I quit my job to bet on my blog and Youtube channel!

Apr 2, 2017 | 24 comments

Jep, I læste rigtigt. Jeg har nemlig valgt at opsige min nuværende stilling som designassistent, for at få mere frihed til både bloggen og min Youtube kanal. Jeg kan stadig ikke helt rigtigt forstå det, og tænker lidt at jeg da må være skør. Jeg har helt grundlæggende et godt job, rare kollegaer og fin økonomi. Hvorfor vil man sætte det over styr?

Jo, det vil man nok, når man bare brænder mere for noget andet. Jeg har længe ikke følt mig tilpas indenfor de normale 8-16 rammer – det lyder måske lidt forkælet, men det er faktum lige nu. Lige nu tror jeg mest af alt det er fordi, at jeg brænder så meget for mit projekt herinde, og tiden er ikke til at jeg kan gøre tingene ordentligt, så længe jeg arbejder på fuld tid ved siden af. Engang troede jeg, at jeg gerne ville være tøj-designer, men jeg har indset, at det bare ikke rigtig er mig længere. Efter jeg startede min Youtube kanal sidste år da jeg var arbejdsløs, så har den nået højder jeg aldrig nogensinde havde forudset. Og det har givet mig troen på, at jeg må kunne sparke gang i nogle spændende samarbejder på én eller anden måde. Jeg vil gerne flytte noget i folk, og jeg vil gerne være med at præge modebranchen i en mere bæredygtig retning. Vigtigst af alt vil jeg vise jer derude, at mode kan være sjovt og befriende, selvom man begrænser sit forbrug.

/  Yep, you got it right. I have chosen to quit my current position as a design assistant at ICHI, to get more freedom for both the blog and my Youtube channel. I still can’t quite believe that I did it, and also feel that I must be a little crazy. I have a fundamentally good job, nice colleagues and good economy. Why would anyone jeopardize that?

Well, iit all makes sense when you find out, that you have a fire burning for something else. I’ve felt a little uncomfortable with the traditional nine-to-five for a long time. It may sound a little bit spoiled, but that’s just a fact. Right now I think it is mostly because I am so passionate about my project in here and the time is not for me to do things properly, as long as I work full time as well. I once thought that I wanted to be a clothing designer, but I’ve realized that it’s just not really me anymore. After I started my Youtube channel last year when I was unemployed, it’s gotten me places I would never have excpected. And it has given me the belief that I can be able to make some exciting collaborations in one way or another. I want to move something in people, and I want to be part of changing the fashion industry towards a more sustainable and slow direction. Most importantly, I want to show YOU that fashion can be fun and liberating, even when you limit your consumption of garments.

Der er mange ting, som jeg slet ikke har følt mig tilfreds med – kvaliteten af mine blogindlæg og de tilhørende billeder, og desuden også hvor lidt konsekvent jeg har været med udgivelser af både indlæg og videoer på min kanal. Og nu har jeg besluttet mig for, at jeg vil have mere frihed til, at gøre tingene ordentligt! Jeg har en måned tilbage på mit nuværende job, og indtil da vil jeg gå i tænkeboks, og jeg vil arbejde en helt masse på at finde frem til, hvordan det hele skal køre. Jeg vil rigtig gerne ud og finde et deltidsjob ved siden af, sådan så jeg har en mere fast indkomst ved siden af det her lidt mere usikre. Hvad det skal være er jeg ikke helt sikker på lige nu, og må også indrømme at det ikke i første omgang er dér mit fokus er. Anyway – jeg håber I er lige så spændte som jeg er derude, for jeg glæder mig helt sindssygt til at kunne lave endnu mere fedt content til jer!

/ There are many things that II haven’t felt happy with – the quality of my blog posts and the images, and additionally also the missing consistency with releases of both blogposts and videos on my channel. And now I have decided that I want to have more freedom to do things properly! I have a month left at ICHI, and until then I’ll figure out exactly how to do things. I really want to find a part time job, so I have a more fixed income besides my project in here, which is probably going to be a bit more uncertain. What that job is going to be I’m not quite sure right now, and must also admit that it is not in the main thing I have my focus on right now. Anyway – I hope you are as excited as I am out there, because I can’t wait to make even more great sustainability content for you!


