My current capsule: autumn 2018.

Sep 5, 2018 | 5 comments

find the watch here 15% off with code SIGNE (AD) – find the brown bag here

Many of you have been dying for me to reveal my autumn capsule the last couple weeks, and I completely understand your eagerness: just like you guys I’m in love with all things autumn, and I can’t get enough of autumn layering as soon as the temperatures drop. I got into the capsule wardrobe system 3 years ago, and I seriously think this capsule is my favourite of all my capsules so far! Besides of course defining my all-year basics, which I started doing back in spring 2017. This definition of the system is still what works best for me – having one part basics, one part seasonals and one part occasion wear – and I think this is what attracts so many of you guys as well. You can get a new style and theme worked into your wardrobe every season, without having to change a lot. It just makes it a joy and a relief getting dressed every day and for any occasion, when you come up with a system like this for your wardrobe.

I er mange der har skrevet og spurgt mig de sidste par uger hvornår jeg mon ville løfte sløret for min efterårs capsule, og jeg forstår jer godt; for ligesom jer så elsker simpelthen efterår, og jeg kan slet ikke få nok af lag-på-lag så snart temperaturerne tillader det. Det er 3 år siden jeg for alvor blev interesseret i capsule wardrobe systemet, og jeg tror helt ærligt at dette er dén capsule jeg har været mest tilfreds med so far! Foruden selvfølgelig definitionen af min basis capsule, som jeg for alvor begyndte på tilbage i foråret 2017. Denne definition af systemet er stadig hvad der fungerer allerbedst for mig – at have en basis-del og en sæson-del (foruden en del til særlige lejligheder) – og jeg tror egentlig også det er dét som mange af jer derude synes er ret smart. Man får et nyt udtryk på sin garderobe hver sæson, uden egentlig at ændre ret meget på den, men at sætte tingene i system gør det bare lettere og sjovere at klæde sig på til hvilken som helst lejlighed.

* This post contains adlinks within text. Please read my disclaimer for products linked HERE

Shirt+jeans / Everlane – boots / 2ndhand Acne Studios – bag / Adax – Belt / & Other Stories (old)

Shopping my own closet

I’ve been through my storage to pull out my favourite autumn pieces from last year, and I both found items that are older but also some that I invested in last year. I know you are probably bored to death by me always repeating this, but oh boy I love “shopping” like this! Both my brown boots and my camel coat that I bought secondhand last year are items that I’ve been longing to wear again for such a long time. Most of the items above are from storage actually, except a few new additions. I’m betting on a combo of minimal style, a basic autumn colour scale and a hint of rock’n’roll vibes this autumn. The red accent colour is gonna be great for lighting up my otherwise rather dark wardrobe! I’m also pretty hooked on the idea of getting myself a red beanie this year.  mean with an all black or just a basic monochromatic outfit that is just too cool! Now I just need to swing by the cobbler’s to get my boots resoled and to fix up the handle of my trusty old shopper bag, before the autumn season kicks in for real. As a whole my autumn capsule is a bit like the one I made last autumn but still a bit different; there are a few items which pulls the overall style in another direction – the graphic tees and the leopard coat for example, which gives everything that quirky and edgy twist I want but without moving too far away from my basic style and which are still easy to style.

This time around I also started the process updating my “storage” inside the Cladwell app. This means that you register all the items you have in your physical storage inside the app. It’s actually something I should have done a long time ago, but now it’s finally done and it feels amazing, haha! The cool thing about the function is that I now how a complete overview of my entire wardrobe which is especially helpful in the planning process of a capsule wardrobe. I can remove/add items and I can easily see if I already have something in storage similar to an item if I’m out shopping for example. I can also just use the storage tool to add/remove items if I’m bored with my capsule in the middle of a season and I need a breath of fresh air without actually buying something. As a new feature Cladwell has made a so-called “Style Profile” too, which means you can track your own habits, preferences and choices at all times. Among other things you’ll be able to see which kinds of colours you prefer, which items you con’t use a lot and vice versa. It requires you to be quite active in terms of registering the outfits you wear regularly though (which I need to get better at). I try to be more active like that though because I love the fact that you can get wiser about your own style, and thus become a better consumer! You can download the Cladwell app for iOS right HERE. You will get a 30-day trial for the app with code useless10days  (AD), by heading to their website. You need to sign up at and then fill in the promo code, then log in to the app after downloading to your iOS device. Promo codes cannot be applied when signing up via Apple ID.

