How to find your style through the power of WORDS

How to find your style through the power of WORDS

(Post compiled using inspiration from Allison Bornstein & Alyssa Beltempo) (Scroll down for Danish) Have you ever thought about what style adjectives your personal style might be connected to? For example, relaxed, functional, smart or creative? Words are...
Makeup for soft colour types: my current faves

Makeup for soft colour types: my current faves

So, I had to re-write this post as my website recently moved and unfortunately the original post disappeared in the process! Anyway, one of the areas in which I’ve been trained when I became certified colour consultant was help my client find their best makeup...
A year with no shopping: here’s how it went

A year with no shopping: here’s how it went

Back in 2021 I decided to try a so-called fashion focused low buy challenge under the hashtag #2020wehaveplenty. The challenge itself actually went okay, but by the end of the year I remember being quite shocked of how many pieces ended up finding their way...