  1. Sophie

    Waw, Signe, what a courageous decision you have made! I follow you since a while and absolutely love your blog’s content. You should indeed follow your dreams and do what makes you happy :). x

  2. Emily

    I loved reading this. I have been thinking about making a similar move recently but have been so scared. It’s nice to know that there are others out there who feel the same. Good luck and I can’t wait to see what other amazing content you put together from here on out 🙂

    • signeh24

      Oh believe me, I’m SO scared right now too! I feel free because I finally took the decision, but now the hard process really starts, I think. But if you believe in something so much as I do with this, then you just have to try – and have other plans in hand, in case it doesn’t work out. Because that risk will always be there! I get scared reading stuff from others who wanted to become fulltime bloggers and failed, or people saying that they thought it would be liberating to work more freelance and from home, but in fact it turned out to be a nightmare. You just can’t let things like that affect you! I’m determined to find out things for myself, no matter what anybody else says – that’s for sure. I’ll regret it for the rest of my life if I don’t give it a go. Thanks so much for your sweet comment – I wish you all the luck in the world if you decide to make the same move <3


  3. Joyyy

    I just started subscribing your channel. Looking forward to seeing more of your videos 🙂

  4. Mamzelnat

    Keep on doing what makes you happy. I can’t wait to see the content you’ll create ! I love your blog, you’ re so inspiring. Good luck !

  5. Gaby | Life in Eight

    Just wanted to with you success lovely ? I’m sure you’ll do really well ?

  6. Ann

    Hi Signe,
    I am disappointed to hear this as it looks like you will be another ‘preachy blogger’. A blogger who preaches about work outfit but has not stepped inside an office. Isn’t blogging world full of these already? It was nice when you were regular person and relatable. You hear people talk about conscious consumerism and fashion and we all know that’s a lie. Hope you will be better than that.

    • signeh24

      Hi Ann. I’m sorry to hear that I disappoint you with this decision – i’ve worked in offices for almost 7-8 years now, so I do carry some experience along with me. Right now I’m just in a place personally, where I’m not happy with my work. I have no dream about becoming another fashion designer either. At some point I do want another job on the side though, as I also write in the post, because you can’t be sure for how long you can live from being a blogger. I do agree with you to some point that consious consumerism is a “lie” and I know it’s something other slow-fashion bloggers have been preaching about lately, but I dont entirely think it’s true either. We can’t just stop buying or produce garments all at once because what would me an all my colleagues not to mention all the workers in production live from? I really hope you see my point in moving away from the production Industry of fashion to a more consumer-based view, because I think it is a very important direction for the whole Industry. To realize that we both produce and buy too much. Because right there I have plenty of experience as do many other women in the western world! i have other intentions than just showing off pretty outfits like many other bloggers, I really want to show people that you can have fun with fashion even by consuming less. The fact of the matter is, I enjoy bringing out this message so much, that I would love to be able to do it even more. It’s too stressful to do it properly while you are in a fulltime position at the same time! If I could stay here part time I would, but unfortunately I can’t. I will do my best to only collaborate with companies that makes sense to my whole concept. Maybe one day i’ll do more of a personal stylist thing – I dont know yet. Again I’m really sorry that you feel disappointed and I hope you will stick around.

      XX Signe

  7. Julia

    Hi Signe! You’re very strong person to made such a decision! It’s grate, that you have enouth courage and also opportunity to choose your own way! Good luck!

  8. Ada

    Good luck Signe! I have been following you for a while now. Really like your style, lifestyle and attitude towards fashion! Especially enjoy your youtube channel. Just hope you will stay as natural and true as you have been so far. Just keep on doing all this wonderful work you’ve been doing so far and I am sure you will make your dreams come true. I am sure you’ll become a great pro blogger and will gain thousands of new subscribers very soon! 🙂


    Hvor er du sej Signe ♥️ Og hvor er vi som læsere heldige, at vi kommer til at se meget mere fra din hånd. KH Maria

  10. Marta

    Brave decision. Good luck. Where did you buy these black lace-up shoes?

  11. Sabrina Henkhaus

    That’s great news, Signe! I’ve been loyally following your blog/videos for some time now.

    Much love and support from Portland, OR, USA!


