8 ways to get your wardrobe ready for spring

Feb 20, 2020 | 6 comments

Through time I’ve written several posts with tips about wardrobe structure, care and style inspiration and since spring (as well as autumn) is my favourite season of all, because the weather shifting and nature blooming simply gives my creativity and mood such a boost, that I get inspired to shake things up in my wardrobe – I thought it would be great with a bit of a recap on how to get your wardrobe ready for a new season.

I can’t believe it’s been a year since moving back home to Aabenraa and selling our old house. 2019 was kind of a weird year in that sense. A bit of a blurry one to be honest, and we lost or ground a couple times. But the spring season 2020 will be quite special, because now we live in a new lovely house, we’ve found our way again and then I actually also turn 30 in May. Speaking of style and wardrobe, I wouldn’t say I’m tired of my winter capsule but I do long for lighter days, birds singing from 6 in the morning and the smell of spring in the air. And I also long for wardrobes faves such as my trench coat, my beige biker jacket and my beige ankle boots, that has been packed away for winter hibernation. I’m looking forward to “shop” my wardrobe very soon!

Gennem tiden har jeg skrevet adskillige indlæg med tips til alt lige fra garderobe strukturering, pleje og stilinspiration forud for en sæson. Og eftersom forår (sammen med efterår) er min favorit sæson, fordi der sker så meget med vejret denne tid at det virkelig booster min kreativitet og giver mig lyst til at “ryste posen” (altså garderoben) lidt, så tænkte jeg at det var godt givet ud med en opsummering af nogle af disse tips.

Det er slet ikke til at forstå at det er et helt år siden vi solgte vores gamle hus, og flyttede hjem til Aabenraa. 2019 var et lidt skørt år, på dét plan. Et lidt rodet år, hvor vi mistede fodfæstet lidt til tider. Men forårssæsonen 2020 bliver helt speciel, for vi bor nu i et dejligt hus igen, har atter fundet fodfæste og så fylder jeg faktisk også 30 år i Maj måned. På det garderobemæssige plan vil jeg ikke sige, at jeg er træt af min vintergarderobe, men jeg må altså indrømme at jeg længes efter de lysere dage, fuglekvidder om morgenen og duften af blomster og bøgehække der springer ud. Og så længes jeg efter garderobefavoritter som min trench coat, min beige biker jakke og mine beige støvletter, der har været på pause vinteren over. Glæder mig til at “shoppe min egen garderobe” inden længe.

1. End of season clear-out & wardrobe care

Now that the winter season is soon to be over, I usually like to clean up and care for any winter items, that I’m going to pack away until next winter. My parka could do with a wash, my boots needs to be shined up with some leather care and I want to get my knitwear de-bubbled and air “washed”, to mention a few examples. I also like hoovering my wardrobe and run a cloth over the shelves, so that everything looks neat and inspiring ahead of the new season. Get my best tips on caring for your wardrobe right HERE, and get more tips on caring for the closet space itself ahead of a new season right HERE.

Nu hvor vintersæsonen er ved at være forbi, så giver jeg mig snart i kast med, at rengøre og pleje mine vinter items, inden de bliver pakket væk til næste vinter. Min parka trænger til en tur i vaskemaskinen, mine støvler trænger til en omgang læderpleje og mine striktrøjer skal af-fnuldres og luftes igennem, for at nævne nogle eksempler. Jeg kan også godt lide at støvsuge skabet og tørre diverse hylder af, så alt ser pænt og inspirerende ud igen. Få mine bedste tips til at pleje dit tøj HER, samt flere tips til at gøre selve skabet lækkert forud for en ny sæson HER.

2. To keep or to toss? How to decide.

And now that you’ve got your nose buried in your wardrobe anyway to go through all your clothing, maybe it would be worth doing a bit of a wardrobe clear-out. I’ve got 3 plastic boxes with clothing from previous seasons and I also have some shoe boxes with shoes that I’ve either felt a need to just take a break from or that I’ve simply not been able to wear because they were out of season. I go through these boxes when the seasons change, when I build my capsule wardrobes. And sometimes I stumble upon an item from my “good old” shopaholic days, that I for some reason had trouble parting with but now finally realize that is just not giving me any real wardrobe joy. Learn more about how to decide which items to part with, and how to find out whether something brings you joy or not right HERE.

Og nu hvor du alligevel stikker næsen dybt ind i din garderobe, og gennemgår alt det du har – så er det oplagt, med en lille revurdering af nogle af de items du ligger inde med. Jeg har 3 plastik kasser, med tøj gemt fra tidligere sæsoner og ligeledes har jeg nogle skoæsker med sko, jeg enten har haft brug for en pause fra eller bare ikke har været i sæson. Disse kasser gennemgår jeg hver eneste sæson, når jeg bygger min capsule wardrobe. Og indimellem dukker der måske et item op fra mine “glade” shopaholic dage, som jeg engang ikke var helt klar på at skille mig af med; men måske er nu. Lær hvordan du beslutter dig for, om noget er en favorit og bringer ægte garderobeglæde eller ej lige HER.

