Here’s another recipe that I can’t take credit for, because I found it via Stinna’s (Danish) blog. I’m of course talking about these delicious oat buns, that I’ve featured quite a few times over on my Insta stories. For my Danish followers I’ve always just redirected them to Stinna’s recipe, but for those of you living abroad I thought I wanted to translate the recipe for you in this post, since you always ask for it – so here goes!
Her kommer endnu en opskrift, som jeg ikke selv kan tage credit for – jeg har nemlig fundet den ovre hos Stinna. Det er selvfølgelig de lækre havregryns boller jeg snakker om, som jeg ofte har vist ovre på mine Instagram stories. Det er nemt nok for mine danske følgere at læse opskriften, men for mine udenlandske følgere er det selvfølgelig noget af en udfordring, så derfor ville jeg lige oversætte den her. MEN, hvis du er dansker, så kan du altså følge Stinnas opskrift på bollerne lige HER.

What you need:
25 g of fresh yeast
700 ml luke warm water
1 tbsp honey or cane sugar
2 tsp coarse salt
2 tbsp olive oil
200 g oats (preferably coarse oats, but the fine ones work too)
600-650 g flour
100 g full grain flour (I typically use graham flour)
1 whipped egg to brush them (or use a mix of 1 tbsp maple syrup and 2-3 tbsp water so the oats have something to stick to, for a vegan friendly alternative)
A sprinkle of oats
A sprinkle of sea salt
Mix the yeast and water in a bowl. I like to use our stand mixer for the purpose, but it’s not a must. Once the yeast is dissolved add sugar, salt, olive oil and oats and mix well. Add the flour little by little, and if you’re using a stand mixer let it knead the dough for 5-8 minutes until the dough let’s go of the bowl. Otherwise, knead it well by hand until it’s nice and smooth. Cover the bowl with the dough with a cloth, and let it rise for about 1 hour.
Heat the oven to 250 degrees – let the baking plate stay in the oven to get hot. Sprinkle some flour on to the table and make around 16 buns, depending on how small or large you want them to be. Place the buns on a piece of baking paper that fits your baking plate. Brush them if desired, then sprinkle with oats and a little bit of sea salt. Once the oven is hot, carefully drag the baking paper with the buns over on the hot baking plate (this is usually easiest if you have someone to help you hold the plate while you drag the paper on to it – be careful not to burn yourself!). Place the buns in the oven and turn the heat down to 225 degrees. Give the buns between 20-30 minutes depending on your oven type. I usually find it enough with just the 20 minutes. The trick with placing the buns on a hot plate gives them a nice, crispy bottom.

I haven’t had any weird cravings through my pregnancy – I’d rather say I’ve had lots of things I lost my appetite for, haha. I suffered from severe nausea the first 3-4 months. My appetite has slowly returned to normal though, but there are a few things I used to love before, that I still find it hard to get down probably because I had them at some point while feeling so sick (I still have trouble eating shrimps for example). These buns have been such a life-saver for me, both because I felt extra hungry during the evenings in the beginning of my pregnancy, but also when I felt sick and didn’t really feel like eating these were a go-to for me. But in general they are also just such a nice healthy snack or breakfast alternative. I usually freeze a bunch of these whenever I make them, and then when I need them I leave them on the kitchen table to defrost for a while, before heating them for 7-8 minutes in the oven to restore the crispy surface and soft inside. There’s no doubt that they are most delicious when fresh out the oven, but this works very well too. Enjoy!
Jeg har faktisk ikke haft nogen mærkelige cravings gennem min graviditet – vil nærmere sige, at jeg er blevet mere kræsen, haha. Jeg døjede rigtig meget med kvalme de første 3-4 måneder, hvor jeg mistede meget af min appetit. Den er kommet stærkt tilbage til normalen, selvom der stadig er få ting jeg før elskede, men som jeg nu har det lidt stramt med, fordi jeg måske fik det på et eller andet tidspunkt, mens jeg var så dårlig (rejer fx). De her boller har været en life-saver for mig, både til den ekstra sult jeg især oplevede om aftenen lige i starten, når jeg havde kvalme og ikke kunne have andet – men også generelt som et lækkert, sundere mellem- eller morgenmåltid. Jeg plejer at fryse dem ned, og så tager jeg gerne et par stykker op til optøning, for herefter at varme dem. De smager allerbedst når de lige er kommet friske ud af ovnen synes jeg, men ellers giver jeg de optøede boller 7-8 minutter i ovnen, så de bliver bløde og saftige indeni med en let crispy skorpe igen. God fornøjelse!
These are really good and the recipe halves nicely.
For the USians…I used active dry yeast, and the equivalence should be about 2 3/4 tsp. I used our scale to weigh out the oats and flour. My BIG mistake was not realizing the oven temp was written in celsius, so after 30 min at 225 fahrenheit (107 c), I’ve now cranked the oven and am hoping all is not lost… Hope I can save someone else the math and the “oof” factor.