jeg synes bare den er så cool, især på en dårlig-hår-dag. Den er sådan et item der egentlig er lidt fjollet og udstråler “jeg tager ikke (nødvendigvis) mig selv sådan helt vildt seriøst”, men samtidig tilføjer den lidt kant og efterårsfølelse til mine outfits.




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