3. Finding your style & sticking with it

Maybe you’re still a bit lost about how to find the core of your personal style? Don’t worry! You can start the process right HERE (and I write the word process, because personal style is and always will be a life-long journey and it will never become 100% static for most people, because it’s a reflection of your life and what you go through). Otherwise I’m going to publish some online courses this summer, that will help each of you individually even further, in terms if finding your style once and for all. I’ll keep you updated of course! I can’t wait to offer even more help, so that we together can help you build a wardrobe that gives you lots of confidence and joy.

Måske er du stadig lidt lost i forhold til, at finde ind til kernen af din stil? Don’t worry! Du kan tyvstarte på processen HER (og jeg skriver proces, da personlig stil virkelig er en livslang proces, og aldrig bliver 100% statisk eftersom den jo afspejler dig og dit livs begivenheder). Ellers, så kommer jeg omkring sommersæsonen til, at udgive en række online kurser netop til dig, der stadig har svært ved, at finde kernen af din stil en gang for alle. Jeg skal nok holde jer opdaterede så snart det er klart! Jeg glæder mig SÅ meget til, at tilbyde endnu mere personlig hjælp, så vi sammen kan finde frem til din helt egen garderobeglæde.

4. Adding season-appropriate colours to your wardrobe

If you like a neutral colour palette (like me), maybe with a few pops of colour here and there, I wrote a post last spring about classic spring neutrals you can love year after year. Read it right HERE. But maybe you’re much more brave and you love dressing in colours? In that case, I’ve also made a guide on how to build a timeless yet colourful capsule wardrobe. Check it out HERE. It’s a misunderstanding that a capsule wardrobe has to be colorless to work. A capsule wardrobe is (and should always be!) a reflection of YOU and your personal style – not matter what that might be.

Hvis du er til den neutrale farve palette (som jeg selv er), måske med enkelte farveskud her og der, så skrev jeg sidste forår et indlæg om lige netop neutrale forårsklassikere, som du kan elske år efter år. Det kan du læse lige HER. Men det kan også være du er mere modig, og elsker farver? I så fald har jeg lavet en guide til, at opbygge en tidløs og solid capsule wardrobe fuld af farver. Den kan du kaste et kig på lige HER. Det er nemlig en skrøne, at en capsule wardrobe ikke kan indeholde farver. En capsule wardrobe er (og skal være!) personlig, og afspejle din stil – uanset hvordan denne måtte se ud.

5. Plan your shopping and avoid impulse buys

No matter where on the journey you might be towards finding peace with your style and wardrobe; most of us have been there. Right there, buying stuff from left to right without purpose and using that as a form of therapy. It’s a waste of time, money and ressources; not only yours, but also the planet’s. You can have a look at how to avoid impulse shopping right HERE, and after reading that post I think you should have a look at my guide on how to plan your shopping, so that you know what you buy will become wardrobe faves. Read all about that HERE.

Uanset hvor på rejsen du er, mod at slutte fred med din stil og garderobe; så har de fleste af os været der. Der, hvor vi købte løs uden formål, og brugte shopping som terapi. Det er spild af penge, tid og ressourcer. Ikke kun dine, men også naturens. Du kan kaste et blik på mine tips til, at undgå impulsshopping HER, og efterfølgende synes jeg da også lige, at du skal tjekke ud hvordan du så rent faktisk planlægger dine indkøb mere systematisk, så de rent faktisk opfylder et behov hos dig – og så du véd de bliver garderobefavoritter. Det kan du læse mere om HER.

6. Finding inspiration for the season ahead

I LOVE browsing inspiration ahead of a new season! I’m a Pinterest addict, and I use the platform not only to get inspired for new outfit combos, but in general also to get in the mood for the new season. You can learn how I rework my wardrobe (without shopping) right HERE. Besides that I’ve been making capsule wardrobes for almost 4 years now, and every season I share them with you guys. You can have a look what inspired me for my spring capsule last year right HERE, and what the final result ended up looking like HERE. Otherwise, you’ll have to wait for my spring capsule inspiration and final outcome for this year, which I will dig into very soon. I’ve also just published a video with 7 spring/summer trends for 2020, and you can probably recreate some of them with things you already have in your wardrobe. Watch the video and learn more about how to handle trends more sustainably right HERE.

Jeg ELSKER at gå på jagt efter inspiration forud for en ny sæson! Jeg er afhængig af Pinterest, og bruger platformen ikke kun til inspiration til nye outfit kombinationer, men også generelt bare til at komme i stemning til en ny sæson. Du kan lære mere om hvordan jeg fornyer min garderobe (uden at købe nyt) lige HER. Udover det har jeg jo efterhånden lavet capsule wardrobes i 4 år, og hver sæson deler jeg dem med jer. Du kan tage et kig på min inspiration forud for forårssæsonen sidste år HER, samt se hvordan min forårs capsule for samme år så ud HER. Ellers, så må du vente spændt til jeg snart udgiver min inspiration samt endelig capsule for i år, som jeg deler meget snart. Jeg har også netop udgivet en video med 7 trends for forår/sommer i år, som du højst sandsynligt kan følge nogle af, med ting du allerede har i skabet. Se videoen, og hør nærmere om hvordan du lærer at mestre tilgangen til trends mere bæredygtigt lige HER.

