My current capsule: spring 2017.

Feb 26, 2017 | 16 comments

The perfect basic wardrobe

spring seasonals & fluid items


(product links are in the bottom of this post)

Min tilgang til en 3-delt capsule wardrobe fortsætter – egentlig er den vel mere bare delt i to, da jeg lidt ser de sæsonbaserede/flydende items som én kategori. Hvorfor jeg i sin tid har valgt, at opbygge min capsule wardrobe på denne her måde kan du læse meget mere om lige her. Jeg har stadig fokus på meget mindre forbrug, men forsøger i dag i højere grad, at komme frem til et form for kompromis til alle de kvinder, der elsker at udtrykke sig gennem sin påklædning – uanset hvilken stil man så har. For det er jo netop derfor, at så mange kvinder (ja, og mænd for den sags skyld) elsker mode, og det vil jeg gerne respektere. Vi skal bare have skåret meget mere ind til benet, skære de unødvendige impulskøb fra og have respekten for tøjet og dets pris tilbage i billedet. Og selvfølgelig må vi heller ikke undervurdere stadig at praktisere kunsten i, at begrænse sig. Less is more, I ved.

Ved at dele min capsule op i 3 så er der plads til, at dyrke en trend eller to på en kontrolleret måde. Som oftest består min stil faktisk af produkter udelukkende fra min basis garderobe, men på den her måde er der altså både taget hensyn til de vilde temperatursvinginger vi her herhjemme i Danmark (hvem havde f.eks. troet at sommeren ville fortsætte til sidst i september sidste år da jeg stod klar med min efterårsgarderobe fuld af tunge striktrøjer!), samt muligheden for, at skifte lidt ud her og der indimellem. Ikke tit, og det er bestemt heller ikke noget man skal overdrive, men man har muligheden. Sørg for at have det adskilt fra din basis garderobe på én eller anden måde (som jeg også viser i videoen), så du hele tiden har et godt overblik over denne gruppe, og så du holder den på et rimeligt antal. Når man gemmer tøj som man faktisk godt kan lide væk, så får det ligesom nyt liv når det bliver fundet frem igen. Det kan jeg personligt godt lide, men måske synes du det bliver for besværligt. Og så lader du selvfølgelig bare være med, at praktisere denne del.

Jeg køber for det meste kun et par enkelte nye items ved sæsonens start, så når jeg praktiserer den her “flydende capsule” er det mest bare gamle produkter der er blevet gemt væk fra tidligere sæsoner, som kommer lidt i cirkulation i min garderobe. Måske får jeg lyst til, at bytte den hvide flæseskjorte ud, med en anden style fra gemmerne. Desuden er det typisk forår eller efterår jeg er på udkig efter lidt nyt til garderoben. De ting jeg har købt dette forår kan nemlig sagtens føres med videre over i sommeren, og til den tid hiver jeg jo også mine shorts og sommerkjoler frem fra gemmerne og skifter ud med nogle af de andre mere tunge ting i garderoben. Så det er slet ikke sikkert jeg føler, at jeg har brug for mere nyt til sommer. Jeg forsøger altid uanset hvad, at gå efter produkter som på én eller anden måde er tidløse – selv når vi snakker mere trendbaserede produkter, som jo altså ellers normalt har en form for udløbsdato. Flæser er jo fx overalt lige nu, men jeg har valgt at gå efter en klassisk hvid skjorte med lidt flæs. På den måde er jeg sikker på, at jeg sagtens vil kunne anvende den i fremtiden også. Det er dog også vigtigt for mig at påpege, at jeg stadig tror allermest på de tidløse klassikere, hvorfor helårs basis garderoben jo også er den del af min garderobe, som fylder allermest.

Jeg er gået lidt væk fra det der “magiske nummer 37” – dvs. 37 items i garderoben i alt. Jeg er endt på omkring de 40 denne gang, men det er ikke så vigtigt for mig længere, at fastlægge mig på et bestemt og præcist tal. Jeg ender dog som regel altid et sted mellem 35-40, og det forsøger jeg så vidt muligt altid at pejle efter. For som altid, så vil jeg ikke undervurdere hvor fantastiske resultater man faktisk får, når man begrænser sig. Men om jeg lige ender på 35 eller 40 styles i alt svinger lidt fra sæson til sæson.