  12. Mia

    Det er så mega cool altså!! Haha du havde postet en insta-story hvor du hintede om dette indlæg – men det postede du 1. april, så jeg regnede faktisk med at det var en aprilsnar ? Men det er virkelig sejt gjort, og jeg er meget spændt på at se hvad der kommer ud af det 🙂
    Jeg overvejer selv ret meget at starte en blog – ikke for at leve af den, men fordi jeg elsker at skrive og fordi jeg er ret så passioneret omkring capsule wardrobe, minimalisme og ikke mindst less waste. Hmm måske jeg bare skulle springe ud i det…

  13. KeShawna Wise

    Wow Signe! I’ve been following you for quite some time now and you have inspired me tremendously. I’m currently in limbo myself I work as an assistant designer and everyone is constantly asking me when I’m going to start my own line and do I want to become a designer. I’ve really been struggling with it because I’ve had this dream for so long that it feels odd to part with it. Lately my passion has been capsule wardrobing and just a minimalistic lifestyle as a whole, but I’m not really sure what to do! Would love to hear what your process or plan is.

  14. Tracey Shull

    Dear Signe, you have to follow your dreams and listen to your instincts; you know yourself better than anybody else does, and your passion for what you do shows in all you do. You are a thoughtful person sincerely trying to make a difference in educating people about consuming less while maintaining great style—such a needed lesson in our overly consumerist, materialistic world! I have loved following your blog, utube channel, and instagram feed, and have learned so much from you. And I think it is always better to say,”I tried and failed,” than, “What if I had tried…..?” Experience itself is a master teacher. (But I’m sure you will be a success, because you already are!) P.S. I chucked the 9 to 5, too, and so did my mom—both of us for jobs in sales–hers in real estate and mine in women’s clothing; there are erratic hours, yes, but more freedom, too. I had years working in an office, too, and sitting inside for 9 hours and dealing with office politics were not for me. I’m happy for you, and best of luck! Love and hugs, Tracey

  15. Jessica

    I sent you an email but I’m so embarrassed I typed your name wrong! Use Less not Useless!!!!!!!

  16. Freia

    Love your blog! I think you are inspiring and I really love the idea of using less, as a way to save both money and environment, as well as clearing mindspace! I just wanted to say something about your youtube channel; When the music is slow and calm, and the pace of your videos are slow, the videos get a bit boring sometimes. I think that if you want more viewers it can be a good idea to pick up the pace and make the videos more entertaining. Now this is constructive criticism, i like your videos now- i have just noticed what have worked for other youtubers:) have a lovely day <3

  17. SF

    ” I want to inspire women to buy less, choose more carefully and have fun with a systematic and more minimal approach to their wardrobe.”

    That’s exactly what you have done for me so far with your amazing youtube videos and blog content! Normally after watching one of your videos i immediately want to start organising and looking at my own wardrobe, I especially now enjoy looking at old items that i have and looking at other ways to make more use of them!

    I am subscribed to many people on youtube and can honestly say your videos are some of my favorites- so to hear that you are going to follow this talent of yours full time is great news!

    I just wanted to wish you all the best going forward and your decision is very admirable!

    P.S. Your capsule wardrobe is my exact style too- so has now become the blueprint for mine! haha xx

  18. Lisbeth Skrædderdal

    Jeg har fulgt dig et stykke tid nu. Og jeg er ganske sikker på, at der kommer noget rigtig godt ud af din beslutning. Du skal være der, hvor dit hjerte er ganske enkelt. Og så gør du det her så sindsygt godt, at jeg er overbevidst om, at det fører til noget større. Held og masser af lykke herfra.

  19. Classy Simple Life

    Dear Signe, I would like to wish you all the best! I’m crossing my finger for you! I’m regularly watching your YouTube channel and I’m thinking you make a great job. Good luck and the best regards from Poland – Anna 🙂

  20. Sandi Mcdougall

    You are an amazing young woman with lots of great ideas. I always find inspiration in your blogs & utube videos. If you can inspire a woman of 66 with something different than the ordinary, you are definitely on the right track. Good luck in your endeavors and bless you.

  21. Daniela

    Dear Signe, I am going through a similar process and I understand you perfectly. Working in an office as a lawyer was not for me, I did it for 15 years and ended up getting sick. So for a while I found support in muy instagram feed. First, it was a something that I did just for fun, but then I take it seriously, like a real job. Do not give importance to the people who criticize you. Only the one that passed for what you or I passed can undertstand what this is about. I send you a big hug and kisses from Argentina. DaniDear Signe, I am going through a similar process and I understand you perfectly. Working in an office as a lawyer was not for me, I did it for 15 years and ended up getting sick. So for a while I found support in my instagram feed. First, it was a something that I did just for fun, but then I take it seriously, like a real job. Do not give importance to the people who criticize you. Only the one that passed for what you or I felt can undertstand what this is about. I send you a big hug and kisses from Argentina. Dani


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