My spring capsule wardrobe 2021: timeless & versatile

Apr 1, 2021 | 8 comments

Én af de ting jeg stadig glæder mig allermest til når sæsonen skifter, er mine garderobe switch-overs. Selvom mit nye liv som mor og tilhørende corona lockdown sætter sine begrænsninger sådan rent stilmæssigt, så kan selve akten (om man vil) i, at gøre min garderobe klar til den kommende sæson stadig få mig højt op at flyve hver gang. Jeg ELSKER at blive genforenet med mine gamle favoritter, planlægge hvilke outfits jeg vil iføre mig og ikke mindst finde et par gode, nye (helst genbrugte) ting, at krydre det hele med. Hvis du har set min seneste “low buy” video, så ved du at jeg har tænkt mig at udfordre mig selv endnu mere i år, og forsøge at bringe mit forbrug lidt mere ned i forhold til sidste år, hvor jeg i gennemsnit købte ca. 2 stykker tøj om måneden, primært på grund af min graviditet. I år har jeg ca. 10 ting på min ønskeliste og den regner jeg med, at dele med jer seperat i en video eller et indlæg snarest, bare så I kan komme lidt med ind bag de overvejelser jeg gør mig, når jeg laver sådan en liste. Nogle af købene der lige nu står på den er fx ting som skal erstatte noget jeg i forvejen har, som enten er slidt op eller som har været fejlkøb fra tidligere. Men mere om det en anden dag – i dag skal det nemlig handle om min forårsgarderobe; min favoritsæson lige efter efterår.

ENG.: One of the things I still look forward to *every time* the season changes is my wardrobe switchover. Even though my new life as a mum combined with lockdown sets its limits in terms of style, the very act (if you will) of getting my wardrobe ready for the coming season still makes me all sorts of excited every time. I LOVE being reunited with my old favourites, planning what outfits I want to wear not to mention finding a few good, new (preferably preloved) items to spice it all up with. If you’ve seen my latest “low buy” video, then you know that I’m going to challenge myself even more this year, and try to bring my consumption down a bit more compared to last year, where I ended up buying approx. 2 pieces of clothing per month, mainly because of my pregnancy. This year I have around 10 items on my wishlist which I’m hoping to share with you separately in a video or a post soon, just so you can get a better understanding of which considerations I make when writing such a list. Some of the wishes that are currently on it are for example items that are replacing something I already have, which is either worn out or which has simply been a mistake purchase from earlier on. But more on that another day – today’s post is all about my spring capsule wardrobe; my favourite season right after autumn.

(Items might only be similar due to availability, but ask away in the comments if you have any Q’s about something)

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Jeg tror mange af jer kender min garderobe så godt efterhånden, men hvis du er ny her så kast et blik på mine tidligere capsule wardrobes her. Du vil hurtigt bemærke at basis-delen af min garderobe for det meste er statisk hele året rundt, og så er der nogle enkelte items jeg går ind og “piller” ved fra sæson til sæson. Desuden er de her oversigter jeg laver jo sjældent 100% lig med dét, jeg har i min garderobe; der kan være få items jeg indimellem hiver ud fra gemmerne og tilføjer undervejs, eller gemmer væk hvis jeg ikke får det brugt. Men jeg hygger mig med at lave oversigterne, for at spore mig (og ikke mindst jer) ind på den stil og de items jeg regner med, at iføre mig den kommende sæson. Ville bare lige minde jer om det, så I altid har det i baghovedet også når I bygger jeres egne garderober – én ting er hvad der ser lækkert ud på denne måde, en anden ting er hvad der rent faktisk fungerer i det virkelig liv.

