Style: the weekend in Copenhagen.

Nov 14, 2017 | 2 comments

Oh, beautiful Copenhagen! The ones of you who follow me on instagram got a glimpse of our wonderful weekend in the Danish capital, and it was such a lovely trip. When we sat in the car heading home last sunday, we quickly agreed that time had passed way to fast and that we need to make this sort of a tradition, going to Copenhagen on a long weekend just a couple times during the year. Just us two. Of course I took some pictures and filmed a little, but other than that I took the entire weekend of and it was so nice and needed.

Åh, smukke København! De af jer som følger mig på instagram har henover weekenden kunnet følge lidt med i mig og min mand’s tur til hovedstaden, og det var virkelig en skøn tur. Da vi sad i bilen på vej hjem i søndags blev vi også hurtigt enige om, at tiden var gået alt for hurtigt og at vi må gøre det til en tradition, at tage sådan en tur et par gange om året. Bare os to. Selvfølgelig tog jeg lidt billeder og fik også filmet lidt, men ellers holdt jeg fri og det var skønt og tiltrængt for os begge.

coat/ Ichi – pants/ H&M (old) – knit/ secondhand – hat/ Asos – shoes/ Converse – bag/ Marc Jacobs (+ chain from Noir Desire)

The weather in Copenhagen was rainy and grey the first day, but other than that it was actually pretty nice and sunny. Although it was rather cold. We went their on Thursday evening and it was so nice to get up early on friday, take the metro to the city center and eat breakfast, followed by a long walk at Langelinje where we saw the little mermaid and the Danish castle Amalienborg where the royal family lives. After that we took the walk back to Paper Island where we had some street food. We ended this perfect day in the middle of Copenhagen first at Café Norden with a cup of coffee and (the world’s best!) cheesecake and then we drank a couple beers on Bare 25 before heading back to the hotel. Saturday I met up with the Danish allergy-certified makeup brand Miild, who kindly gave me a huge back of their products to try out. I can’t get over these products and can’t wait to share them with you all in a video soon!

Vejret i københavn var vådt og gråt om fredagen, men ellers var der faktisk ganske fint vejr henover weekenden. Omend ret koldt. Vi tog derover torsdag aften og det var skønt at stå tidligt op fredag, spise morgenmad inde i byen og derefter bare vandre rundt til vi ikke orkede mere om aftenen. Vi gik turen op langs Langelinje, op til den lille Havfrue, Kastellet, Amalienborg og tilbage igen for at spise sen frokost på Papirøen. Efter det gik vi ned på strøget og fik en kop kaffe (og verdens bedste stykke cheesecake!) på café Norden og sluttede aftenen på Bar 25 med en øl og en skål pebernødder. Vildt hyggelig dag! Lørdag havde jeg et møde med det danske allergivenlige makeup mærke Miild, som gav mig den lækreste pose makeup-godter med hjem, og som jeg slet ikke kan vente med, at dele med jer i en video snart.

After my meeting we met up with my brother and his girlfriend (they live on Østerbro in Copenhagen) and went to Høegs Café where i had the best (!) porridge with lots of fresh fruit and caramel, walked around in the city and ended the day in the meat packing district on the burger restaurant Cocks & Cows. My husband is still talking about the burger he got, claiming it’s THE best bruger he’s ever gotten, haha! I got the vegan one which was really good too. I can’t wait for our next trp there, even though it is nice to be back home in our calm surroundings too.

Efter mit møde mødtes vi med min bror og hans kæreste der bor på Østerbro, tog på Høegs Café hvor jeg fik den lækreste (!) grød, slentrede rundt i byen og sluttede dagen af i Kødbyen, hvor vi fik de bedste burgere nogensinde på Cocks & Cows. Min mand taler stadig om den burger, så god var den, haha! Jeg fik en vegansk bruger derinde hvilket virkelig også kan anbefales! Jeg glæder mig allerede til næste gang vi skal afsted, selvom det nu er skønt at være hjemme i vores rolige omgivelser igen.



  1. Madison

    Sounds like you had a lovely weekend! I live about 5 minutes away from Copenhagen Street Food, and it is sooo tempting not to go there all the time! Can’t wait to see your Miild Makeup video. I was to an event with them recently and fell in love with ALL their products. The highlighter and concealer duo are my go-tos. <3


  2. Shannon

    You are a wonderful ambassador for Denmark. I would love to visit there. Your blog and videos are such a treat. I’ve learned much and have incorporated many of your ideas into my life. I love your easy style and manner. Daily I check a blog/video to see if I’ve missed anything. It always feels like I’m an invited guest into your home and we are sipping coffee while you tell me about your day and your thoughts. I love your transparency. I call you my “friend.”
    At your suggestion I’m reading “Zero Waste Home” by Bea Johnson. I’m getting hooked, almost obsessed, but enjoying being so. I was amused at your YouTube when you had the flu. Even while sick you were decluttering a bathroom drawer that you had already decluttered before. I can see myself doing that.
    Soon it will be Thanksgiving here (U.S.) We literally have so much, so much that we must rid ourselves of our too much. And so, we can give generously, share freely, and give thanks realizing really we have all that we need.
    “Never go to excess. but let moderation be your guide.” Marcus Tullius Cicero (106 B.C.-43 B.C.)


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