One thing is that you love colours and that sustainable brands make collections that have nice colors… but how do you choose colors that go nice together with what you already have? How do you build a nice and cohesive wardrobe with color that you can wear in many ways, that is also sustainable and longlasting?
A statement I’ve received quite a lot over the years both online and offline, is that a capsule wardrobe is boring because it is colorless. But, that a capsule wardrobe – or sustainable fashion in general for that matter – has to be without colour og kept in neutral shades is so far from the truth! It’s important to remember that we are all different, we’ve got different preferences and we live different lives, and these differences will show in each of our wardrobes. My own wardrobe is colorless and neutral because I love minimalism, but that doesn’t mean your wardrobe has to be neutral to be sustainable. A capsule wardrobe is first and foremost a way to structure your wardrobe and challenge your buying habits, in a way that is meant to make it easier and a lot more inspiring to get dressed in the morning. A good capsule wardrobe is one that you feel like wearing again and again. And colours may very well be part of that equation! Here are two examples on colourfull capsule wardrobes, which are made with my own taste and preferences, so of course feel free to adjust them and just use them as inspiration to get started yourself. Maybe they are not you style at all, but I still hope you can use my tips in this guide.
Here are some practical, hands-on tips on how to build a colorful capsule wardrobe!
Én ting er at man elsker farver, og at bæredygtige brands lancerer kollektioner i lækre farver… men hvordan vælger du hvilke farver der skal ind i din garderobe, sådan at de passer med det du allerede har? Og hvordan bygger du en farverig garderobe, som er nem at style på mange måder og samtidig er tidløs?
Et statement jeg ofte møder både gennem mine online “kurser” og i virkeligheden er, at en capsule wardrobe er kedelig fordi den ikke indeholder farver. Men, at en capsule wardrobe – eller bæredygtig mode generelt for den sags skyld – skal være farveløs eller holdes i neutrale farver er langt fra sandheden! Det er vigtigt at huske på, at vi alle er forskellige, har forskellige præferencer og lever vidt forskellige liv, og dette vil jo afspejle sig i den garderobe man nu engang har. Min egen garderobe er farveløs og neutral fordi jeg elsker den mere minimalistiske stilart, men som sagt betyder det ikke, at din garderobe også skal være neutral for at være bæredygtig. En capsule wardrobe er en måde at strukturere sin garderobe på samt udfordre dine købevaner, på en måde hvor du sikrer at det bliver sjovere, mere inspirerende og nemmere at klæde dig på om morgenen. En god capsule wardrobe er én, du har lyst til at bruge igen og igen. Og farver kan sagtens indgå i dén ligning! Her kommer to eksempler på farverige capsule wardrobes, som er lavet ud fra min egen smag og præferencer, så du kan bruge dem som rettesnor og så justere dem hist og her hvis du synes. Det kan også være de slet ikke falder i din smag.
Uanset hvad, så kommer her nogle ret håndgribelige tips du kan bruge, hvis du gerne vil lære at mestre farvespillet i din garderobe og dermed få mest mulig udbytte af den.
Start with with what you have
If you’re starting from scratch, you might want to go back a step and have a look at my step-by-step capsule wardrobe guide. In this you’ll find all the info you need on how many items to include, how to declutter your wardrobe, how to find your style and a lot more. Then you can return to this guide afterwards.
Ask yourself what it is you want to achieve with the colours in your wardrobe. What image do you want to achieve with them? Do you want them to be bright and powerful? Or do you like a mix of neutrals with a few splashes of colour? Are you more into pastels? Are there colours you don’t like or find suitable for yourself? Spend some time analyzing the clothes you already have. I’m sure that if you already love colour, it’s pretty easy to see in your wardrobe. But maybe you just need some guidance and some tips on how to create a more cohesive and balanced universe, where all colors can be combined effortlessly. So start with what you have, and move on from there. That’s always the most sustainable way to do it.
Hvis du starter helt fra scratch, så tjek lige min capsule wardrobe guide ud før du går igang. Dér lærer du nemlig trin for trin, hvordan du finder din egen stil, hvor mange items du skal have i din garderobe, hvordan du rydder ud i den og meget andet. Så kan du vende tilbage til denne guide igen efterfølgende.
