Myths about the capsule wardrobe.

Myths about the capsule wardrobe.

Don’t get me wrong; I’m not saying the capsule wardrobe system is without flaws, and maybe there really is something to some of the most sceptic statements, that I have listed down below. / I have been practising the art of having a well-crafted capsule...
Avoiding plastics: my thoughts.

Avoiding plastics: my thoughts.

Plastic defines our culture. We can’t let it define our future. – Henrik Beha Pedersen / Quote from HERE. In my search for less and better waste, I have of course encountered the problem with plastic. I want to make it clear that I’m not an expert in...
Before you buy your next t-shirt, consider this….

Before you buy your next t-shirt, consider this….

Jeg har så mange tanker omkring vores forbrug generelt, og fordi ét af mine mål netop er, at opdrage os som forbrugere lidt (jeg siger os, fordi jeg i høj grad også tænker på mig selv), så kunne jeg godt tænke mig at berøre netop dette emne lidt mere. Jeg fokuserer...