Jeg har været i gemmerne og hevet mine favoritter fra efteråret sidste år frem, og der gemte sig både items af ældre dato, men altså igen også nogle af de jeg investerede i sidste år. Jeg ved I sikkert er ved at kede jer ihjel over denne sætning fordi jeg gentager mig selv så ofte, men for pokker hvor jeg elsker denne måde at “shoppe” på! Både mine brune støvler og camel frakken som jeg fandt brug på Trendsales sidste år har været savnet, og i løbet af sommeren har jeg taget mig selv i, at længes efter at tage dem i brug igen. Faktisk er de fleste af ovenstående items af ældre dato, på nær et par enkelte. Jeg satser på en blanding af klassisk minimalisme, klassiske efterårsfarver og et hint af lidt rock’n’roll vibes dette efterår. Jeg tror også det bliver super fint med den røde farve, som lyser resten af min ellers ret mørke garderobe lidt op. Er desuden lidt lun på tanken om, at anskaffe mig en knaldrød hue også. Ret sejt med et helt sort eller bare simpelt og monokromt outfit! Nu mangler jeg bare at komme et smut forbi skomageren, få mine støvler forsålet og få ordnet hanken på min gode, gamle shopper taske inden sæsonen for alvor går igang. Alt i alt minder min capsule en smule om den jeg lavede sidste efterår, men så alligevel ikke; der er nogle enkelte items der trækker den overordnede stil i en lidt anden retning – fx de printede t-shirts og leopard frakken, der giver det hele et lidt mere finurligt twist, dog uden jeg bevæger mig for langt væk fra min minimalistiske stil og som stadig er super nemme at style.

Denne gang lagde jeg også ud med, at opdatere min “storage” funktion inde i Cladwell app’en, hvor du faktisk registrerer alle de items du har gemt væk fra tidligere sæsoner. Det er egentlig noget jeg skulle have gjort for længe siden, men nu er det gjort og det føles så rart, haha! Det smarte ved denne funktion er, at jeg nu har det fulde overblik over min garderobe og især i planlægningsfasen er denne funktion virkelig nyttig. Jeg kan tage items til/fra den enkelte capsule og kan desuden let se, om jeg allerede er i besiddelse af et lignende item hvis jeg nu er ude og shoppe. Ligeledes kan jeg gå i gemmerne via app’en hvis jeg føler mig fristet eller keder mig midt i en sæson, trække et item over i min capsule og få forslag til “nye” outfits igen. Jeg elsker at nørde rundt med min garderobe på denne måde. Som noget nyt har Cladwell også lavet en såkaldt “Style profile”, hvor du hele tiden kan holde øje med din stil, dine vaner og præferencer for på den måde at blive en bedre forbruger og bare klogere på din egen stil på sigt. Du kan bl.a. se hvilke items du ikke bruger så meget og omvendt, hvilke farver du er gladest for m.m. Det kræver dog dels at du registrerer de outfits du anvender i app’en, hvilket jeg ikke altid gør. Men jeg forsøger at være mere aktiv på den måde, for jeg synes faktisk det er ret smart! Du kan hente app’en til iOS lige HER. Ved at klikke på dette link og signe up kan du iøvrigt få en 30 dages gratis prøveperiode med koden useless10days (reklame). Du skal dog logge ind via nettet og oprette dig samt indtaste koden og derefter downloade app’en, den virker nemlig ikke via Itunes.