Spørg dig selv hvad det er du gerne vil opnå med farvespillet i din garderobe. Hvad skal farverne signalere? Skal det være stærke, modige farver med masser af knald på? Eller er du mere til et neutralt univers med enkelte farver? Kan du bedst lide pasteller? Er der nogle farver du ikke kan lide? Brug også noget tid på at analysere det tøj du allerede har. Jeg er sikker på, at hvis du allerede elsker farver – så afspejles det nok allerede på én eller anden måde i din garderobe. Men måske har du bare brug for nogle tips til, at skabe et mere sammenhængende univers hvor alt kan kombineres så let som ingenting. Så start med det du har og arbejd ud fra dette, det er altid den mest bæredygtige fremgangsmåde.
Colour theory and choosing colours that match
When I was about to build these colorful capsule wardrobe examples, I used Adobe Colour Wheel. It’s a free online tool, which can help you find colours that theoretically go well together – whether that is colours for your wardrobe, your home or a graphic piece of work. There’s also an online library you can get inspired by, where other people have published there colour moods. There are different colour “rules” you can combine colours from and then you can adjust how dark, light or bright you want them to be too. The items you find to match these cohesive colours don’t have to match 100%, as long as they are sort of “related” or are in the same shade then you’ll be fine. Often when you dress in head to toe one colour, one of the best fashion and styling advices are actually often, that it looks best if the items are not completely the same colour anyway, but more shades of the same color. So it works very well like that. Besides, to me it’s a bit unrealistic to find colours that match those you find through for example the colourwheel exactly, especially if you also narrow down your option to using what you already have, supporting ethical brands or going thrift hunting too. So simply do your best to match the shade of colours. Colour rules and theories are a great and effective way to combine colours, but remember to check it with yourself all along the way too. Remember, you’re the one who has to wear the clothing and when you feel most comfortable in what you wear, that’s when you want to wear certain items over and over again.
I think it works great when you narrow down your amount of colours to 3-6 different ones (depending on how colorful you want it to be), and then maybe keep the rest neutral. It makes the process of building a cohesive colour mood a lot more easy and effortless, and also it’s a great way to make sure everything can be combined. It’s a more strategic way of adding colours to your wardrobe, instead of letting yourself be drawn to an confused by single, coloured items and buying these without considering how they will look with what you already have. The result can be that you end up with too many colours, that you have no idea on how to combine than maybe just a few outfits. Worst case scenario is then that you end up not reaching for these items because they become too much of a hassle for you, or maybe they become boring because you only have those few ways to wear them. It’s not only a waste of your own money but also our nature’s ressources! So use the colourwheel to make sure the colours you choose go together or read this simple colour theory guide to get some morw wisdom on the whole thing. Afterwards you can distribute the colours you choose on different categories, again so you ensure a nice harmony, balance and endless, effortless outfit combinations throughout your entire wardrobe. I think it works pretty well to have around 3 items in the same colour/shade (have a look at the overviews if it’s confusing, then I think it makes more sense). Do also make sure to choose some colours that are timeless for you; colours that you know you’ve loved for years and will potentially keep loving for years to come as well. This ensures that you keep within the sustainable aspects of the process the whole time.
Da jeg skulle opbygge følgende capsule wardrobe eksempler, så brugte jeg bl.a. Adobe Colour Wheel. Det er et gratis online værktøj, der kan hjælpe dig med, at sammensætte farver der teoretisk set passer godt sammen – hvad enten de farver er til din garderobe, dit hjem eller et grafisk værk. Der er også et online bibliotek man kan lade sig inspirere af, med farvekombier andre brugere har lavet. Der er forskellige farve “regler” man kan sammensætte temaerne ud fra og så kan man også justere hvor mørke, lyse og klare man ønsker farverne. De items du finder som skal være i din garderobe behøver ikke matche disse 100%, bare de er i samme “familie” hvis det giver mening. Ofte når man fx klæder sig i én farve fra top til tå, så fungerer det faktisk rigtig godt hvis farverne ikke er helt éns, ligesom at blande forskellige teksturer også ofte virker enormt godt. Desuden er det en anelse urealistisk, at finde items (især hvis man også begrænser sig til fx genbrug eller bæredygtige brands) i præcis de farver som farvehjulet finder for dig, så forsøg så vidt muligt bare at gå efter farver der er i nogenlunde samme familie. Farvestrategier og teorier kan være et godt og effektivt værktøj at bruge, men husk at i sidste ende er det dig selv der skal gå i dit tøj. Derfor er din egen personlige holdning selvfølgelig det allervigtigste; når du føler dig tilpas i dit tøj, så har du automatisk lyst til, at bruge det igen og igen.
