After having shared first part of my summer capsule series last week, it’s finally time for me to share part 2; the final outcome! I ended up going for this very monochrome colour palette and then throw in some cream/beige colours. I’m so thrilled with how my summer capsule has turned out, and I must say I’ve already been wearing a lot of these items a lot because of the amazing weather we’ve been having in Denmark, which just doesn’t seem to end any day soon.
Efter at have delt første del af min summer capsule series sidste uge, så er det endelig blevet tid til, at dele min endelige garderobe med jer! Jeg endte ud med, at gå med det ret så monokrome farveudtryk og så ellers holde mig til de her lidt mere naturlige creme-farver indimellem. Jeg er super glad for resultatet af min sommer capsule, og jeg er jo allerede godt og grundigt tyvstartet med den, eftersom det fantastiske solskinsvejr ingen ende vil tage.
A final look-back at spring
Even though I also did a look-back in the first part of this series, there were some things that popped into my mind when I was about to store away my spring capsule. For example I had this idea, that I wanted to wear heels on a daily basis during spring – just hop into a pair of comfy kitten heels every once in a while. Truth is I didn’t do this at all, and I therefore I just need to realize that high heels on a daily basisdont fit my current lifestyle and situation. When I’m working at my parttime job I often run around the office doing all sorts of things, and on days like those I tend to go for my flat shoes – sometimes I’ll wear my Acne boots that have a low block heel, but no more than that. And when I work from home I’m pretty much always barefeet or wearing slippers. So high heels and everyday wear? Not gonna happen right now. I’ll save them for nights out, special occasions or date-nights with my husband.
So one of the most important experiences to make when you want a curated closet is not only to be honest to yourself, but also to make sure that the items you have in your wardrobe fit the life you’re living. Not a life you wish to live. A sustainable wardrobe takes into consideration what works in real life situations, and not just what looks pretty in a picture or at occasions that rarely occurs.
Selvom jeg også så lidt tilbage i første del af denne serie, så var der alligevel et par ting der dukkede op i mit hoved, da jeg begyndte at pakke min forårs capsule ned. Fx havde jeg en idé om, at jeg gerne ville have gået lidt mere i høje hæle til hverdag – bare hoppe i et par behagelige kitten heels i ny og næ. Men faktisk gjorde jeg ikke dette én eneste gang, og jeg tror derfor jeg må erkende, at dét der med høje hæle til hverdag ikke rigtig duer i forhold til sådan som mit liv ser ud lige nu. Når jeg møder op på mit deltidsjob, så farer jeg ofte rundt og derfor griber jeg oftere ud efter mine flade sko – indimellem mine Acne støvler, der har en lille blok hæl, men så er det også dét. Når jeg arbejder hjemme så tøffer jeg ofte rundt i bare tæer eller slippers, så det dér med de høje hæle? Dem holder jeg til byture, specielle lejligheder og date-aftner med min mand. Bum.
Så én af de vigtigste erfaringer man løbende bør gøre sig når man gerne vil have styr på sin garderobe er, ikke blot at være ærlig over for sig selv, men også sørge for, at de items man har i sin garderobe passer til det liv man lever. Ikke det liv man vil leve. En bæredygtig garderobe tager højde for, hvad der fungerer i virkeligheden, og ikke blot hvad der ser pænt ud på et billede eller ved lejligheder der sjældent forekommer.
Shopping my own closet
As always I’ve been digging out most of my seasonal items from storage. Some of it is several years of age, some of it only from last year. I’ve bought myself a pair of secondhand dungarees and then this beautiful top from one of my favourite sustainable brands: People Tree. The total amount of items in my summer capsule is 14, which might sound like a lot when you think about the fact that I also have a basic wardrobe, that consists of appr. 35 items – but to me, everything is as it should be. I never restrict myself to a certain number to begin with; I just go with the flow, and pick and choose which ever items I feel like going for the particular season. The only place I do restrict myself is when it comes to the amount of new purchases. I feel like the combination of my summer capsule and my all-year basic wardrobe makes me ready for any type of weather we may have this year. With the amazing weather we’ve been having so far, I’m super pleased that I have no less than 3 different dresses to choose from. I’ve worn all 3 a lot just the past two weeks, so it’s nice to have something different to choose from!
You can learn a lot more abou all of the items I’ve made part of my capsule this year in the video down below, and also get some inspiration on how I’m gonna style everything. And don’t forget to let me know I’ve you’ve started your summer capsules too and what kind of look you’re going for this year, I’d love to know!