The new additions

I’ve added a few new items to my autumn capsule, which I particularly like to do between the “bigger” seasons, or if I need to exchange some older items in my basic wardrobe with new ones. So when we go from sommer to autumn and from winter to spring for example, but it of course depends on my mood too. I’ve been so lucky to be offered to test out a few items from Everlane’s fall collection, and I choose to test out a shirt fromtheir new, sustainable range of “Clean Silk” items. I love the colour which couldn’t have ben more perfect for the colour theme I already had in mind for this season. It’s such a beautiful shirt that I’d be happy to wear both on a daily basis and for special occasions. Besides that I was contacted by the sustainable webshop Moonific who in collaboration with People Tree gifted me the “Bee Happy” slogan t-shirt, which I think is so cute and quirky. Besides these few gifted items I have also purchased a couple things myself – like the brown loafers and the leopard coat which is a scoop from Vestiaire Collective and from the French brand Maje. It was my first ever purchase on Vestiaire which was about freakin’ time, because they have so many nice secondhand items in there from both highstreet and highend brands.

Der har sneget sig et par enkelte nye køb ind, hvilket jeg primært ynder at gøre ved de store sæsonskift, eller hvis der er nogle items i min basisgarderobe der trænger til at blive udskiftet. Så fra sommer til efterår og fra vinter til forår. Alt indimellem kan som regel klares med et smut i gemmerne igen, men det kommer selvfølgelig an på hvad jeg lige er i humør til den pågældende sæson. Jeg har været så heldig at få lov til at teste nogle af Everlane’s nye efterårsvarer – jeg valgte en skjorte fra deres nye bæredygtige “Clean Silk” kollektion, i en farve som passer perfekt til det farvetema jeg allerede havde i tankerne. Det er en meget smuk skjorte, som jeg vil kunne bruge både til hverdag og fest! Udover det har den bæredygtige webshop Moonific i samarbejde med People Tree foråret mig t-shirt’en i økologisk bomuld med sloganet “Bee Happy”. Jeg synes den var så sød og finurlig, og igen perfekt til det overordnede tema min efterårs capsule har denne gang. Udover disse items som jeg har fået i gave, så har jeg selv købt de brune loafers og leopardfrakken er et secondhandfund fra Vestiaire Collective, og er fra det franske mærke Maje. Det var første gang jeg købte noget på Vestiaire Collective, hvilket må siges at være på tide eftersom jeg synes der er et hav af fine brugte ting derinde – både highend og highstreet.


  1. Mirjam

    Nice wardrobe again! Looking forward to seeing your outfits.

  2. Diana

    Hi Signe!

    Love your autumn capsule and I am looking for some of those lovely olive colours for my own fall capsule. I had a question about your process when shopping your storage. As you are adding in some new pieces into your capsule wardrobe, are there any pieces that you decided to let go while shopping your storage? If so, can you tell us which ones and perhaps why you decided remove them from your wardrobe? I am curious as I have a small closet, and essentially evaluate every piece I have while shopping my storage.

    Thanks! <3

  3. Steffi

    Beautiful selection! Can’t wait to see all the combinations.

    I’m building my own capsule today. I’m super excited to see my finished result. I’m so ready to start the new season. I’m clearly not the summer type.

  4. Chloe

    Hi Signe!

    Don’t you ever miss your newest additions to your latest capsules?? I mean, things like your super nice beige biker, or the Doc Martens boots you add last winter?

    When I build my season capsule (i upgrade my capsule style to a basic + season capsule like yours! And it works much better now!) I tend to always keep my newest things, i just can’t store them after only using them for a season… And I would like to know your wiews on this. You buy some new stuff season after season, but you seem to store it many times… Don’t you miss such things??

    Best regards!

    • signeh24

      Hi Chloe :-* My Doc martens are part of my all-year basic capsule actually even though they are not on the overview. But that’s because I tend to reach more for them for practical situations like walking miles on a break in a city like when we were in London, or when we were on the little Danish island Fejø last week. They are the perfect mix between stylish and practical 🙂 As for the other things, I do get back out items season after season and could very well imagine that I’ll bring it back out when spring arrives. I don’t know, for me it’s more of a spring jacket than autumn because of the light colour 🙂 But if you look at my capsule now (autumn) it contains many older items, but it all depends on my mood the specific season. Hope it makes sense! xx


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