Current sustainable fashion faves #1

Apr 9, 2018 | 3 comments


Many of you often express to me that you find it hard to find great styles from sustainable brands. So therefore, I thought that at least once a month I will collect some of my favourites for you – exclusively from sustainable brands. It wont be easier for you than that, right? As you know blush is a colour that is part of my spring capsule so I’m particularly fond of this color right now. Actually, it’s a pretty safe color to go after when spring and summer hits so if you’re generally a little bit scared of color (like me), the blush color is a good way to dip your toes without committing completely to a crazy colour. It is beautiful with both light and dark wash denims besides all my colorless black/white/grey items as well. This summer I dream of adding a pair of vintage Levi’s dungarees to my summer capsule (like these). I have always loved my dungarees that I use to go gardening or that I paint in, so I would love to have a pair for everyday life too! I would especially love to style them with feminine tops like the white ruffle top from People Tree on the collage above (the first picture) and a pair of sneakers or sandals. Yum!

Right now I also love the fact that Everlane has finally started making underwear and I’m also constantly wearing my trench coat from the same brand, which is the same as the one above. It’s seriously the perfect trench – the color, the quality and the details are just on point when it comes to a classic timeless trench coat. You can read my EU guide to shopping at Everlane right HERE. And then I have discovered that many of the conventional brands actually make basic items in for example organic cotton. Just look at this white tee from & Other Stories and these Monki jeans. It is an easy way not only to support sustainable initiatives as consumers, but also to slowly incorporate new and better consumer habits, choosing the most eco-friendly alternatives out there.

Der er mange af jer, som ofte siger I synes det er svært, at finde fine styles fra bæredygtige mærker. Så derfor tænkte jeg, at jeg fremover mindst én gang om måneden vil samle nogle af mine favoritter til jer – udelukkende fra bæredygtige brands. Så bliver det næsten ikke meget nemmere, vel? Som I ved, så er sart lyserød en del af min spring capsule så jeg er særligt vild med denne farve netop nu. Egentlig er det en ret sikker farve at gå efter når foråret og sommeren rammer os, så hvis du som jeg generelt er lidt farve forskrækket, så er den lyserøde farve en god måde lige at dyppe tæerne på, uden at committe hundrede procent til en vild farve. Den er flot sammen med både lys og mørk denim, foruden alle mine farveløse sort/hvid/grå items også. Til sommer drømmer jeg om, at tilføje et par vintage Levi’s selebukser til min sommer capsule (lidt ala disse). Har altid elsket mine selebukser som jeg bruger til, at gå i haven eller male i, så jeg ville elske at have et par til hverdag også! Ville i særdeleshed elske at style dem med feminine toppe som den hvide flæsetop fra People Tree ovenfor (på første billede) og et par sneakers eller slider sandaler. Mums!

Lige nu elsker jeg også det faktum, at Everlane endelig er begyndt at lave undertøj og jeg går også konstant i min trench coat fra samme mærke, som er magen til den på collagen ovenfor. Det er seriøst verdens bedste trench – farven, den knitrende kvalitet og detaljerne er lige i øjet når det kommer til en klassisk, tidløs trench coat. Du kan iøvrigt læse min EU guide til shopping på Everlane lige HER. Og så har jeg opdaget, at mange af de konventionelle mærker faktisk laver basis items i fx økologisk bomuld eller genanvendt materiale. Se bare denne hvide tee fra & Other Stories og disse jeans fra Monki. Det er en nem måde ikke blot at støtte op om bæredygtige initiativer som forbruger, men også langsomt at indarbejde nye, og bedre forbrugsvaner.

*adlinks are used within text.


  1. aleksandra

    Thank you for this post! I have been looking FOR AGES for good white T-shirt!

  2. Anita

    what size clothes from Everlane should I choose if my body dimensions are as follows:
    chest: 96cm (38in?) US size 10????
    waist: 75 cm (30in?)
    hips: 105 cm (42in?) US size 12??????
    Thanks in advance for the answer.
    BR, Anita

    • signeh24

      Dear Anita – I would recommend you to follow their measurement charts because they are very precise. I you are in between two sizes I’d make my choice based upon the desired fit. For example I always size up in tops, jackets and blazers because I like a slouchy fit whereas jeans with a bit of stretch I choose the smaller size if I’m in between two. It depends on the fabric and piece 🙂 hope this helps! xx


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