Old faves in new ways: a simple way to update your good old blazer

Oct 14, 2019 | 0 comments

The other day I shared a video on Youtube, which was another episode in my “steal her style” series, where I challenge myself to come up with new outfits, by only using things I already have in my wardrobe. One of the ways to do this is by looking for inspiration on Pinterest or Instagram, and then try to recreate some of the looks you like in your own way. The other day I stumbled upon this image, which I think is such a cool way to give a blazer or coat some new life.

Forleden lagde jeg en video op på Youtube, endnu en episode i min “steal her style” serie, hvor jeg udfordrer mig selv til, at finde på nye outfits men kun ved at bruge ting jeg allerede er i besiddelse af. Én af måderne man kan gøre det er netop ved, at finde inspiration på fx Pinterest eller Instagram, og på den måde se om man kan genskabe inspirerende looks, men på sin egen måde. Forleden faldt jeg så over dette billede, som jeg synes er en super cool måde at give en blazer eller frakke nyt liv på.

blazer – Everlane (AD/gifted) / tee – Honest Basics (AD/gifted) / jeans – Armed Angels /
bag – vintage Chanel / boots – 2ndhand Acne / jewelry – my own brand HERE

You’ve seen my grey Everlane blazer* a million times before, and I didn’t think I was able to squeeze anymore creativity out of it styling-wise, until I gave this combo a whirl. Belts on coats or blazers is no new thing at all, I’ve just never really thought this combo was for me to be honest – but I love it! I felt so well cut in this outfit, and I would love to experiment more with adding a belt to my wool coats over the winter season as well.

I har set min grå Everlane blazer* en milliard gange efterhånden, og troede næsten ikke jeg kunne vride mere kreativitet ud af den sådan rent styling-mæssigt, indtil jeg lige gav denne kombi et forsøg. Bælter på blazere og frakker er ikke en ny ting overhovedet, men ikke desto mindre har jeg aldrig selv prøvet kombinationen – men jeg elsker det! Følte mig simpelthen så well cut i det her outfit, og jeg ville elske at eksperimentere mere med det uden på tungere overdele som frakker her henover vinteren.

The belt is super old from Asos (any ethical alternatives are welcome – otherwise there’s always the thrift stores) and I dug it out from the back of my wardrobe. I remember buying this at the time some years ago, when western belts like these were the shiz and I bought it in a smaller size, so I was able to wear it as a waist belt rather than wearing it on the hip. So my best tip is to size down like that, so it fits your waist. Otherwise you can always tie the end like I’ve done here. I think that looks quite cool and effortless too! I love making these videos because I always seem to surprise myself, and I somehow always end up with some outfit combos I never thought about before. A great to get some new inspiration without actually shopping!

Bæltet er ældgammelt fra Asos (bæredytige alternativer modtages med kyshånd – ellers er der altid genbrugen), og jeg gravede det ud bagerst fra mit skab. Jeg mindes at jeg købte det omkring det tidspunkt for nogle år siden, hvor western bælter var the shiz og jeg købte det i denne lille størrelse for, at jeg skulle kunne bruge det i taljen. Så mit bedste tip er nok at finde et bælte og gå ned i størrelsen på det, så det passer i taljen. Så kan du altid lige sno den lange strop rundt om sig selv engang, som jeg har gjort her. Det synes jeg ser super cool ud! Elsker de her videoer fordi jeg overrasker næsten altid mig selv, og kommer frem til nogle kombier jeg ikke nødvendigvis lige selv ville have fundet på. En super god måde, at føle sig som inspireret på ny uden at shoppe!



  1. How to Style Boots and Blazers for Fall featuring Everlane - Emily Lightly - […] season, and I have had my eye on this Oversized Blazer in Grey Herringbone for a while after seeing…

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