6 ways to wear: the short sleeve shirt.

Apr 8, 2018 | 2 comments


Shop the black shirt here with 20% off using code USELESS at checkout (adlink)
Some time ago, I was so lucky to be contacted by Power Of My People, who wanted to send me one of their beautiful shirts for my spring capsule. The shirts are designed and produced responsibly in Canada, and since we have many of the same thoughts and values regarding the fashion industry, I had to say yes! The shirt is made of linen, which is so comfy and airy to wear when the temperatures rise during spring and summer. What’s not to like? 
For noget tid siden var jeg så heldig, at blive kontaktet af Power Of My People, som gerne ville sende mig én af deres fine skjorter til min spring capsule. Skjorterne bliver designet og produceret bæredygtigt i Canada, og da vi har mange af de samme holdninger og værdier i forhold til modebranchen var jeg næsten nødt til, at sige ja tak! Skjorten er lavet i hør, hvilket er super dejligt og luftigt at have på, når temperaturerne stiger. What’s not to like?


Each time I do these “6 ways to wear” challenges, I learn to put together my favourite items in my wardrobe in new ways. For example, I ended up being really excited about look number 3 on the collage above (you can see a live version of the outfit in the video at the bottom of the post). The striped t-shirt worked SO well under this shirt! Besides that, I was also really pleased with the slightly more preppy and fun vibe in look number 4 when I tied a knot on the shirt. It’s quite fun to isolate an item this way, and (re)discover how many styling options you actually have. It’s a great way to satisfy your inner fashionista without storming out to buy something new!
Hver gang jeg laver disse “6 ways to wear” udfordringer, så lærer jeg at sammensætte mine yndlings items i min garderobe på nye måder. Fx så endte jeg med, at være ovenud begejstret for look nummer 3 på collagen ovenfor (se det i levende live i videoen nederst i indlægget). Den stribede t-shirt fungerede SÅ godt indenunder denne skjorte! Udover det så var jeg også virkelig glad for den lidt mere preppy vibe i look nummer 4, da jeg bandt en knude foran på skjorten. Det er lidt sjovt at isolere et produkt på denne måde, og på den måde (gen)opdage hvor mange stylingmuligheder man faktisk har. Det er en god måde, at tilfredsstille sin indre fashionista på, uden at storme ud og købe noget nyt!


I just know I’m going to love this shirt just as much once summer comes; it’s perfect with a pair of denim shorts or a denim skirt. In fact, I could also see the look I’m wearing in these pictures with a pair of slider sandals instead of the ballerinas. Great for warmer summer days! I like the shirt slightly open at the neck and then with a lace bra or cami peeking through at the neckline.
Jeg ved bare, at jeg kommer til at elske denne skjorte ligeså meget når sommeren rammer os; den er perfekt sammen med et par denim shorts eller en denim nederdel. Faktisk kunne jeg også sagtens se looket på billederne her med et par slider sandaler i stedet for ballerinaerne. Jeg kan bedst lide skjorten knappet op som her, gerne med en blonde BH eller lignende indenunder.


  1. Melanie

    I love this outfit so much and would wear it the same! I like your collages und would wear every single outfit :-*

    Melanie / http://www.goldzeitblog.de

  2. Short Sleeves

    Great post! So helpful post. Thanks for sharing wonderful post.


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