A peek into my spring capsule – part one.

Apr 3, 2016 | 0 comments

my spring capsule1
spring capsule

capsule wardrobe

Products from:
Moss Copenhagen
Calvin Klein
Among others….

Min nuværende capsule garderobe er klassisk minimalistisk med et sporty twist. Ovenstående er de produkter jeg oftest griber ud efter om morgenen, og mange af dem er favoritter som jeg har haft i garderoben i flere år efterhånden. Lyseblå denim, lækre knitrende skjorter, klassiske herre-inspirerede bukser og læder er kodeordene for min perfekte basis garderobe.

My spring capsule is classic, minimalistic and has a sporty twist. These are the products I go for most mornings when I have to get ready. Some of them are favorites, that I’ve had for several years now. Light blue denim, crisp white shirts, classic slacks and leather are the keywords for my perfect basic wardrobe.


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