The art of limitation.

The art of limitation.

/ I’ve been wanting to talk to you about practising the art of limitation in a rather limitless society for quite some time now. To have the courage to miss out on things. You’ve probably already heard about the term called FOMO; fear of missing out. And I know this...
How I stay focused and stress-free through the week.

How I stay focused and stress-free through the week.

/ In continuation of my blog post about how we make food plans and make sure to eat healthy every week (read the post HERE), I have made the video below that is about how we mentally get ready for a new week. Monday morning is something many of us fear and this...
10 tips on regaining your energy.

10 tips on regaining your energy.

Da jeg lider af angst – i nogle perioder mærker jeg det stort set ikke, og i andre perioder kan det være meget hæmmende – så er jeg efterhånden blevet ret rutineret i selv-pleje. Det er godt for sjælen og ikke mindst en nødvendighed for os allesammen,...