Jeg synes det fungerer ret godt at vælge 3-6 farver (alt efter hvor farverigt det skal være), og så måske holde eventuelle resterende farver neutrale. Det gør det nemt og overskueligt at lave et lækkert farve univers, hvor man netop er sikker på at alle farver ser lækre ud både sammen, men også fungerer med de mere neutrale farver. Det er en lidt mere strategisk og bæredygtig tilgang til det, end hvis man har tendens til at købe farver i øst og vest, udelukkende fordi man synes de enkeltstående er flotte. For resultatet af dette bliver desværre ofte, at kombinationsmulighederne bliver for få, og så gør man det sværere for sig selv end det egentlig behøver at være, samtidig med man måske ender med slet ikke at få de items man køber brugt. Det er både spild af miljøets ressourcer og dine penge. Så brug evt. farvehjulet eller læs denne simple farve teori guide, for at sikre de farver du vælger passer godt sammen. Herefter kan du fordele farverne nogenlunde lige på de forskellige produkt kategorier, som du har i din garderobe, igen så du opnår mest mulig harmoni og flest mulige kombinationsmuligheder. Fx synes jeg det fungerer godt når der er omkring 3 forskellige items i samme farve (se evt. oversigterne nedenfor, så tror jeg det giver mere mening). Sørg også for at holde dig til farver som er tidløse for dig; dvs. farver du véd du elsker, og som du potentielt vil elske mange sæsoner ud i fremtiden, for hele tiden at holde struktureringen og fremgangsmåden så bæredygtig som muligt.
Where to find colourful outfit inspiration
Another thing I did when building these colourful capsule wardrobes was, to visit my favourite webshops and then filter my search by certain colours. I visited Arket for example, and had a look at all their clothing but I narrowed down the search to only analogue colours like green and blue, that go very well together. It was so inspiring to see certain items together in this colour mood. I’ve also stumbled upon some pretty inspiring ladies over on Instagram wearing head to toe colours amazingly well – @mariejedig and @karodall are both great for bold, primary colours and then there’s a woman like @carinasstyle who is great at the neutral palette with just a few splashes of colour here and there. And then there’s always Pinterest!
En anden ting jeg gjorde i opbygningen af følgende capsule wardrobes var, at besøge mine yndlings mærker’s webshops og så filtrere deres kollektioner efter farve. Jeg besøgte fx Arket, hvor jeg indsnævrede søgningen til det analoge farveunivers blå og grøn, og det var ret inspirerende at se de forskellige items der dukkede op, og hvordan de passede sammen. Jeg er også faldet over et par damer på instagram, der mestrer den farverige garderobe ret godt – bl.a. @mariejedig og @karodall der begge er ret gode til skarpe primær farver, og så er der @carinasstyle som er god udi de mere neutrale farve kombier, men med enkelte farver hist og her. Og så er der selvfølgelig altid Pinterest!
For this capsule wardrobe I was actually inspired by the green/blue scarf from Arket. I think the analogue colours are amazing not only with each other, but also with neutrals like white, navy and beige. Analogue colours are colours that are placed right next to each other on the colourwheel. So you choose a colour on the circle and then you pick the colour to the right and the left of this colour – then you have an analogue colour harmony. This universe is more calm and perfect for you who like colours, but also don’t want them to be too bold or to take over your wardrobe. I actually think these colours can be worn all through the year, but to make the whole thing just a bit more autumnal I’ve added a brown colour. I’ve also included items as the wool coat, the heavy boots and the knitted hat – if it was summer you could simply replace some of these more wintery items with some that were more light and suitable for summer. With this capsule wardrobe you can both create interesting looks on a daily basis, but certainly also for special occasions. Other nice analogue colours could be red/rose, purple/blue or yellow/orange.
