My love for secondhand: Trendsales video.

Jul 4, 2017 | 1 comment

Only available in Danish – sorry guys!

/ As most of you might have seen on my Instagram, I was paid a visit by the sweetest girls from Trendsales. They are making a small video series where they visit women all over Denmark. Women who has an inspiring wardrobe and, in particular, loves to shop secondhand. And, then also paid me a visit!

Better for the environment – better for your wallet. That is my primary message in this video. I’m telling you a little about how I’ve made it a habit to check out both online secondhand shops and physical secondhand shops in my area if I want to add something new to my wardrobe. Often, you can find newer products secondhand that are still being sold from new in the original stores.

Don’t be afraid wear the same thing more than once. This is another message I’m trying to spread out in this video. Many women – especially bloggers and instagrammers – have a “I’ve already shown it once on Instagram – I can’t show it again” kind-of-thinking. It’s a concept I’m working very hard not to get dragged into! I want to show that you can be just as creative and stylish by using what you already have.

Be true to your own style is something I have learned over the past couple of years with the capsule wardrobe system. I feel more comfortable than ever, and I never get that “I have nothing to wear” feeling. I know what I want and don’t compromise with myself and my style!


Som de fleste af jer måske har set på min Instagram, så havde jeg for et par uger siden besøg af et par søde piger fra Trendsales. De er ved at lave en lille serie, hvor de tager hjem og besøger kvinder over hele landet, som har en inspirerende garderobe og ikke mindst elsker at shoppe secondhand. I den forbindelse var de også forbi mig og min garderobe!

Bedre for miljøet – bedre for pengepungen. Det er mit primære budskab i denne video. Jeg fortæller lidt om, hvordan jeg har gjort det til en vane, altid at tjekke både online secondhand shops og fysiske genbrugsbutikker i mit nærområde ud, hvis jeg har lyst til, at tilføje noget nyt til min garderobe. Ofte kan man nemlig sagtens finde nyere produkter, som faktisk stadig bliver solgt fra ny i butikkerne.

Ikke bange for at gå i det samme mere end én gang. Dette er et andet budskab jeg gerne vil frem med i denne video. Mange kvinder – især bloggere og instagrammere – kører lidt en “jeg har allerede vist det én gang på Instagram – så kan jeg jo ike vise det igen” tankegang. Det er et koncept, jeg arbejder rigtig meget på ikke at bakke op om! Jeg vil gerne vise, at man kan være ligeså kreativ ved, at bruge det man allerede har.

At hvile i sin egen stil er noget jeg har lært i løbet af de sidste par år med capsule wardrobe systemet. Jeg føler mig godt tilpas og har sjældent tøjkrise. Jeg ved hvad jeg vil have og går ikke på kompromis med mig selv og min stil!

1 Comment

  1. Greyce

    Hello Signe,

    I love your style, it is different of mine but your style matches perfect with you very clean and beautiful.

    I would like to know if you dont mind, how many clothes and shoes you have in general counting even with the ones is not in you capsule wardrobe.

    I want to “clean” all my stuff home and personal stuff, I feel the need to use less. I used to have a lot of clothes because when I was in South American I had much more things to do and events, since I moved to UK I do not have so much events, or family meeting since my family is not in Europe.

    And also I would like to ask you if you choose the color which match with your color skin.

    Your site, youtube and blog are amazing. I really like and it inspires me a lot!

    Thank you,


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