Current sustainable fashion faves #2

May 1, 2018 | 2 comments

It’s time for another round of sustainable fashion faves, which is my new monthly series here on my blog. As mentioned in the first post the point is to inspire you guys, to think twice about where you place your money on new items for your wardrobe. In short, I’d like to provide this service, where I help you find the most sustainable options out there, not only when it comes to timeless classics but also when it comes to the more trend-based items you might be lusting over the particular season. When it comes to trends, one of my favourite ways to enjoy these is by looking for secondhand alternatives or by swapping with others. Therefore I’ve found both espadrilles and a straw bag in a secondhand option for you. The straw bags and hats and espadrilles have all had a huge comeback the last couple summers, and there are many secondhand options on both Vestiaire and Asos Marketplace.

It’s pretty obvious how much I long for summer this time around, huh? My husband and I are planning our summer vacation which will be in South Italy this year – Napoli to be more precise. I’ve been in Milan several years ago when I studied fashion design, but other than that neither of us have ever been. Originally we were thinking about going on a pool-side vacation on Mallorca, but we have quite other (and more exciting!) plans now, and we can’t wait to go! I’ve stored away some items from last summer that I can’t wait to bring back out, and take with me on summer holiday. But I’ll be talking much more about that (hopefully) by the end of May, when I’m building my summer capsule!

Det er tid til endnu en omgang sustainable fashion faves, som er min nye månedlige serie her på min blog. Som nævnt i det første indlæg, så er meningen med denne serie indlæg, at inspirere jer til, at overveje en ekstra gang hvor I placerer jeres penge på eventuelle nye køb. Kort sagt, så vil jeg gerne hjælpe jer med, at finde de mest bæredytige muligheder der er derude, ikke blot i forhold til tidløse klassikere, men også i forhold til de lidt mere trend-baserede sæson items der måske kunne friste den pågældende sæson. Når det kommer til trends, så er én af mine favoritmåder at shoppe på altså genbrug eller bytte. Derfor har jeg også tilladt mig at finde både espadriller og stråtaske ovenfor, i en brugt version. Stråhatte, tasker og espadriller har for alvor fået sig et come-back de sidste par somre, og der er masser at finde af den slags brugt på både Vestiaire og Asos Marketplace.

Det er ret tydeligt denne gang, at jeg er glæder mig til sommer, ikke? Min mand og jeg er ved at planlægge sommerferie, som i år går til Syditalien – nærmere bestemt Napoli. Jeg har været i Milano med design studiet for flere år siden, men ellers har ingen af os været der før. Egentlig havde vi snakket om en rigtig dase-ferie på Mallorca, men nu bliver det en lidt anden (og lidt mere oplevelsesrig) sommer og vi glæder os rigtig meget! Jeg har en del items gemt væk fra sidste års sommer capsule, som jeg glæder mig til at hive frem igen, og tage med mig på sommerferie. Men det kommer der meget mere om, når jeg skal bygge min sommer capsule (forhåbentligt) sidst i maj!


  1. Alexandra

    Love your style and I look forward to see your summer wardrobe for inspiration! You’ve given some pretty great tips for us who need a little help along the way for a sustainable wardrobe. I just want to look appropriate and be comfortable at the same time, it’s sooo easy to get distracted by fast fashion. Personally I’m on the hunt for black, classic shorts and now I actually know what I like for once!
    Thanks for great posts, keep it up. (Y)


  2. Susan

    I love your fashion sense, so chic yet effortless, budget-friendly, and sustainable. I’m an avid fan of your blog and YouTube channel. Your fashion tips are so helpful. It makes me assess my own style and re-think my fashion choices. You’re so right. It is so easy to be drawn blindly, and oftentimes, unknowingly by the fashion bandwagon. Following your blogs and channels make it a lot easier for me to define my own options in ways that are ethical and sustainable. Thanks bunches for sharing your creative ideas. More power! ☺


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