So here comes the blogpost that goes with my holiday/festive season lookbook where I’m showing these outfits live. The shirts and the pointed pumps above are all purchased vintage on Asos Marketplace, but you can also have a look at Vestiaire Collective, The Real Real, Thread Up, Etsy or Ebay, if you’re keen on finding alternatives to what I’ve linked above. Du kan easily shop updates for your wardrobe like this with a clear conscience and of course you save money too! My white shirt is 100% pure silk, it’s in great condition and it didn’t cost much.
I forbindelse med min lookbook video, hvor jeg viser disse outfits “live”, kommer her et tilhørende indlæg med links til lignende produkter. Skjorterne og de spidse pumps på billedet ovenfor er købt vintage på Asos marketplace, men du kan også gå på udkig hos Vestiaire Collective, The real Real eller Trendsales, hvis du gerne vil finde secondhand versioner. Du kan købe nye ting til din garderobe på denne måde, med god samvittighed og så er der jo samtidig lidt penge at spare. Min hvide skjorte er 100% silke, den er i fantastisk stand og den kostede næsten ingenting!
As I also describe in this post, I’m really hooked in this sort of French look this year. A feminine shirt, naked face with a red lip and a great pair of straight leg jeans. Breaking the rules a little, but I’ve just never been very much into wearing dresses – I would choose pants over dresses and skirts any day, even when I’m going to a festive event. I think the jumpsuit from People Tree is a great alternative to dresses, because it emphasizes your curves and it’s just very feminine with the deep neckline. I already have a well crafted mini-capsule for occasional wear, but as I said I felt like adding a few items that are especially suitable for christmas parties and new years eve. the colour red, a little bit of gold and some glitter are always spot on this time of year so it’s pretty safe to invest in items like these and then reuse them next year too. I even think I’m gonna be using these items all year, to be honest.
Som jeg også beskriver i dette indlæg, så er jeg virkelig hooked på det her lidt franske look, med en feminin skjorte, naturlig makeup med en rød læbe og et par basic straight leg jeans. Jeg har aldrig været kjole-pige, og foretrækker altid bukser frem for kjole eller nederdele; selv når jeg skal til noget festligt. Jeg synes at jumpsuitet fra People Tree er et rigtig fint alternativ til netop en kjole, fordi den fremhæver dine former og er rigtig feminin med den dybe halsudskæring. Jeg har jo i forvejen en lille mini-capsule til festlige begivenheder, men som sagt var jeg lidt i humør til, at opdatere den i forbindelse med jul og nytår. Farven rød, lidt guld og lidt glitter holder altid, så det kan du sagtens investere i og genbruge til næste år. Jeg tror faktisk endda, at jeg kommer til at bruge disse nye ting hele året, hvis jeg skal være helt ærlig!
I am totally inspired by the ‘french girl look’ as well. I have a black jumpsuit from Vero Moda I absolutely love to wear during this time of year! I’d choose it over a dress any day. 🙂 Have a great week!
Red and gold always get me feeling in such a holiday mood! I love how you incorporated them with basic neutral pieces to create a more festive look. Thanks as always for the great inspiration 🙂
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I’m a former fashion designer turned certified style coach & colour consultant from Denmark. I’m here to help you increase your style confidence, and learn to do more with less!
I am totally inspired by the ‘french girl look’ as well. I have a black jumpsuit from Vero Moda I absolutely love to wear during this time of year! I’d choose it over a dress any day. 🙂 Have a great week!
Red and gold always get me feeling in such a holiday mood! I love how you incorporated them with basic neutral pieces to create a more festive look. Thanks as always for the great inspiration 🙂