Buy less choose well: my shopping guide.

Aug 25, 2017 | 5 comments

In this post I’ll be sharing my best shopping tips with you guys, so you’ll be inspired to shop less in general and shop better when you do.

/ Fall is just around the corner, and as with every other change of season all fashion-lovers out there are dying to get their wardrobes ready for this beautiful season. In this post I’ll be sharing my best shopping tips with you guys, so you’ll be inspired to shop less in general and shop better when you do. Not only for your own sake (no more panic when you have to get dressed in the morning!) but of course also for the environment. I’ve said this a million times, but let’s just recap: the fashion industri is the one that pollutes our plant most, the only industry that pollutes more is the oil industry. So with having that fresh in our memories, let’s talk shopping!

Efteråret er på trapperne, og som ved hver sæsonskifte så er de fleste fashionistas i fuld gang med, at planlægge deres garderobe til denne smukke, kølige sæson. I dette indlæg vil jeg dele mine bedste shopping tips med jer, så I kan få noget inspiration til, at shoppe mindre og bedre – ikke blot for jeres egen skyld (farvel tøjkriser!) men i dén grad også for vores miljø. Selvom jeg har sagt det tusindvis af gange, så siger jeg det lige igen; modebranchen er verdens 2. mest forurenende industri, kun overgået af olie industrien. Så med denne info frisk i hukommelsen, så tror jeg vi er klar til, at snakke shopping! Klik på barerne herunder, for at læse mere.


Favourite brands

/ My favourite brands are a mix between brands I have yet to try (like Everlane that I could seriously wear EVERYTHING from), fairtrade brands and other brands I just like the overall style and design from. They all make great minimal/classic products, which is part of the reason why I love them.

Mine favoritbrands er både brands jeg ikke selv har haft mulighed for at prøve endnu (bl.a. Everlane som jeg kunne se mig selv gå i ALT fra), og der er både bæredygtige/fairtrade mærker blandt, men også generelt bare mærker som laver god kvalitet og flotte styles. Fælles for de fleste er, at de laver fine, minimalistiske/klassiske produkter.

Everlane – People TreeSelected FemmeCos& Other StoriesLevi’sAcne StudiosGestuzInwear


The art of limitation

/ Over the years I’ve learned to stop following every single trend out there, and to stay true to myself and my style instead. Even though there are many things out there that you like you will learn that having all of it, won’t make you one bit happier with your wardrobe. If you do like to enjoy trends; enjoy them carefully. I always search for secondhand options, since many of the trends we see today goes round and round from previous centuries! Watch my trend guides HERE. Use and enjoy what you already have, instead of being on a constant (and quite exhausting) hunt for new stuff. Another way to learn how to limit yourself, is by building a capsule wardrobe. Read my guide on that HERE. Also be careful about not adding too many of the same products to your wardrobe. Ask yourself if you already have something similar, and imagine yourself wearing the particular item 20-30 times, still being in love with it after it gets more worn in.

Jeg har gennem årene lært overordnet set, at holde mig fra de hurtige, forbipasserende trends og sætte mere pris på de langtidsholdbare produkter. Det betyder overhovedet ikke, at der ikke er meget derude som jeg egentlig synes er fedt – men jeg har vænnet mig selv af med konstant at skulle være på jagt efter nye ting for hver en pris! Jeg anbefaler, at hvis man godt kan lide at skifte hyppigt ud i garderoben, at man lærer sig selv at købe flere brugte ting, og også sælge dem videre igen efterfølgende. Det gør jeg selv, og jeg elsker det! Man kan finde SÅ mange fede og trendy ting på divers secondhand webshops, med lidt god vilje kan man faktisk stort set altid finde mange af de trends, vi ser i dag! Det kan du se mit bevis på lige HER. En anden måde at lære dig selv at praktisere begrænsningens kunst er ved, at opbygge en capsule wardrobe. Det kan du læse mere om lige HER. Pas også på med, ikke at tilføje for mange af samme slags produkter i din garderobe. Du har højst sandsynligt ikke brug for 4 ternede blazere i din garderobe; køb den rigtige første gang i stedet! Prøv at forestille dig selv være iført produktet 20-30 gange, og være kritisk omkring hvorvidt du stadig vil elske det, selv når det begynder at vise tegn på brug.


Quality above quantity

/ When you add something to your wardrobe, teach yourself that you are adding this to keep it, to use it and to be happy with it; not to dispose it once the seasons change. Learn to accept the fact that good quality just cost a little more than bad quality clothing. And also remember that when you’re not willing to pay the price for a piece of garment, someone else is paying it for you; either the environment or the people who made it. I would much rather buy 1 good quality item than 3 crappy ones (pardon my french).

Lær dig selv, at når du tilføjer noget til din garderobe, så gør du det fordi du har i sinde, rent faktisk at bruge dette produkt. At nyde det; ikke smide det ud så snart sæsonen skifter og det ikke længere er trendy. Accepter, at god kvalitet koster lidt mere. Det behøver ikke koste en milliard at opbygge en solid garderobe – husk på, at når du køber designer produkter, så betaler du en stor del blot for det label der sidder i. Men hvis du ikke er villig til at betale den pris der er fair, så er der nogle andre der betaler den for dig – enten de mennesker der har været med til at fremstille det eller miljøet!




