Vintage shopping in London

Feb 12, 2018 | 3 comments

I can’t believe it’s already one week since we came home from lovely London! We came home late monday evening, so we were both pretty tired when we had to get out of bed the next day. Our flight was delayed almost an hour because of bad weather when we were heading home. We had the best time, and I miss it so much already! A city vacation has always been a favourite to us, even though we also love our peace and quiet. You can walk for miles the entire day, and then retire to your hotel or Airbnb when you’re tired which was pretty much the same way we spend our long weekend in London, haha!

Jeg kan slet ikke forstå det allerede er en uge siden vi kom hjem fra skønne London! Vi kom hjem sent mandag aften, så vi var begge godt trætte tirsdag, da vi skulle op på arbejde begge to og vores fly var næsten en time forsinket pga. uvejr da vi skulle hjem. Vi havde den skønneste tur, jeg savner det allerede helt vildt! Storby ferie har altid været blandt favoritterne for os, på trods af vi også elsker ro og fred. Man kan gå rundt i timevis og trække sig tilbage til sit hotel eller sin Airbnb når man nu ikke kan mere, hvilket var præcis samme fremgangsmåde denne gang, haha!

We stayed in an Airbnb in Shoreditch, which is in the eastern part of London. The area in itself is really popular – it’s very vibrant and cool and there are so many great concept stores, restaurants, cafés and bars on every corner. Among the favourite places we went to was Brick Lane where we did a little vintage shopping on Saturday. Especially the Brick Lane Vintage Market which is placed down in a huge basement filled with stalls with vintage clothing was a cool experience, but we also went to some of the other stores in the area like for example Rokit Vintage which was also pretty cool, so I can really recommend this area to go on a good thrifthunt. I bought a few things for my spring capsule, which I can’t wait to share with you all! If you feel like going on the shopping trip with me, you can by watching m vlog in the bottom of this post. I’m also sharing what I bought in that video. Going for secondhand options first whenever I want to add new items to my wardrobe, has become the norm for me and London one of the best places I’ve gone vintage shopping so far. You can of course find many statement items but you can also find great and versatile basics (lovely blazers, leather jackets and Levi’s jeans to mention a few), if you just take the time to browse. If you know what you’re going for beforehand, it’s a nice and quite mindful way to shop, I think. You can read all about how to make a perfect shopping list right HERE.

Our Airbnb was only a 10-15 minute walk from Brick Lane and Liverpool Street Station. Unfortunately it was not very well insulated (earplugs saved us!), but it’s placement and our kind and helpful host made up for everything. You can find the studio right here, if you want to have a closer look.  Besides the amazing vintage bargains I made I also stopped by the Lush shop near Oxford Street, to pick up some more package free soaps. One of the girls in the shop knew me from my channel, which was so fun! I’ve never met anyone of you before, and it was so cool to finally be able to meet someone in real life!

Vi boede i en Airbnb i Shoreditch, hvilket er den nordøstlige del af London. Området er i sig selv virkelig populært – det er meget hipt og der ligger spændende konceptbutikker, restauranter, caféer og barer på alle gadehjørner. Blandt favoritterne var Brick Lane hvor vi var på vintage shopping om lørdagen. Især Brick Lane Market der ligger i en kæmpestor kælder, hvor der er massevis af forskellige stande med genbrugstøj var en fed oplevelse, men vi var også inde i andre genbrugsbutikker der (som fx Rokit Vintage, der også var virkelig sej) og det kan klart anbefales. Jeg købte et par forskellige sager med hjem til min forårscapsule, som jeg glæder mig rigtig meget til at dele med jer! Hvis I har lyst til at komme med mig på shoppingturen, så kan I se videoen nederst i indlægget. Der viser jeg jer også hvad jeg endte med at købe. At købe brugt og tjekke mine muligheder i genbrugsbutikker er virkelig blevet en førsteprioritet for mig, og London er klart det fedeste sted jeg endnu har været på vintage shopping. Du kan selvfølgelig finde mange statement items, men der er bestemt også mange gode basis fund (som smukke blazere, læderjakker og Levi’s jeans) man kan finde sig, hvis blot man tager sig tiden til det. Hvis man ved hvad man går efter, så er det en skøn måde at shoppe på, synes jeg. Læs mere om hvordan du laver en shopping liste lige HER.

