by use less | Jul 15, 2020 | Capsule wardrobe guides, Style
I’m a little more than halfway through my pregnancy, and from the beginning I’ve been kind of trying not to let my pregnancy define my style all too much; of course with some exceptions. I’m slowly losing my mobility (pelvic floor and back pain has...
by use less | Jan 21, 2020 | Capsule wardrobe guides
These tips are beyond supporting ethical fashion brands (which is of course also essential). So this post has more focus on “using what you have” than “shopping for new” – but should you be interested in delving into the amazing world of sustainable fashion...
by use less | Oct 29, 2019 | Style
You’ve already seen it on Instagram and on my Youtube channel a few times as well, and I’m just over the moon for my new coat. I bought it during one of my monthly Linger shopping trips a little while back, and when I was about to take pictures of it for...
by use less | May 13, 2019 | Style
There’s no doubt, that I’m a real sucker for basic AF outfits. It’s a style that I’ve been drawn to ever since my late teen years, when I really started getting into personal style and fashion. It’s the sort of outfits I tend to save on...
by use less | May 20, 2018 | Capsule wardrobe guides
A look back at spring June is closing in on us – the first official month of summer (in Denmark anyway). Even though I’ve learned that you can’t plan your capsules based 100% upon the calendar, because you can never be too sure about the weather...