Spring capsule wardrobe: half-way update.

Apr 16, 2018 | 6 comments

Can you believe, that I am already half way through my spring capsule? First of all this doesn’t make any sense because of how quickly time has passed by, but second of all it doesn’t make sense because spring has only just true begun this week! I do admit, I was out too early with my spring capsule this year – but, let’s leave some room for being human and to make mistakes, right? I have been able to use many of my spring favourites already though, no doubt about that. But I could have held on to some of my heavier winter jumpers for a little longer, and I have been taking some of them out from storage again every now and then. Just look at THIS outfit from just 2 weeks ago, when we still had snow. The fact that we had sunshine and 19 degrees last weekend is just hard to believe!

Tænk, at jeg nu allerede er halvvejs gennem min spring capsule. Det giver for det første slet ingen mening, at tiden er gået så hurtigt, men øvrigt heller ikke, at det først er nu vejret er med mig i forhold til forårs styling. Jeg indrømmer blankt, at jeg var for tidligt ude med min forårs capsule i år – men der skal jo være plads til, at være menneske og lave “fejl”, ikke? Jeg har sagtens kunne bruge mange af mine forårsfavoritter fra sidste år, ingen tvivl om det. Men jeg kunne godt have holdt fast i nogle af mine tunge vinter striktrøjer lidt længere, og har indimellem måttet hive et par af dem frem igen. Se bare HER, da vi for blot 2 uger siden fik sne. Det faktum at vi sidste weekend havde en dag med 19 grader er sket ikke til at forstå!

Another thing I’ve learned this time around is, that it is okay to use your wardrobe as a tool to get in the mood for spring, and I just needed that boost after a long, dark winter. The blush and the red colour and also being reunited with my spring favourites from last year has all given my mood a boost in the right direction, and I feel full of new inspiration when it comes to styling my wardrobe. And that feeling is so great! There is a lot of things you have no control over when it comes to the capsule wardrobe system (such as the weather), and you need to take those into consideration. That is exactly why I like to have a more fluid approach to the system at times (read more HERE). Maybe I’ll hang on to my spring capsule a bit longer this time around, but it depends on the weather! You never know how the temperatures will adjust. I think I need to practise trusting the weather forecasts a bit more and also looking out the window in the morning, haha! No matter what, I do hope that my spring capsule has inspired many of you already though, and it has provided you with extra time to consider what your own should look like. The seasons for the capsule wardrobe is usually like this (depending on where in the world you live), but they shouldn’t be static, as I’ve especially learned this time around:


Spring: March/April/May
Summer: June/July/August
Fall: Sep/Oct/Nov

Winter – Dec/Jan/Feb

En ting jeg har lært denne gang er, at det er okay at bruge sin garderobe til, at komme i forårsstemning, og dét havde jeg altså virkelig brug for efter så lang, og mørk en vinter. Den rosa og den røde farve og ikke mindst gensynsglæden med mine forårsfavoritter fra sidste år, har helt klart givet mit humør et boost og har inspireret mig påny, når det kommer til min garderobe. Og dét er altså dejligt! Der er mange udefrakommende faktorer man ikke kan styre når det kommer til capsule wardrobe systemet, og dem er man selvfølgelig nødt til, at tage med i sine beregninger. Det er derfor jeg godt kan lide, at gøre brug af en lidt mere flydende tilgang til systemet i perioder (læse mit indlæg om netop dette lige HER). Måske jeg holder fast i min forårs capsule en måned længere i den anden ende, alt efter hvornår sommeren kommer. Det ved man jo aldrig. Tror jeg skal blive bedre til, at stole på vejrudsigten og kigge ud af vinduet om morgenen, haha! Uanset hvad, så håber jeg dog, at min forårs capsule har inspireret mange af jer derude allerede, også selvom I måske ikke selv er gået igang endnu. Set på den lyse side, så har det jo forhåbentligt givet jer lidt ekstra tid og ikke mindst inspiration til at overveje, hvordan jeres egen skal se ud. Sæsonerne for capsule wardrobe systemet er (alt efter hvilket klima man befinder sig i) opbygget således, men skal altså ikke være så statiske som jeg jo især har lært denne gang:

Forår – marts/april/maj
Sommer – juni/juli/august
Efterår – sep/okt/nov
Vinter – dec/jan/feb


So besides having already learned a couple lessons when it comes to the weather, my spring capsule has been giving me the boost I needed: I feel inspired, and I love how my spring capsule is working out for me! It’s a joy getting dressed in the morning, and I feel like I can create a lot of “new” looks even though most of the things I have in my capsule is from previous seasons. Some from last spring and summer and some are even older, that I have fallen in love with again after taking a break from them. Don’t forget to follow me on Instagram, where I share daily outfits and show how I style my capsule wardrobes. You can also read my post on getting your wardrobe ready for spring right HERE. Have you guys started making you spring capsules yet?

Udover at være blevet et par erfaringer rigere i forhold til vind og vejr, så har det på en måde alligevel virket efter hensigten, at jeg er startet så “tidligt” på min capsule: jeg føler mig inspireret på ny, og er så glad for hvordan min forårs capsule ser ud! Det er en fryd at klæde sig på om morgenen, og jeg føler jeg har en masse “nye” looks jeg kan kreere, selvom størstedlene af de ting jeg har i min capsule jo er fra forrige sæsoner. Nogle blot fra sidste år, og nogle fra nogle år tilbage som jeg er blevet forelsket i på ny. Husk at følge mig ovre på Instagram, hvor jeg dagligt lægger outfits op og viser jer, hvordan jeg styler mine capsule wardrobes. Du kan desuden også få mine bedste tips til, at gøre din garderobe forårsklar lige HER. Er I selv gået igang med, at opdatere garderoben og gøre den klar til forår?




  1. Fedora

    Love your style, but I would never could pull that off. Your spring colors are faves of mine. How come you still use metal hangers? I banned them a long time ago

    • signeh24

      Thanks for your comment! Hmm, I guess I use them because I have them and then don’t really bother me 🙂 I’ve had them for years, but I also know there are definitely other, better alternatives out there. Maybe I’m just lazy, I don’t know 😉

  2. Kitty

    Hi Signe!
    Like you, I started my Spring Capsule at the start of March… when we still had more than a foot of snow on the ground! This is my first season using the same system as you do (a core, all year round capsule, and then some seasonal bits that get mixed in), and I was just too excited to wait any longer to start! I had thought that maybe next year I would wait a few more weeks before I started, but I think it’s like you said: after a long, dark winter (I’m in Scotland), it’s so nice to start bringing out some Spring shades… even if I am still wearing them with my rain coat and some boots. I don’t know if I could face another month of a winter wardrobe- winters feel long enough as they are here anyway! haha.
    I did include a couple of distinctly cosier pieces in my Spring capsule too, so all in all I feel I’ve had a balance and I certainly haven’t struggled for options.
    Love your blog and videos, thank you so much for all the inspiration!

    • signeh24

      Thank you so much for your comment! :-* I’m glad you understand where I’m coming from. I too feel like I’ve been able to wear most of my spring capsule even though the weather hasn’t been very good. It’s only my flats that I’ve not been able to wear before now actually 🙂

  3. Inez

    But the winter in Denmark is from November till March/April actually…⛄️?

    • signeh24

      Hmm, well not exactly 😉 But yes, spring has been very late this year and I agree – it has only started now 🙂 Nevertheless that was also the point I tried to make in this post, that you need to be realistic and look at the weather instead of the “rules” :-*


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