by use less | Aug 11, 2021 | Style
Jeg har altid været stor fortaler for “progress not perfection”, og selvom jeg har arbejdet aktivt med min stil, især med fokus på en mere bæredygtig omstilling, siden 2015 (og iøvrigt siden er blevet uddannet style coach); så begår jeg stadig fejl somme...
by use less | Jul 19, 2019 | Capsule wardrobe guides
It’s been a while since publishing my guide on how to shop sustainably on a budget (the video is in the bottom of this post), and because I know many shops are having huge summer sales at the moment I thought it was about time with a little bit of a refresh on...
by use less | Feb 1, 2019 | Travel
As many of your guys know I signed with London-based Sixteenth a while back, which means I’ll be flying to London quite a lot in the future. I’ve been in London a few times before with previous Jobs (primarily around Oxford Circus), but there’s so...
by use less | Aug 17, 2018 | Style
Diamond ring HERE – hoops HERE Okay, so I know we’re only in the middle of August but am I the only one who’s a bit excited about autumn? It’s my absolut favourite season when it comes to dressing (besides spring). I love all the brown shades...
by use less | Apr 9, 2018 | Style
Many of you often express to me that you find it hard to find great styles from sustainable brands. So therefore, I thought that at least once a month I will collect some of my favourites for you – exclusively from sustainable brands. It wont be easier...