/ My approach to a 3-part capsule wardrobe continues. Why I have chosen to build my capsule wardrobe like this you can read more about right here. I still have focus on much less consumption, but I’m also trying to reach kind of compromise for all the women who love to express themselves through fashion – no matter which style have. Because this is exactly why so many women (and men for that matter) love fashion, and I want to respect that. We just have to cut much more to the bone, cut the unnecessary impulse purchases away and regain the respect for the garment and its price.

By dividing my capsule wardrobe into 3 there is room to play with a trend or two in a controlled manner. Usually my style actually consists of products exclusively from my basic wardrobe, but in this way I am both dealing with the crazy temperatures we have in Denmark (who would have thought that summer would continue to the end of September last year when I was ready with my autumn wardrobe full of heavy knit sweaters!), and the possibility to change a little here and there sometimes. Not often, and it’s certainly not something you have to exaggerate, but you have the opportunity. Be sure to have it separated from your basic wardrobe in one way or another, so you always have a good overview of this group, and to keep it to a reasonable amount. When storing clothes that you actually still like, it gets new life when you bring it out again. I personally love this, but maybe you think it is too much work to hide it away and bring it out again and again. If you do, that’s OK – we’re all different.

I mostly purchase only a few new items at the beginning of the season, so when I practice the fluid capsule wardrobe, the most of it is just old products that have been tucked away from previous seasons, which comes a little in circulation in my wardrobe. Maybe I feel like swapping the white ruffleshirt with a different style from my stored collection at some point for example. Moreover, it is typically spring or fall I’m looking after a few new things for my wardrobe. The things I bought this spring can easily stay put in my wardrobe when summer arrives, and by then I also pull out my shorts and summer dresses. So maybe I wont even purchase anything new when summer arrives. I always try, to go after products that are timeless in one way or another – even when we’re talking more trend-based products that would normally have some sort of expiration date. Ruffles are so trendy right now, but I have chosen to go for a classic white shirt with ruffles. In that way I am sure that I certainly will be able to use it in the future too. However, it is also important for me to point out that I still believe most in timeless classics, which is why my all-year basic wardrobe is the biggest part of my wardrobe.

I have moved away from that “magic number 37” – 37 items in the wardrobe in total. I have ended up at around 40 this time, but it’s not that important to me anymore to define a specific number. However I usually always end up somewhere between 35-40 and I try whenever possible to end up around it. You shouldn’t underestimate the magic that can happen, when you limit yourself! But weather I end up at 35 or 40 styles in all, is different from season to season.

Looks jeg glæder mig til at dyrke denne sæson / looks I can’t wait to wear this season

Nå, formaliteter og forklaringer til side – nu skal vi til den lidt mere sjove del af det hele! Lige nu glæder jeg mig til, at dyrke det blå jeans look endnu mere end hidtil; både denimskjorte sammen med et par jeans, men også min lyseblå bomuldsskjorte passer så fint til alle mine jeans. Det er jo en tidløs trend, som jeg har lige ved hånden. I det hele taget er jeg besat af feminine skjorter sat sammen med rå jeans som aldrig før, og jeg ved bare det bliver ét af mine go-to looks hele foråret. Jeg er også besat af små røde detaljer i år; røde negle, et rødt tørklæde, et rødt broderi eller røde læber. Jeg kommer især til at bruge de røde detaljer sammen med en stribet top og mine nye leopard flats, som har stået højt på min ønskeliste siden sidste sommer – men generelt også med meget simple, klassiske og farveløse looks. Så fint altså! De brede bukser er virkelig også noget jeg ser frem til at hoppe i – både med mine hvide sneaks eller med et par sandaler til sommer. Find mere inspiration til outfits ved at følge mig på Pinterest lige HER.