Som altid har jeg fundet det meste af mit sæsonbaserede tøj i gemmerne. Noget er af meget ældre dato og noget er blot fra sidste år. Jeg har købt mig et par smækbukser brugt og så har jeg købt en ny top fra yndlingsmærket People Tree, og er derfor oppe på i alt 14 items i min lille sommer capsule. Jeg ved det måske lyder af meget, når man tager i betragtning, at jeg også har en basis garderobe på ca. 35 items, men for mig er det som det skal være. Jeg låser mig aldrig fast på et tal når jeg bygger mine capsules; jeg bygger dem på erfaring fra tidligere sæsoner og ikke mindst hvad jeg har lyst til, at gå i lige nu og resten af sæsonen. Det eneste sted jeg altid holder mig tilbage, er på antallet af nye køb. Jeg føler kombinationen af min sæsonbaserede sommer capsule og min basis garderobe gør, at jeg er klar til alle typer af vejr, den danske sommer måtte byde på i år. Med det fantastiske vejr vi har haft indtil videre, så er jeg super tilfreds med, at jeg fx har intet mindre end 3 forskellige kjoler i min capsule denne gang. Alle 3 er blevet brugt flittigt de sidste 2 uger, og det er skønt at have lidt at vælge imellem!
I kan lære meget mere om de styles jeg har valgt at tage med i min capsule i videoen nedenfor, og også få en masse inspiration til, hvordan jeg vil style min sommer capsule i år. Og lad mig endelig høre om I selv er begyndt at bygge jeres egen, og hvilket look I går efter i år!
on 10. June 2018 at 20:40
Hi Signe,
I love your looks and your style. Could you tell me where your golden straps (from your black bag) are from and which length do you have? Maybe you could send me a link. I know you told in one of your videos about the strap but I can´t remember, which video it was.
Why do you sell out to Everlane? So many youtubbers and bloggers do this and we end up thinking that Everlane has quality clothing when in fact their clothing is NOT. It is cheaply made but they market their company in a way that gets people to think that they are benevolent. With Everlane, if you send the clothing back they make you pay for return shipping and a restocking fee. So much of your clothing is NOT Everlane, yet you send us to that site using rstyleme so that you can get some sort of commission. How horrible. How are people supposed to trust you? I bet this comment will not ever get published, but at least you will read it and maybe it’ll make you think about your own branding. Do you want to be someone who speaks truth or someone who shells out for a few dollars of comission?
Hi. Thanks for your feedback. I disagree with you and I trust Everlane until opposite is proven. Striving for perfection and looking for any mistakes in this field is bound to make you fail, trying to make a difference. It will kill the joy and make people think “well, I can’t do anything right so I might as well do nothing”. So I repeat, I have chosen actively to trust these brands until the opposite is proven. Which facts do you base this on; personal experience or articles – I’d love to know? 🙂 Also please read my disclaimer which explains the other points. Yes, I have other brands in my wardrobe than Everlane evn though I often link to their site, but I love that brand and use it as a similar option to items that I have that are no longer available or that I bought long before I even got into ethical fashion. Because I believe Everlane is good quality and a step in the right direction. Is there a chance they might not be “perfect”? Probably. But it’s for sure better than supporting fast fashion brands in any case. This is a journey, so my wardrobe is naturally a big mix of different brands – both ethical and unethical ones. You can choose to see that as trustworthy or not, that’s up to you – in any case I know my long-time followers know who I am and they know I would never try to be something I’m not; also, I am a human being, I am no expert. I can take criticism – but I’m just a consumer like you, trying to make better choices fo myself AND the environment which is also something you can find in both my “about” and “disclaimer” section.
If I wanted to sell out just for “a couple dollars in commission” I wouldn’t give a damn about which brands I redirected you guys to. But the fact is that I do, and I don’t see anything wrong with getting paid for all the hard work I do trying to change the game of how we consume. Finally if you have any other brand suggestions that I can move forward with now that you clearly don’t like Everlane, I’d love to know – that would be a very constructive way of lecturing me. Thanks, and have a great day 🙂 xx
Hi Signe, I am really enjoying all of your hard work!! I had shopped Everlane several times before learning about you. I love them. Don’t see a problem at all. I love the t-shirts and trench coat I’ve purchased from Everlane. Their customer service is excellent! Thank you for introducing me to People Tree and Power of My People! I love the idea of buying higher quality clothing so they last longer. I am in the process of weeding out things I do not use in my wardrobe and learning what my true style is and sticking to it. I think your style is very similar to mine! You sharing your journey is helping me a lot. Bravo for all you do!!! I truly appreciate it. Great job!!!
Hi! I’m a big fan of your YouTube videos! What is the brand name of your fabulous gray cardigan? Any ideas where to get something similar? The link is nothing like the one you have. Thanks!!!
In one of our recent episodes of the Sustain This Podcast, we talked about the difference between fashion and style. Fashion very much tends to be reflected in our society and culture and it’s kind of what we collectively tend to wear during a specific time period,...
