What to wear when you don’t know what to wear

What to wear when you don’t know what to wear

In one of our recent episodes of the Sustain This Podcast, we talked about the difference between fashion and style. Fashion very much tends to be reflected in our society and culture and itā€™s kind of what we collectively tend to wear during a specific time period,...
What I packed for 9 days in Copenhagen during summer

What I packed for 9 days in Copenhagen during summer

If youā€™ve followed me for a while you know that I love packing with intention both to make getting dressed easier at the destination, but also to endure a more stress-free way of travelling in general. If youā€™re travelling with a carry-on suitcase only this...
Hygge meets fashion: a guide to Danish style

Hygge meets fashion: a guide to Danish style

If you’re new around here then hi, Iā€™m Signe – A Danish slow fashion advocate, and today I want to talk you through a topic that is, naturally, close to my heart: Danish fashion & style. Before we get into it, because I feel like people take some...