De nye køb

Forår og sommer glider ofte sammen til én større sæson for mig (med enkelte udskiftninger og tilføjelser når vejret for alvor bliver varmere), så faktisk er der en pæn håndfuld nye tilføjelser i min capsule denne gang. Allesammen ting, som jeg vil føre med videre ind i sommersæsonen, og som iøvrigt også sagtens vil kunne bruges til efteråret. Jeg har fundet en smuk, beige blazer på Trendsales for nyligt i den helt perfekte pasform og længde, som skal erstatte denne (iøvrigt også købt brugt), som jeg desværre slet ikke har fået brugt nok. Jeg har nok måtte erkende at hverken farve eller pasform (lidt for tight til min smag) i virkeligheden var hvad jeg søgte i sin tid, så derfor bliver den sat til salg på min Vestiaire snarest muligt. På én eller anden måde har jeg det knap så skidt med de fejlkøb jeg begår, når det er ting jeg har købt brugt og så igen sælger videre. De bliver ligesom i cirklen, hvis I forstår. Leopard skjorten er ligeledes et lækkert trendsales fund, og selvom jeg synes min hjemmesyede leopard skjorte med korte ærmer er super fin, så er denne alligevel bare lidt mere klassisk og igen i virkeligheden nok lidt mere hvad jeg i sin tid søgte. Kender I ikke det der med, at man kan lade sig rive lidt med, især når det kommer til genbrugsfund? Jeg er blevet bedre til at mestre det, men som I nok kan fornemme så kommer jeg somme tider stadig til, at gå lidt for meget på kompromis med hvad jeg egentlig var på udkig efter, og det er disse to køb gode eksempler på. Snit, farve, kvalitet osv. er SÅ vigtigt når vi vælger det (for os individuelt) rigtige tøj, for det er afgørende for om det kommer til at blive yndlingstøj eller ej. Så igen, selvom jeg synes jeg har godt styr på min garderobe, så begår jeg stadig fejl som disse indimellem. Det gør vi alle!

Udover disse to genbrugsfund så har jeg købt mig et par helt nye sandaler fra Billi Bi, som skal være et mere elegant alternativ til mine elskede Birkenstocks. De er så smukke, synes jeg! Ift. produktion og bæredygtighed er jeg ikke sikker på hvor langt fremme Billi Bi er, men jeg synes simpelthen det er SÅ svært at finde sandaler (fodtøj i det hele taget), som er etisk produceret og som rammer mig rent stilmæssigt. Normalt køber jeg jo de fleste af mine sko brugte, men sandaler bliver lidt for intimt for mig må jeg indrømme. Uanset hvad så synes jeg de er ligedele elegante og klassiske, og jeg forestiller mig at det er sådan en sandal man både vil kunne bruge til hverdag og festlige lejligheder – forhåbentligt flere år frem, da de er i rigtig god kvalitet. Så har vi den prikkede nederdel fra yndlingsmærket Armed Angels. Den er købt på en anden webshop end deres officielle, da den er fra én af kollektionerne sidste år og jeg har ikke kunnet støve den op i min størrelse på deres egen webshop. Den er meget Realisation Par-agtig, blot lavet i et rigtig lækkert, certificeret bæredygtig materiale; Lenzing Ecovero, som er en bæredygtig udgave af viscose. Den falder smukt og så er den dejlig let og åndbar, hvilket er perfekt til de varmere måneder. Et rigtig lækkert alternativ til de silke nederdele der har prydet gadebilledet de sidste par somre, hvis I spørger mig! Sidst men ikke mindst, så er der espadrillerne fra Castaner. Den opmærksomme læser husker nok jeg købte disse brugt på Vestiaire for et par år tilbage, men jeg har siden fundet ud af, at de faktisk bliver produceret med to forskellige hælhøjder. Dem jeg oprindeligt købte var 10 cm høje, og efter en sommer hvor jeg faktisk brugte dem ret flittigt fandt jeg ud af, at de bare lige er en tand for høje til min smag. Der er man jo så forskellige. Så de ryger altså til salg på Vestiaire igen, for de er super smukke og fejler absolut ingenting. I stedet har jeg så købt modellen med den 6 cm høje hæl i stedet; de er bare lige en tand mere behagelige og anvendelige (ikke mindst med en baby på armen haha), og jeg glææææder mig til, at hoppe i dem igen. Sko som disse er en klassiker til forårs- og sommersæsonen synes jeg!