/ Well, formalities and explanations aside – let’s skip to the fun part of it all! Right now I’m looking forward to work the blue jeans look even more than I’ve ever done; both denim shirt with jeans, but also my light blue cotton shirt fits so well with all my jeans. It’s a timeless trend that I have right at hand. I am obsessed with feminine shirts paired with raw jeans like never before, and I just know it will be one of my go-to looks all spring. I’m also obsessed with small red accents this year; red nails, a red scarf, a red embroidery or red lips. I will especially use the red accents along with a striped top and my new leopard flats, which has been high on my wish list since last summer – but also generally together with very simple, classic and colorless looks. So fine that is! The wide leg trousers is really something I look forward to wear – both with my white sneaks, or with a pair of sandals for summer. Follow me on Pinterest right HERE for my outfits inspiration.


(some links may be just similar due to sold out items)




  1. Tracey Shull

    I love your choices, Signe! You know I am a big fan all of your videos, blog posts, and Instagram pics—they are all so helpful and inspiring, especially for those of us who share a similar style. But I think the most helpful thing of all is that you have distilled the (millions!) of clothing choices which women face into the true basics, which can be worn again and again, season after season, and combined in countless ways. I always had a hard time weeding out what was not essential, and so had more “basics” than I needed—and even too many basics can clutter up a closet! You have helped me find that sweet spot of having just enough different silhouettes to combine to make outfits for any occasion, with room for a few extras such as seasonal and trendy items. (I make a list of things I need for each season based on your capsule, modified a bit for my lifestyle and preferences.) My closet is much more applicable to my daily wardrobe needs now, and I am much happier seeing it more bare—because each piece in there has passed the rigorous test of: does it fit? is it flattering? do I love it? does it go with the other items in my closet? Thanks to your good instincts of what is truly necessary for a capsule wardrobe!


    Du rocker den lille garderobe som ingen anden Signe. Og din lookbook – wauw. Du er simpelthen så dygtig.

  3. Classy Simple Life

    I like your style which is a little bit similar to mine – so simple but chic in same time 😉 Your Spring Capsule Wardrobe is perfect ! I’m creating my Capsule Wardrobne now and I’m planing buy few new pieces for eg. light blue shirt – best regards from Poland – Anna 🙂

  4. Sarah

    Hey! Where is the large black tote bag from?

  5. Laura

    Hi Signe, love your Spring wardrobe! What size did you go for in the levis batwing tee? Did you get the men’s version? It looks so much nicer than the ladies but I want to get the fit right! Thanks xx

    • signeh24

      Hi Laura 🙂 Yes, it’s a men’s version, I bought it on Asos. I also like the men’s version much better than the ladies! It’s a size small, and it gives the perfect slightly oversized fit without becoming too big. 🙂 I’m usually a small in ladies wear as well, just so you have something to compare with.


  6. Sue Rei

    LOVE the so called “Granny shoes”. And yes, I am a proud Granny.
    Where are they from please?

  7. Sethrin Tatu

    Don’t want to sound like a brat, but the links are not to the same items…at least not all of them. For eg the grey cardigan – not the same at all…? Love your blog & youtube channel. Thank you.

    • signeh24

      I know – many of my products are no longer available because they were bought a while back. I guess thats the downside when you’re showing off a lasting wardrobe to people, that many of the things become “old” and the exact same ones wont be available anymore. 😉 But I’m working on making it more user-friendly with the links, so hopefully within the next few weeks it will be better! I can never promise you though, that the products I link to will be the exact ones – that’s just impossible, and therefore I’m linking alternatives. Sorry, but I hope you understand 🙂

  8. Ct

    Love your leopard flats – may i know where you got them? Thanks.

  9. Marilyn

    Where did you get the long gray cardigan.

    • signeh24

      It’s from a danish brand called Part Two, it’s sold out unfortunately. I’ve linked to a similar 🙂

  10. Dana


    I have just discovered your channel on Youtube through your recent capsule wardrobe video which I think is brilliant! And I was wondering if you can please do a list of clothing items per types for a minimalist wardrobe, including undergarments and sports wear… ?

    I have been decluttering my wardrobe for months now but I still didn’t reach that perfect level… which can be frustrating… So, given your style which I very much appreciate, can you do a list where there will be all the clothing items we need for a minimalist wardrobe including how many clothes for each type and the basic colors…

    Thank you


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