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In today’s post I wanted to present to you my top 10 summer capsule staples, more specifically: maternity friendly summer staples. Most of these items can be worn during pregnancy and beyond which makes them smarter, long-term wardrobe investments rather than being...
If you're new around here then hi, I’m Signe - A Danish slow fashion advocate, and today I want to talk you through a topic that is, naturally, close to my heart: Danish fashion & style. Before we get into it, because I feel like people take some things on the...
One thing we often overlook when we’re talking wardrobe editing and decluttering, getting rid of stuff in general, is that the act of decluttering should not just happen to make room for more stuff, but to learn, become more true to your style and achieve a higher...
It’s finally warming up now in Denmark as we’re approaching April, and so I thought it was about time I did my seasonal capsule wardrobe switchover. Like I mentioned in my autumn capsule video last year, I truly feel like I’ve reached a point where I have a much...
My favourite season is upon us; autumn is finally approaching and so today I wanted to share my autumn capsule wardrobe. If you’re a longtime follower you will recognise a lot of these piece from previous years - this is exactly why I decided to give the capsule...
Packing for a holiday can be a little stressful - many of us tend to bring lots of “just in case items” which will only add to the weight of your suitcase, making it overly stuffed, heavy and maybe even more expensive to check in if you’re flying. But it doesn’t have...
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I’m a former fashion designer turned certified style coach & colour consultant from Denmark. I’m here to help you increase your style confidence, and learn to do more with less!
Hi Signe,
I love your looks and your style. Could you tell me where your golden straps (from your black bag) are from and which length do you have? Maybe you could send me a link. I know you told in one of your videos about the strap but I can´t remember, which video it was.
best wishes
Sure! :-* They recently launched international shipping. This is the one I have:
Why do you sell out to Everlane? So many youtubbers and bloggers do this and we end up thinking that Everlane has quality clothing when in fact their clothing is NOT. It is cheaply made but they market their company in a way that gets people to think that they are benevolent. With Everlane, if you send the clothing back they make you pay for return shipping and a restocking fee. So much of your clothing is NOT Everlane, yet you send us to that site using rstyleme so that you can get some sort of commission. How horrible. How are people supposed to trust you? I bet this comment will not ever get published, but at least you will read it and maybe it’ll make you think about your own branding. Do you want to be someone who speaks truth or someone who shells out for a few dollars of comission?
Hi. Thanks for your feedback. I disagree with you and I trust Everlane until opposite is proven. Striving for perfection and looking for any mistakes in this field is bound to make you fail, trying to make a difference. It will kill the joy and make people think “well, I can’t do anything right so I might as well do nothing”. So I repeat, I have chosen actively to trust these brands until the opposite is proven. Which facts do you base this on; personal experience or articles – I’d love to know? 🙂 Also please read my disclaimer which explains the other points. Yes, I have other brands in my wardrobe than Everlane evn though I often link to their site, but I love that brand and use it as a similar option to items that I have that are no longer available or that I bought long before I even got into ethical fashion. Because I believe Everlane is good quality and a step in the right direction. Is there a chance they might not be “perfect”? Probably. But it’s for sure better than supporting fast fashion brands in any case. This is a journey, so my wardrobe is naturally a big mix of different brands – both ethical and unethical ones. You can choose to see that as trustworthy or not, that’s up to you – in any case I know my long-time followers know who I am and they know I would never try to be something I’m not; also, I am a human being, I am no expert. I can take criticism – but I’m just a consumer like you, trying to make better choices fo myself AND the environment which is also something you can find in both my “about” and “disclaimer” section.
Please read my disclaimer here, maybe it will make things clearer for you:
If I wanted to sell out just for “a couple dollars in commission” I wouldn’t give a damn about which brands I redirected you guys to. But the fact is that I do, and I don’t see anything wrong with getting paid for all the hard work I do trying to change the game of how we consume. Finally if you have any other brand suggestions that I can move forward with now that you clearly don’t like Everlane, I’d love to know – that would be a very constructive way of lecturing me. Thanks, and have a great day 🙂 xx
Hi Signe, I am really enjoying all of your hard work!! I had shopped Everlane several times before learning about you. I love them. Don’t see a problem at all. I love the t-shirts and trench coat I’ve purchased from Everlane. Their customer service is excellent! Thank you for introducing me to People Tree and Power of My People! I love the idea of buying higher quality clothing so they last longer. I am in the process of weeding out things I do not use in my wardrobe and learning what my true style is and sticking to it. I think your style is very similar to mine! You sharing your journey is helping me a lot. Bravo for all you do!!! I truly appreciate it. Great job!!!
Hi! I’m a big fan of your YouTube videos! What is the brand name of your fabulous gray cardigan? Any ideas where to get something similar? The link is nothing like the one you have. Thanks!!!