7. Building a visual overview of your wardrobe

This is of course something I particularly like doing because I like sharing my capsule wardrobes with you all in here. BUT, there are apps out there, that are meant to help us all create a better overview of the things we have in our wardrobes, and that can also help us generate new outfit ideas. It’s such a helpful and clever tool in a busy day-to-day life. You don’t even have to take pictures of your own clothes – in most cases you can simply choose items from a library that are similar to what you have yourself! Apps like these are so cool, because they can provide you with newfound inspiration and help getting the urge to buy new under control. And then they are genius ahead of vacations too, to make sure you don’t overpack. Find out which apps I’m talking about right HERE.

Dette er selvfølgelig mest af alt noget jeg ynder at gøre, fordi jeg gerne vil dele mine capsules med jer herinde. MEN, der findes altså apps derude, som skal hjælpe os alle med, at skabe mere overblik og også kan hjælpe med at generere nye outfit kombinationer. Det er simpelthen så smart og ligetil i en travl hverdag. Du behøver ikke engang tage billeder af dit eget tøj – du kan blot vælge items der ligner det du selv har, ud fra et bibliotek! Apps som disse er smarte, fordi de kan give dig ny inspiration og afhjælpe trangen til impulskøb. Og så er de geniale forud for ferier også, så du er sikker på du ikke overpakker. Find ud af hvilke apps jeg taler om lige HER.

8. Structuring your closet space

Last but not least, I’d like to mention the power of structuring and optimizing your wardrobe. I’ve made several wardrobe tours through the years (mostly because we’ve moved a couple times now), and you can have a look at my latest wardrobe tour right HERE. How you utilize your wardrobe is super important in terms of being able to effortlessly put together lovely outfits every day – and of course it also means something in terms of wardrobe care and longevity. And who has time to iron stuff every morning anyway? I know, right? utilize your wardrobe so it makes sense to you and the style you have, and so that it also takes your everyday life into account.

Sidst men ikke mindst, så vil jeg gerne slå et slag for optimering af indretningen af dit skab. Jeg har lavet adskillige wardrobe tours gennem tiden (mest af alt fordi vi er flyttet et par gange de sidste par år), men min seneste tour kan du tage et kig på HER. Indretningen af dit skab har stor betydning for din evne til let, at sammensætte outfits fra dag til dag – og så betyder det selvfølgelig også noget for tøjets holdbarhed og fremtoning. Hvem gider stå og bruge uanede mængder af tid på at stryge hver morgen fx? Nej vel? Indret dit skab så det passer til dig og din stil, og så det også tager højde for din hverdag.


  1. Susan

    Hi Signe, Since a while I have the Cladwell App (thanks to your recommendations) and this was the best investment I ever made and it is worth each Dollar. even if you need some Time investment at the beginning, it pays off quickly. It is amazing how many different outfits you can create with just a few clothes. It saves a lot of time and I also feel much more confident in the “combinations” I wear. It truely helps to buy less as you just have to look at the app and see that you have plenty, more than you can ever wear. And it even helps to declutter as it shows what you never wear….
    Anyhow, I ove your new post and look also forward to work on myself, my spring capsule and general decluttering of our home.
    Take care and I am looking forward to the styling courses to come 🙂

  2. Kameela

    Me too I Iove spring and can’t wait to take off the heavy coats and sport my blazers
    Wow you’re a May birthday girl.What date? I am May also. All the cool people are born in May?

    • signeh24

      Haha agree all cool people are born in May! My birthday is the 26th 🙂 xx

  3. Gail

    Signe you are a true inspiration. I have just “shopped my closet” this weekend for my spring capsule, and although I still aspire to a capsule wardrobe it is definitely still a work in progress. After a few decades of clothes hoarding it will take me a while to get there. Anyway I am now down to 67 items including shoes and coats.. having started with over 300 at mid 2019. I love this concept and truly feel I will never go back.
    In the mean time you have also inspired me to start my own blog. I have always loved food and writing but never got around to doing anything about it. I have now jumped off the cliff (!) and you can check out my blog at: http://www.thewindsorwaffle.com. I am loving it. Good luck with all your projects for 2020 and thanks for inspiring me in my wardrobe and in my life! Gail x

  4. Amy

    Hi Signe! Your content is always inspiring to me, so I appreciate everything you’re doing! In regards to your wardrobe and the seasons changing, how often do you go through and declutter certain clothes you don’t love or aren’t your style anymore?

    • signeh24

      Hi Amy! Thank you so much! I tend to do that every 3 months, when I’m switching between seasons and going through my entire wardrobe+storage anyway 🙂 Signe x


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