cancellation policy

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If you need to cancel your appointment, please do so at least 24 hours before the start of the sessuin, otherwise 50% of the consultation price will be charged. If you fail to attend to your scheduled appointment, you will be billed 100% of the consultation price. If you wish to cancel your Express Colour Analysis it must be done so within 24 hours after booking.

Important: Please make sure to check your email for the confirmation upon booking an appointment with me, as it will include a list of requested information for you (e.g. pictures, stylecard questionnaire etc.) which I will need to have in hand no later than 24 hours before our session starts. If you fail to meet this requirement, there’s a risk that I will have to reschedule your session or worst case delete it completely, as I then won’t have sufficient time to prepare for our meeting.

You can cancel your appointment by deleting it through the calendar invite you received upon booking. Alternatively, you can contact me at to cancel your appointment.

Cancellations CANNOT be made via Instagram/direct messages, Facebook or other social platforms. If you need to cancel, please follow the instructions listed above.

If you are running late on the day of your appointment, I would appreciate it if you send me an email at to me know you are on your way. If you arrive 15 minutes late for the consultation, there is a risk that the time will be deleted if I have another customer immediately after – or the lost time will be taken off your consultation. In this case, you will still be charged 100% of the consultation price. If I have other clients waiting after you I can’t make up for the lost time as it will cause delays for the rest of the day, which will cause inconvenience for other customers.

I am very much looking forward to welcoming you in the studio <3

If you wish to cancel your capsule wardrobe masterclass purchase, please read the terms for that HERE.



Hvis du har brug for at aflyse din tid, skal dette ske mindst 24 timer inden konsultationens start, ellers opkræves 50% af prisen. Udebliver du fra din konsultation, faktureres du 100% af konsultationsprisen. Express farve konsultationer skal aflyses senest 24 timer efter betaling/booking.

Vigtigt: Sørg venligst for at tjekke din e-mail for bekræftelsen efter at have booket en konsultation, da den vil indeholde en liste over oplysninger jeg har brug for fra dig (f.eks. billeder, stylecard spørgeskema osv.), som jeg skal have senest 24 timer før vores session begynder. Hvis du ikke opfylder dette krav er der en risiko for, at jeg bliver nødt til at ændre tidspunktet for din konsultation eller i værste fald slette den helt, da jeg ikke vil have tilstrækkelig tid til at forberede mig forud for vores møde.

Du kan melde afbud ved at aflyse den kalender invitation du modtag på mail i forbindelse med din booking. Alternativt kan du sende mig en mail på

Afbud kan IKKE ske via Instagram/direct message, Facebook eller andre sociale platforme. Melder du afbud, skal du gøre det som anvist ovenfor.

Hvis du skulle blive forsinket på dagen så send mig venligst en mail på så jeg ved besked. Ankommer du 15 minutter (eller senere) for sent til din konsultation er der risiko for at din booking vil blive slettet eller forkortet, hvis jeg har en kunde direkte efter dig. I dette tilfælde vil du blive opkrævet 100% af konsultationens pris. De 15 minutter kan desværre ikke indhentes i den anden ende, da det vil betyde jeg bliver forsinket resten af dagen, hvilket vil være til gene for andre kunder.

Jeg glæder mig til at se dig <3

Hvis du har købt adgang til mit capsule wardrobe masterclass og du ønsker at fortryde dit køb, så læs venligst betingelserne HER.