This capsule is perfect for those of you who loves neutral looks with a calm splash of colours.
Til denne capsule wardrobe lod jeg mig faktisk inspirere af det fine grønne/blå tørklæde fra Arket. Jeg synes det analoge farvespil er super fint ikke kun sat sammen med hinanden, men også med de mere neutrale farver som hvid, navy og beige. Analoge farver er farver, som er beslægtede med hinanden og derfor ligger tæt på hinanden i farvecirklen. Så man vælger en farve på cirklen og så én både til højre og venstre for denne – så har man en analog farveharmoni. Dette univers er mere roligt og er perfekt til dig der godt kan lide farver, men heller ikke ønsker at de skal have overtaget. I princippet synes jeg dette farvespil er godt hele året rundt, men jeg har valgt at blande en brun farve ind i denne capsule, for at trække den over i en lidt mere efterårs/vinteragtig stemning. Desuden har jeg også inkluderet vinter items som uldfrakken, grove støvler og den strikkede hue – men hvis det var sommer, så kunne du let erstatte disse med mere sommerlige items. Med denne capsule wardrobe kan du både lave interessante looks til hverdagsbrug, men bestemt også til fest og specielle lejligheder, alt med en og samme capsule wardrobe. Andre fine analoge farver er fx rød/rosa, lilla/blå eller gul/orange.
Denne capsule er god til dig der elsker neutrale looks, men med et roligt twist af farver.
Primary colours are those colours who can’t be made by mixing other colours – yellow, red and blue. If you mix these colours you will then get the subtractive colours – green, orange and purple. They are all pretty bright and bold which is why they are amazing together. Johanne from Bedremode actually inspired me to try and make a capsule wardrobe example hardly without neutrals – because the completely colourful capsule wardrobe is often a lot harder to master than a wardrobe that has a lot of neutrals. Most people already know hopw to add a few colours to their neutrals here and there. But choosing to go all in on colours can be a bit harder to master. BUT, if you make sure to choose colours that go well together, you make it a lot easier on yourself. Again, it’s all about figuring out what it is you want to achieve with these colours, and where to place your wardrobe on a spectrum from neutral to super colourful.
This capsule is great for those of you who are a bit more bold, and who can’t live without bright and powerful colours.
Primærfarver er farver, som ikke kan laves ved at blande andre farver – gul, rød og blå. Blandes disse indbyrdes så får man det man kalder subtraktive farver – grøn, orange og lilla. De er alle skarpe i udtrykket og derfor passer de enormt godt sammen, fordi deres mæthed og klarhed ligesom er den samme. Johanne fra Bedremode inspirerede mig faktisk til det her med, at lave to capsules – fordi at den fuldstændig farverige uden neutrale farver ofte er dén som er mindst indlysende. De fleste mennesker ved hvordan man kan pifte et basic sort/hvid/gråt look op ved at tilsætte en enkelt farve. Men det her med at gå all in udelukkende på farver er sværere. MEN, hvis du vælger nogle farver der passer godt sammen, så gør du det meget nemmere for dig selv. Igen, det handler om hvad du ønsker at opnå med farvespillet i din garderobe, og hvor det skal ligge henne på neutral/super farverigt-spektret.
Denne capsule er god til dig der er lidt mere modig, og som elsker når der kommer knald på farverne.
Creating harmony and styling tips
A thing both of these capsules have in common is that I’ve sort of based them on my own basic wardrobe – that means the items I personally can’t “live without” in my own wardrobe. Again, your outcome might be different, because the definition of my basics might not be the same as yours. You could also choose to incorporate more printed items in your own wardrobe than I’ve done here. Make sure to go for prints that have 2-3 of the same colours represented as those in your wardrobe, because in that way you make sure it ties in well with what you already have and it can also be used as an element to tie other items together.
