Style: classic & sporty.

Aug 7, 2017 | 0 comments

/ I feel like I almost haven worn anything but my blue Levi’s jeans all summer, so it was a pleasure when I decided to jump into my old culottes from Asos. I have had these pants for approx. 4 years, and they were originally a pair of long, ordinary pants. But I think they are more useful like this, especially in summer when the weather and the temperatures change a lot.

Jeg føler stort set ikke jeg har gået i andet end mine lyse Levi’s jeans hele sommeren, så det var faktisk glædeligt gensyn da jeg besluttede mig for, at hoppe i mine gamle Culottes fra Asos. Jeg har haft disse bukser i ca. 4 år, og de var oprindeligt et par lange, almindelige bukser. Men jeg synes de er mere anvendelige sådan her, især om sommeren når vejret og temperatuerne skifter meget.

/ I’ve always been crazy about mixing these more classic items with some that’s a little more sporty. It gives a great contrast, I think! A bit like the more classic suit along with a pair of sneakers, that’s awesome too. My look gets an edgy twist because I have thrown my leather jacket into the the equation as well.

Jeg har alle dage været vild med, at mikse de her mere klassiske elementer med nogle der er lidt mere sporty. Det giver en fed kontrast, synes jeg! Lidt ligesom det mere klassiske suit sammen med et par sneakers. Mit look får også et lidt mere råt twist, fordi jeg har smidt min læderjakke på.


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