by use less | May 25, 2023 | Capsule wardrobe guides, Colour analysis
Scroll down for Danish What even is colour analysis, and why is it amazing? Read more about that HERE. When I meet you for a colour consultation, whether that being in-person or virtually, we always start with a chat about the technique as well as your goals,...
by use less | Apr 18, 2023 | Colour analysis
So, I had to re-write this post as my website recently moved and unfortunately the original post disappeared in the process! Anyway, one of the areas in which I’ve been trained when I became certified colour consultant was help my client find their best makeup...
by use less | Dec 12, 2021 | Capsule wardrobe guides
Det er helt bestemt blevet vinter i Danmark de sidste par uger – selvom vi ikke har decideret frost endnu, så nærmer vi os med hastige skridt og det har derfor været kærkomment, at blive genforenet med mine vinter musthaves. Der er bl.a. min dejlige puffer fra...