Speaking of that, I also find it quite wearable when you match a few items in the same colour in one look. For example I’ve matched the yellow bag with the yellow shoes in some of the looks, or the green jumper with the green bag. You don’t have to do this though, since all colours can theoretically be worn together, but it just gives a nice and cohesive harmony in the outfits to match the colours sometimes. You could also wear a completely different colored outfit and then use an accessory like a scarf with some of the colours represented, to tie the whole thing together. It might be a bit excessive with so many different coloured bags as I’ve included in the primary coloured capsule too, but I just found that they again completed the looks and tied the colours wonderfully together.
This challenge was SO, so fun! I would love to make many more different capsule wardrobe examples, and to work with different harmonies. Not only when it comes to colours but also different types of style. So if that’s something you guys would also love to see more of let me know. I hope this guide lived up to your expectations!
Fælles for begge disse capsules er, at jeg har baseret dem lidt på min egen basis garderobe – altså de ting jeg “ikke kan leve uden”. Igen, dit udfald ser måske helt anderledes ud, for mine basis favoritter er ikke nødvendigvis dine egne favoritter. Desuden kunne du med fordel inkorporere lidt flere printede items end jeg har gjort. Gå efter prints der inkluderer minimum 2-3 af de farver du i forvejen har i din garderobe, fordi på den måde kan det ligesom være med til at binde farverne fint sammen og så passer det også med flere af de farverige items du har i din garderobe.
Apropros det her med at skabe god harmoni og binde farverne fint sammen, så synes jeg også det fungerer rigtig godt, hvis man matcher et par af farverne i de enkelte looks. Fx den gule taske med de gule sko eller den grønne taske med den grønne strik. Man kan dog også sagtens gå all in på forskellige farver (især hvis man gør benarbejdet med at sørge for farverne matcher), men som sagt så giver det god harmoni enten at gøre brug af et tørklæde der binder farverne sammen, eller altså at matche et par items i samme farve. Det er måske overdrevet med så mange forskelligfarvede tasker i den primære-farvede capsule, men jeg synes bare de bandt farverne i outfits’ne så fint sammen!
Denne udfordring var SÅ sjov! Jeg kunne enormt godt tænke mig at lave mange flere capsule wardrobe eksempler, og arbejde meget mere med forskellige harmonier. Ikke kun når det kommer til farver men og stilarter. Så hvis det er noget I kunne være med på, så smid endelig en kommentar nedenfor. Jeg håber I kan bruge denne guide og at den levede op til jeres (længeventede) forventinger!
Such a good post, this really shows how a capsule wardrobe works with colour!
I love my colour, my wardrobe is mainly neutrals (navy, cream and a touch of camel), and I spice it up with blues (I love pretty much all blues), reds (both post box red and ox blood), and pinks (warm pinks from bubble gum to blush – as long as they’re warm toned). There is still a drop of bright green in my wardrobe in the shape if a silk top that is just too beautiful, the colours include navy and cream so it still works well with my neutrals.
In years gone by I was a sucker for all colour, but now that’s become more refined. I love a tonal dressing (makes me look/ feel taller) or a base of navy with a jacket/ cardigan/ coat in another colour. The base colour creates height, if it’s top to toe.
One thing I’ve learnt about mixing/ matching colours is that if the tone is of a similar colour saturation then all colours with the saturation will work together – think pastels or rich jewel colours.
I agree! And those color themes you describe sounds like they are right up my street too! Thanks for sharing <3 x
Meget inspirerende – jeg vil gerne se flere Capsule wardrobe indlæg med forskellige stilarter og farver.
Tusind tak Gitte!
That’s super good looking! Definitely want to see more of these ?
Dear Signe Thank you for you continuing discussion of sustainable life options! I thought the other day..phew!..only need to find one or two more items after a realization that I had already started on the capsule idea in response to disappointment in women’s clothing stores. In the last two years I have purchased a beautiful curry colored coat, a pair of black loafers, and a grey tweed blazer to go with my jeans and variety of basic tees [long-sleeved black and navy for Winter or 3/4 sleeves for Summer]. Dressing takes minutes with your thoughts in mind. With handbag colors [black, brown or grey] , add a scarf and gold or pearl jewelry [small pieces] and done! I will be looking forward to your new You tube videos after your break time.
I may have missed some advice, but can you recommend a good App to help with capsule wardrobe planning and also to really see what clothes and accessories I have?