ENG.: I think many of you guys know my wardrobe so well by now, but if you are new here take a look at some of my previous capsule wardrobes here. You will quickly notice that the basic part of my wardrobe is pretty much the same all year round, and then there are a few items I switch up from season to season. Also, these overviews I make are rarely 100% equal to my wardrobe; there may be few items I pull out of storage and add along the way, or I might hide away items if I end up not using them enough. But I enjoy making the overviews, both to inspire myself and you guys and tune in on the style and the items I expect to wear the coming season. Just wanted to remind you, so you always have it in mind when you build your own wardrobes – one thing is what looks great this way, another thing is what actually works in real life.

The new purchases

Spring and summer often melt into one major season for me (with a few replacements and additions when the weather starts warming up for real), so there’s a decent handful of new additions to my spring capsule this time. All of these are items that I will bring with me into the summer season as well, and which by the way can also easily be used during autumn. I recently found a beautiful, beige blazer on Trendsales in a perfect fit and length, which is going to replace this one (also bought preloved by the way), which I unfortunately haven’t used enough at all. I have to admit that neither the color or fit (a little too tight for my taste) was in fact what I was looking at the time, so therefore it will be put up for sale on my Vestiaire very soon so it can get a new home. Somehow I don’t feel as bad making mistakes like these when it’s items I’ve bought preloved and then resell. They kind of stay in the circle, if you know what I mean. The leopard shirt is also a beautiful trendsales find (so preloved), and although I love my DIY leopard shirt with short sleeves too, this one is just a little more classic and again in reality probably a little more what I was looking for at the time I bought the other one. You know how you can get carried away, especially when it comes to secondhand finds? I’ve become better at mastering it, but as you can probably sense, I sometimes still compromise a little too much with what I was actually looking for, and these two purchases are good examples of that. Cut, color, quality, etc. are SO important when we choose the (for us individually) right clothes, because it is decisive for whether it will be favourite clothes or not. So again, although I know what I like and what I don’t when buying new clothes, I still sometimes make mistakes. We all do!

In addition to these two preloved finds, I have bought a pair of brand new sandals from Billi Bi, which are going to be a more elegant alternative to my beloved Birkenstocks. They are so beautiful, I think! Regarding production and sustainability, I’m not sure how far ahead Billi Bi is on that, and in general I think it’s SO hard to find sandals (footwear in general) that are ethically produced and that also hits the nail on the head for me in terms of style. Normally I buy most of my shoes secondhand, but sandals are just a little too intimate for me to buy secondhand, I must admit. Either way, I think they are equally elegant and classic, and I imagine that it’s that type of sandal you will be able to use both for everyday and special occasions – hopefully several years ahead, as they are in really good quality. Then there’s the polka dot skirt from one of my fave brands, Armed Angels. It was bought at a different webshop than their official one, as it is from last year and I have not been able to find it in my size on their own webshop. It is very Realisation Par-like, only it’s made in a really nice, certified sustainable material; Lenzing Ecovero, which is a sustainable version of viscose. It falls beautifully and it’s so light and breathable, which is perfect for the warmer months. A really nice alternative to the silk skirts we’ve seen a lot the last couple of summers, if you ask me! Last but not least, let’s talk about the espadrilles from Castaner. The attentive reader will probably remember I bought these secondhand at Vestiaire a few years back, but I have since found out that these actually come in two different heel heights. The ones I originally bought were the 10 cm ones, and after a summer where I actually wore them quite a lot, I found out that they are just a tad too high for my liking. So they are also going up for sale on my Vestiaire profile soon, because they are so beautiful and they do indeed deserve a new home. I then bought the version with the 6 cm heel instead; they are just a bit more comfortable and wearable (especially with a baby on the arm haha) and I am looking forward to styling these again. Shoes like these are a classic for the spring and summer season I think!