  • Common materials that are better for the environment: (recycled/organic) cotton, organic linen, recycled polyester, recycled nylon, organic wool, silk, lyocell (good dupe for silk – more affordable but has kind of the same soft and shiny surface).
  • Common materials that are not so good for the environment: cotton, viscose, rayon, nylon, polyamid, spandex/elastane, angora, acrylic.

The above is just a guideline. For example: cotton is not just cotton, but I understand that it is hard for the average consumer to know all of this. I don’t even know everything that is to know. But it is good to know a little. Always take good care of your clothes – follow the instructions on the carelabel, and read my overall “handle with care” guides HERE.

De ovennævnte kvaliteter er blot en guideline. Bomuld er fx ikke bare bomuld, og jeg ved godt dette er meget teknisk og vanskeligt for den almindelige forbruger, at sætte sig ind i. Jeg ved heller ikke alt der er værd at vide. Men at vide lidt er også godt. Pas altid godt på dit tøj, og følg vaskeanvisningen nøje. Du kan læse nogle af mine tips til at passe godt på dit tøj HER.


Where to save and where to spend

/ My absolute favourite thing to do when it comes to shopping good quality clothing, is to find the products secondhand. I often find products in great condition and at a reasonable price – everything from shoes & boots, to bags and coats. It can be high end brands like Acne but I have also found things from & Other Stories and Cos. So use your imagination! This is indeed the most effective way to shop sustainable other than going for sustainable brands and materials!

In general I tend to spend less money on basic t-shirts and tanks since you use these a lot, and they wear out quicker. I like to spend more money on the ”heavy” things that can make a huge difference in your look like coats & blazers, leather products like bags and boots and also on jewelry. All my jewelry is sterling silver or gold, so that they last a lifetime. I also like to spend a little more when it comes to nice evening wear tops, making them look more exclusive. Knitwear is also a part of my wardrobe where I never compromise – I stay away from knitwear that is for example 100% acrylic or other artifical materials. When it comes to jeans I have everything from Levi’s jeans to old H&M jeans in my wardrobe. To me it’s more about the fit and the wash, when it comes to jeans.

Noget af det jeg elsker allermest når jeg skal shoppe er, at tjekke udvalget på diverse secondhand webshops ud! En stor del af min garderobe er genbrug, og jeg ejer ting fra alt lige fra Acne Studios til & Other Stories. De produkter jeg finder er ofte i super god stand og så er de jo væsentligt billigere. Så brug din fantasi! Dette er jo uden tvivl den allermest effektive måde, at shoppe mere bæredygtigt på.

Generelt bruger jeg færre penge på ting som basis oppe og t-shirts, fordi de nærmest uanset hvilket mærke de kommer fra, er noget af det der vil slides op hurtigst. Jeg spenderer derimod gerne lidt mere på de “tunge” ting, som strik, frakker, blazere, tasker og støvler. Ting som virkelig kan gøre en kæmpe forskel og få dit look til, at se mere eksklusivt ud. Når det kommer til strik så holder jeg mig fra de meget kunstige materialer som 100% akryl. Jeg synes det er ubehageligt at have på (det kradser og huden kan ikke ånde), og så synes jeg bare det ser tarveligt ud efter blot et par få ganges vask og brug. Jeg spenderer også gerne lidt ekstra på mine smykker, og jeg køber derfor kun smykker i enten forgyldt eller ren sterling sølv, så de holder sig pæne så længe som muligt. Når det kommer til jeans har jeg alt lige fra vintage Levi’s jeans til gamle par fra H&M. Her er det mere fittet og farven der afgør det for mig.


Choosing the right colour, fit & size

/ We have a tendency to compromise if we’ve fallen in love with a product so much, that we don’t care if the last size available is a bit too small or just doesn’t quite suit or body type. Compromising in this step can result in you not ending up using this product, because everytime you wear it you feel uncomfortable. SO – pick the right size from the start, and teach yourself what kind of fits you prefer. I also tend to choose most of my clothes in classic colours like black, white, grey, navy and beige because then I’m sure that everything goes together. I do like to add a pop of colour from season to season though. Don’t get me wrong – compromising CAN be good, but only if it involves making BETTER choices, weather that being for the environment, your own economy (for example choosing secondhand over something new) or something else!

