My current capsule: autumn 2017

Sep 2, 2017 | 13 comments

Click on the individual products to be redirected to a similar option!

/ Finally it is time to show you my autumn capsule wardrobe of 2017! I love autumn, actually it’s my favourite season when it comes to style. I’m looking forward to start wearing wool coats again and also to wear my fuzzy knit sweaters. I love layering this time of year. I have taken pictures of all my own products this time and put them all in the above overviews. I thought it would be kind of cool that it was all my own things there was on these overviews instead of just similar products. I have purchased 2 “new” products this season: the brown boots and the camel coat. Or actually, both products are pre-owned! I’m also on the hunt for a brown bag, but I just haven’t found the right one yet. Now I’m just looking forward for the temperatures to start dropping so I can start wearing it all, haha! See more in the video below. 

Så blev det endelig tid til, at vise jer min efterårs capsule for 2017! Jeg elsker efterår, faktisk er det min favorit årstid når det kommer til påklædning. Jeg har glædet mig til, at kunne hive mine uldfrakker frem igen og ikke mindst supplere med ekstra, dejlige striktrøjer. Jeg elsker lag-på-på og glæder mig også til at gå (endnu mere) i mine støvler. Jeg har taget billeder af alle mine egne produkter denne gang, og sat dem alle ind i ovenstående oversigter. Syntes det kunne være fedt, at det var mine helt egne produkter som jeg alligevel hele tiden viser jer, som var på dem i stedet for, at det bare var lignende produkter. Jeg har købt 2 “nye” produkter denne sæson: de brune støvler og den camel-farvede frakke. Eller det vil sige begge produkter er nogle jeg har købt brugt! Jeg leder efter også et tredje produkt, nemlig en brun taske, men har bare ikke lige fundet den helt rigtige endnu. Nu glæder jeg mig bare til, at temperaturerne falder lidt mere, så jeg kan begynde at gå med det hele, haha! Se mere i videoen nedenfor.


  1. Mirjam

    Nice! Your wardrobe is always inspirational for me. Love your style!

  2. Polly

    Loving your autumn capsule! Did you already get the Alfie Douglas convertible brown bag? If not, i can vouch for the quality of that style/brand: I have it in black, and it’s made of thick, soft leather and I love that it can be a cross body bag and a backpack. It’s also lasted two years of regular use with no signs of wear. My only quibble would be that if you’re wearing summer clothes (like, just a t-shirt) the thin strap cuts in to your shoulder. But with all other tops/outerwear, this bag is super practical.

  3. Johanne

    Ser skønt ud.
    Og fed opdeling mellem det som er der altid, og det der er det nye. Det kan være jeg også skal prøve det 😉

    • signeh24

      Det kan ihvertfald anbefales! :-*

  4. andrea

    Great video Signe! Love, love your blog and videos. You show us again and again that great style is not a question of money and you don’t need to buy a lot of cheap clothes made under cheap conditions to look great and act responsibly. Thanks!

    Best regards,

  5. Lullumut

    Tak for en god blog, som altid 🙂 Du skriver meget om at købe tøj brugt. Hvad med det tøj, du gerne vil sælge. Ved godt du gemmer meget for at genoverveje det i en ny sæson. Men hvilke kriterier går du i gennem, når du beslutter dig for at sælge et stykke tøj. Og hvor sælger du, og hvordan gør du dine annoncer mest attraktive. Kunne være spændende med et indlæg/en video omkring det 🙂

    • signeh24

      Tak! :-* For at være helt ærlig er det ikke noget jeg tænker så meget over 🙂 Jeg tror, at når man køber tøj i god kvalitet og mærker der måske er eftertragtede i sig selv, så sælges produkterne rimelig hurtigt uden man behøver gøre så meget ved sine annoncer. Jeg har ikke en “målrettet strategi” på den måde, og jeg vælger altid bare den gratis/billigste annonce på fx Trendsales når jeg skal sælge noget videre 😉 Altså det er fx nemmere at sælge et par støver fra fx Billi Bi end et par fra H&M. Så det er noget der er værd at have i tankerne, når man selv køber ting som man måske en dag kunne få lyst til at sælge videre 🙂 Men vil helt klart tænke over det, om det kunne være man skulle samle nogle tips til at sælge sine ting videre!

  6. dianne obeso

    Super! new video!! High..Dianne from San Diego, Ca. It’s 83 degrees and raining from a Mexican storm here. Looking forward at some point to get back into long-sleeved Tees..trying to find a camel coat..several seasons looking with no luck. Agree trends are nice to look at with Fall 700 page fashion magazines now coming in the mail but still..seeing it with an adjusted view even more now. Thanks,Dianne

  7. Érica

    Hi Signe! Love your wardrobe and sustainable inspiration. I’m currently building my capsule wardrobe and I find your style very similar to mine. I have a question that I hope you won’t find a silly one. How can you prevent yourself from buying for example a white shirt or t-shirt without it being transparent? Some brands photoshop the models and sometimes it’s not true to reality. Are your shirts a bit or more transparent? Thank you. Érica

    • signeh24

      Dear Érica! Thanks for your sweet comment. You can’t really prevent that, if you’re shopping online – unless it’s a brand you already know and trust. So the simple tip is, to do that kind of shopping physically if you’re afraid of getting something that wasn’t what you hoped for. My own basic tees are very old and from a danish brand called Only, but when I need to replace them (that will be within the next 6 months I think) I’m going to try Everlane. I haven’t had the chance to actually check out their product in real life, but I trust Everlane. They are one of the most sustainable and transparent brands in the world. My white t-shirt is a bitt see-through, but I dont mind. If you wear a nice lace bra underneath or maybe even a fitted jersey cami underneath, you’ll be fine 🙂 Go for the heavier cotton jersey fabrics and stay away from the very thin ones like for example viscose if you are afraid it will be too see-through. I think this one looks as a great option:

      Hope it was helpful! XX

  8. Stefanie

    Hi Signe! Love all your videos and blog…highly inspirational for someone like me who is just starting out with capsule wardrobes. You style is spot-on with my newly discovered style. Looking forward to seeing more videos. Cheers from Canada!

  9. Aljona

    Great blog and article! Good inspiration. Will look up this page more often in the future. Keep doing it! ☺

  10. Lo

    I just discovered your blog, and I love it! I’m obsessed with capsule wardrobes, and I really love your approach of having a “core” wardrobe that works year-round and mixing in seasonal items. I might have to try that myself.



  1. How to make jeans slimmer | Fix your wardrobe series | How to make Everything - […] My current capsule: autumn 2017 […]
  2. How to accessorize your looks | The effortless style #2 – TubeChip - […] My current capsule: autumn 2017 […]
  3. What's a Capsule Wardrobe and Why Do You Need One? - Vilda Magazine - […] consider their fashion consumption and try the capsule wardrobe system. Every season she shares her current capsule on her…
  4. www.uselesswardro… #capsulewardrobe #basicwardrobe #minimalism #minimalist – Wardrobe - […] www.uselesswardro… #capsulewardrobe #basicwardrobe #minimalism #minimalist […]

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