Så som I nok kan fornemme har jeg brugt lidt tid på, at få ryddet op i mine fejlkøb denne gang. Fået gået nogle ting efter i sømmene, og det føles bare så godt. Min forårsgarderobe er jo i virkeligheden meget “mig”, hvor kernen er afslappet, og så kører mine sekundære stilarter som feminin og klassisk indover, og giver det hele noget kant. Jeg er tosset med det her beige/blå/monokrome farveunivers, og jeg synes det er skønt og tilpas lyst til den kommende sæson. Og så er der jo altså også en helt masse gamle favoritter iblandt, som jeg bare glæder mig til at iføre mig igen! Fx mine 5 år gamle leopard ballerinaer, min 9 år gamle silkeskjorte og alle de andre gode gamle basisfavoritter, som jeg bruger rigtig meget til dagligt. Og fordi jeg mere kører “low buy” som livsstil (for jeg tror ikke på diæter som sådan), så er genbrug som altid et super godt miljø- og budgetvenligt alternativ, hvis man har lyst til, at lege lidt med sin stil.

Husk du kan få hjælp til, at opbygge din egen drømmegarderobe og blive en mere bevidst forbruger via mit online kursus lige HER.

ENG.: So, as you can probably sense, I have spent some time going through some of the mistakes I might have made in time, and “corrected” them if you will. I’ve streamlined my spring/summer style a bit which feels amazing. My spring capsule wardrobe is really very “me”, where the core style is casual, and then my secondary styles are feminine and classic which provide a perfect amount of contrast to the rest. I love the beige/blue/monochrome colours, and I think they are beautiful and bright for the coming spring/summer season. And then of course there are a bunch of old faves here which I look forward to wearing again! For example my 5 year old leopard flats, my 9 year old silk shirt and all the other good old basic favourites that I reach for on a daily basis. And because I’m more on a “Low buy lifestyle” now (because I don’t believe in diets), secondhand shopping is a great sustainable and purse friendly alternative, when you feel like playing around with your style a bit.

Remember you can start building your own dream wardrobe and become a more conscious consumer through my online course right HERE.


  1. Carina

    Signe, my closet has never had so few clothes in it, and I have never dressed as confidently as I do now that I have found your capsules. Clothing style has always baffled me, despite being a creative person. Now I just follow your suggestions, love your style and sustainability emphasis, and I buy everything (which is not very much) second-hand. Thank you!

    • signeh24

      Thanks Carina, for such a lovely message! I’m happy to hear my content has provided you with so much help. Makes it all worth it! <3 Take care!

      Signe xx

  2. Shannon Alvarado

    Thank you! Love your style- timeless and classic. So easy to get caught up in trends and colors I later regret buying that end up not being worn and clutter my closet making my style so confusing! You bring clarity and peace of mind financially as well!

    • signeh24

      It’s my pleasure! And yes, I totally agree. I used to get caught up in trends and random colour palettes too! So happy to hear my content is helping you 🙂

      Signe xx

  3. Emelie

    Love your style and videos! Thanks for the inspiration 🙂
    I find your style easy, cool and wearable. I am also a mother of a little child and cannot wear complicated or too delicate outfits, and my outfits needs to be easy to put together. I’m currently spending like five minutes to get dressed/styled every morning before work and leaving at the kindergarden. Creating a capsule is a geat tool to make it work and I love your capsules.
    Greetings from Sweden!

    • signeh24

      Thanks for your kind comment Emelie! <3 Totally feel you, I want my outfits to be even more fuss-free now that I'm a mum too. I want to look and feel good as well though, so combining functionality with style is key!

      Signe xx

  4. Barb

    How do you add your “secondary” style to your core? How many and what type of additional pieces to your core would they be?

  5. Caroline

    Where is the beige leather jacket from? Maybe it’s not available anymore, but I hope to find something similar second hand 🙂



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