Vores Airbnb lå kun 10-15 minutters gang fra Brick Lane og Liverpool Street Station. Den var desværre meget lydt (ørepropper blev vores redning), men beliggenheden og vores vært som var virkelig hjælpsom gjorde op for det hele. I kan finde lejligheden her, hvis det skulle have interesse. Udover de fantastiske vintage fund købte jeg også et par emballage-fri ting med hjem fra Lush butikken inde ved Oxford Street, hvor én af pigerne i butikken kunne genkende mig fra min Youtube kanal. Det var altså lidt sjovt, og det er så dejligt at møde følgere ude i “den virkelige verden”!

Other favourite things we did was definitely the long walk through Hyde Park on Sunday and all of the things we saw that day in general; Princess Diana’s memorial fountain (I’m quite obsessed with the Royal family of Britain), Buckingham Palace and the area around Big Ben and London Eye. Unfortunately Big Ben was covered in scaffolds because it is being restored, so we couldn’t really see it. We knew it beforehand but I mean. Many tourists must have felt so annoyed. You can’t really say you’ve seen Big Ben, you know 😉 We had a lot of great food and one of the places i had been looking forward to was the vegan restaurant Deliciously Ella. I use their app every week when I have to plan out our meals, and we had the most delicious Indian dahl with rice in their restaurant. I highly recommend both app and restaurant!

On Monday before leaving I had a meeting with Rewardstyle, which is the agency that handles my afiliate programme. It was a lovely meeting, and I got a lot of great feedback on how things are working ou with my content. It’s feels great being able to prove, that you can actually be a niche-blogger who encourage people to make more conscious and sustainable choices and also shop secondhand, and still do well. I’m full of new inspiration and I want to optimise especially my shop feature in here – I want a whole section dedicated to my top secondhand picks, so I can make it even easier for you guys to find all the cool pieces in secondhand versions. 

Andre favoritter var helt klart den lange gåtur gennem Hyde Park om søndagen og i det hele taget alle de ting vi så den dag; Prinsesse Diana’s mindesmærke inde i parken (jeg er lidt besat af det britiske kongehus), Buckingham Palace og området ved Big Ben og London Eye. Desværre var Big Ben under restauration så vi kunne overhovedet ikke se det. Som i OVERHOVEDET. Det var fuldstændig dækket af stillads, haha! Mange turister må have følt sig lidt snydt. Vi vidste det godt på forhånd, men alligevel. Man kan jo ikke rigtig sige, at man har set Big Ben, vel? 😉 Vi spiste meget god mad, og stedet jeg havde set mest frem til at prøve var den veganske restaurant/café Deliciously Ella. Jeg bruger deres app hver uge, til at planlægge vores aftensmad og vi fik den lækreste veganske dahl med ris derinde. Både app og restaurant kan helt klart anbefales!

Mandag var jeg til møde hos Rewardstyle, som er det bureau jeg har mit afiliate program igennem, hvor jeg fik en masse feedback på hvordan det går med mit content. Det var et super godt møde, og det var dejligt at få noget feedback på, hvordan man faktisk kan klare sig som niche-blogger, der helst vil præge sine følgere til at købe mere bæredygtigt og genbrug generelt. Nu har jeg en masse inspiration og ting jeg skal have arbejdet videre med det næste stykke tid! Især min shop feature herinde (bjælken øverst på siden), vil jeg gerne optimere endnu mere og jeg vil gerne gøre mere ud af at finde lækre genbrugsfund til jer på denne helt vildt brugervenlige måde.

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  1. Rebecca

    Sounds like you had so much fun in London. I am also obsessed with the Royal Family…. love watching “The Crown” on Netflix!
    I’m not very fond of shopping in charity shops like Goodwill but I plan on finding some vintage shops and see if I have better luck.
    Love your content ????

  2. Anna

    I’m so happy you had a good time in London. We only live a couple of hours away but my 13 year old daughter only saw Oxford Street (from the top of a bus) for the first time at Christmas. She was overwhelmed by the size of the shops which are so big compared to our little town! London is great for vintage shopping. Next time you should try some of the markets!

    • signeh24

      I’d love to come back and check out the markets too! you’re right, the city center can be quite overwhelming :-*


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