Vi har lidt en tendens til at gå på kompromis, hvis vi har forelsket os hovedløst i et produkt, og det kun er tilbage i en størrelse vi egentlig ikke rigtig passer eller en farve vi aldrig rigtig ville have valgt. Men det kan resultere i, at dette produkt ender bagerst i dit skab! Du ender med, at føle dig utilpas og dermed også forbinde denne utilpashed med netop dette produkt. Så køb nu bare det rigtige fra starten! Lær dig selv hvilke farver og snit du foretrækker, så du aldrig er i tvivl om hvad du skal gå efter. Jeg vælger typisk tøj inden for den klassiske farveskala: sort/hvid/navy/grå/beige/denim. På den måde er jeg sikker på, at alt kan styles på kryds og tværs. Og så tilføjer jeg måske en enkelt pangfarve som fx rød fra sæson til sæson. Misforstå mig ikke i dette trin – at gå på kompromis kan egentlig være okay, men kun hvis man gør det fordi det i sidste ende udgør et BEDRE tøjvalg. Enten bedre for miljøet, din pengepung (fx ved at købe secondhand i stedet for nyt) eller noget helt tredje!


Shopping online

/ I do most of my shopping online, since most of my favourite brands aren’t available in physical shops near me. When you shop online, it’s about minimizing the risk of having to send stuff back, along with – of course – ordering things you don’t really need. It’s so easy to be tempted by clearances, fri delivery and discount cupons. So when you shop online make sure to use the measurement charts available on the site. Also – if there are reviews on the products – read them to learn if the product is true to size. On most online shops they also write how tall the model is, and what size she is wearing, so that should also be very helpful in order to choose the right size. When it comes to the material you obviously can’t feel it with your own hands, but ALWAYS have a look at the composition, and zoom in on the product to see the surface better!  Lastly: think twice before you press that “order” button. If you do receive something that doesn’t fit or is what you hoped for, return it. Don’t just put it in your closet thinking you might end up using it one day. You probably wont!

Jeg shopper det meste af mit tøj på nettet. Jeg ville elske at bakke mere op om de fysiske butikker, men de fleste af mine favoritbrands er bare ikke at finde nær mig. Når du shopper online skal du sørge for, at minimere risikoen for, at skulle sende noget tilbage, og så selvfølgelig også at bestille alt muligt du ikke har brug for! Det er så let at blive lokket af udsalg, gratis fragt og rabatkuponer. Så gør brug af de værktøjer der nu engang er på den pågældende webshop – følg deres størrelsesguides, læs anmeldelser af produktet og tjek hvilken størrelse modellen har på. Så har du et godt udgangspunkt. Når det kommer til kvalitet kan du selvfølgelig ikke mærke på materialet med dine hænder, men jeg zoomer altid ind på det pågældende produkt og jeg tjekker ALTID kompositionen, for at sikre det lever op til mine krav. Og tænk så lige en ekstra gang før du bestiller! Hvis du får noget hjem som ikke passer dig, så send det tilbage med det samme så andre kan få glæde af det. Læg det ikke ind i skabet i troen om, at du måske en dag vil bruge det. Den dag kommer højst sandsynligt ikke!


Plan your shopping

/ I rarely go into shops or webshops purely to “have a look around”, not knowing what I’ll be going home with. That thought freaks me out today, haha! I plan my shopping from season to season, to make sure I don’t buy stuff I don’t need. Taking some time to really consider your upcoming purchases also forces you to reconsider if you really need those new things afterall. You can watch my AW 17 capsule wardrobe planning video (gosh, what a long name!) right HERE.

Jeg går efterhånden sjælendt ind i butikker bare lige for at kigge, og ikke være sikker på hvad jeg tager med mig ud derfra. Den tanke skræmmer mig lidt i dag, haha! Jeg planlægger min shopping hver eneste sæson, så jeg er sikker på jeg ikke køber noget jeg ikke får brugt. Når man bruger noget tid på at planlægge, så er man også mere kritisk overfor, om man nu virkelig også har brug for det produkt. Du kan se min planlægningsproces for min efterårs capsule 2017 HER.



  1. Martina

    Hi! Looove your blog and your YT videos. You saved me. You are so right about everything! Keep up the good work. Oh, and could you do a so called handbag collection you have in your wardrobe?

    • signeh24

      Thank you so much Martina! <3 That's a good idea. I'll put it in my idea book right away <3 xx

  2. Jewel

    Hello. I stumbled across your YouTube channel by chance. The more I watched the more I realized, I have too much stuff. While I always try to by quality pieces, the materials are not always premium or sustainable. And I have fallen into the trap of “sale” so many times! I am the Queen of “finding a great deal.” But I realize, it is not about that. There will always be deals to be had. You don’t need 1000 t-shirts or shoes. That does not make you happy–it makes me feel crazy! With your help I am trying to be more mindful of what I buy. It will be a long process but I look forward to de-cluttering. Thanks for all you do! I love your style and how you have designed your home as well! It seems so peaceful.

    • signeh24

      Thank you so much for leaving me this feedback! Can’t describe how thankful I am. <3 It's so great to hear, that you've gotten wiser! i used to be just like that. My money could go "a long way" and I was kind of "talented" of finding a lot of stuff for no money. But that wasn't good at all, I've realized that now. Keep up the good work <3

  3. Nguyen Tran Thi Xuan

    Hello Signe,

    Thank you for all the posts. I really enjoy reading this. Could you please recommend some online portal for secondhand clothes/shoes/bags…

    All the best!



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