Thank you
Hi Anne. You should try Stylebook (free and for android too) or Cladwell (not free and only for iphone, but also my fave). 🙂 Hope this helps! Signe x
Love this!
I love colors and patterns, this guide is great! I have pale skin, light blue eyes and dark brown hair – A neutral wardrobe would be easy and classic but It just doesn’t fit my natural colors. Neutrals makes me ”fade”. With the exception of black I think I look best in bright colors. Thank you!
Love your blog by the way, a big inspiration!
I love this post, thank you for sharing. I am so curious – what program do you use to create these amazing spreads? Do you use an app to keep your wardrobe organised? I dislike that Stylebook is just on your one iPhone – I need something where I can really input information on the desktop, and then look at my items on the go on my iPhone. This would help so much with shopping and buying LESS, seeing what specific items would match with!
I use the Cladwell app, but sometimes also photoshop. You can also create similar wardrobe overviews yourself quite easily in Powerpoint though. You can find items similar to those in your wardrobe online, and then delete the background easily in Powerpoint. So there are some different options there 🙂 Signe x
Thank you so much for these wonderful tips! I have a lot of colours and prints in my wardrobe, and am at the point where I need to try a capsule approach to make them work together/make dressing a lot easier. I have thought a lot about what colours suit my skin tone, and recently tried to buy colours more in my skin ‘season’ colours. I would love to see another post and video about how to build a colourful capsule wardrobe based on skin tone/how to work out what colours suit you, including jewel tones that can work throughout the year (as it is always easiest in autumn/winter, and harder in spring/summer)! Thank you again, I am learning a lot about shopping less and in a more conscious way. A mini-series on colour would be incredible!
Hi Rachel! Thanks for your wonderful comment 🙂 I will be answering your question in lesson 4 of my upcoming style course (read more here: I’m following basic theories on colour relationships (so what colours theoretically look nice together) along with the basic principles of looking at people’s eyes and skintone (that’s the part where we find out which colours might look best on you). I find this to be a little less limiting than the very heavy “seasons” way of approaching colours. I believe that everyone can wear any colour, but learning some basic ground rules can be just enough to help you weed out your endless possibilities and make some good, longlasting choices based upon that. 🙂 Love Signe xx
Hei! Dette er veldig inspirerende! Jeg har lenge forsøkt å få min kapselgarderobe til å fungere, men har ikke helt fått det til og endt med masse shopping i perioder fordi “noe ikke stemmer”. Nå forstår jeg at det handler om at fargene (jeg elsker innslag av farger) ikke har passet så godt sammen og at mange av plaggene i garderoben utelukker hverandre.
Er nå i en prosess med å finne ut av hva som er mine farger. Min basis er svart og hvit, men innslag av grått og beige. Og jeg bruker mye jeans. Kan jeg bruke både knall grønn, knall blå, brun og sennepsgul til dette? Eller blir det for mye rot? Synes også det er vanskelig å bruke mine t-skjorter i sterke farger under neutrale blazere.
Jeg drømmer om en fungerende kapselgarderobe, men synes det er vanskelig 😊
Kære Ida! Tusind tak for din kommentar. Jeg kommer til at dele mere inspiration om valg af farver på mine kanaler, men ellers kan du lære meget mere om det via mit online kursus (lektion 4). Der er en udførlig guide til, at vælge hvilke farver du selv synes passer bedst til dig, men også hvordan du kombinerer og vælger farver der teoretisk passer godt sammen 🙂 Ellers kan jeg anbefale dig at studere farvehjulet her, da det kan lære dig rigtig meget om harmonisk farvesammensætning:
Håber det hjælper lidt, og tak for din søde kommentar! Jeg er glad for, at du finder mit indhold inspirerende.
Kh Signe
Hello Signe
I am 55 years old and I am a deep winter type. Knowing this it still not always easy to find the right combinations. I have brown eyes and dark hair. So I can’t wear to much colour difference at a time. I like your explanation very much and i’m going to use this information to make some good collection of clothes. Thank you very much for Charing this.
Greatings Yvonne
How many good ideas and pics there! I am on my way to build my 1st capsule wardrobe and this will be very helpful! Beige and olive – my all times favourites.