Style: easy-going.

May 3, 2017 | 8 comments

Jeg har længe ikke rigtig gjort mig i deciderede outfit-indlæg, men nu da jeg langt om længe er sprunget ud i det her med, at være youtuber/blogger på fuld tid, så er det helt klart noget jeg vil integrere mere. Forhåbentlig bliver I ikke træt af mine mange repetitioner, fordi det vil der altså være… sådan er min virkelighed med en minimalistisk garderobe og det har jeg det fint med 😉 Jeg vil jo også super gerne vise jer derude, at det er okay ikke at være iført noget nyt hele tiden.

/ I have not really been making outfit posts for a long time, but now that I’ve finally convinced myself to become a full-time youtuber/blogger, it’s definitely something I want to integrate more. Hopefully you will not grow tired of my many repetitions, but that’s just how my reality with a minimalist wardrobe is 😉 And of course my mission here is also to show you guys, that it is okay not to be wearing something new all the time.

I mandags havde min kæreste fri, så vi tog et smut til Kolding hvor jeg skulle ind forbi frisøren og have snippet spidserne og så gik vi ellers bare og nød hinandens selskab. Et par jeans og en strik er oftest det jeg rækker ud efter p.t., især når jeg gerne vil iføre mig en lettere frakke eller jakke som den jeg har på her. Det er et look jeg ikke har tænkt særlig meget over, og det fungerede bare.

/ On Monday my boyfriend was off work, so we took a litle trip to the nearest larger city where I had to go to the hairdresser and then we just strolled around and enjoyed each other’s company. A pair of jeans and a knit is usually what I’m pulling out from my closet these days, especially when I want to wear a lighter coat or jacket like the one I have on here. It’s a look I haven’t thought much about, and it just worked.


  1. Johanne

    Det er et cool outfit – og fedt at se et udendørs shoot. Glæder mig til meget mere af det.

    • signeh24

      Tak Johanne <3

  2. chris

    great style, i love your channel and blog!

  3. Roosa

    Hi! Love your Youtube channel and I hope you could do more videos. I hope you would do a blogpost/Youtube video about this summer capsule wardrobe and what “trendier” pieces it contains. Have a great week!

  4. CAMILAGer

    Love your outfit and very excited to see you wardrobe of summer! ?

  5. Vicky T

    Hello Signe,
    I’ve just discovered your blog and website, and I just love and admire your classic style. I’ve been searching for a trench for spring 2018, and I really like what you’re wearing in the photo above. Can you tell me, is yours light grey in color? I’m looking for this color, and can’t find this. I know you said you got this from everlane, but they don’t have a grey one on their website.

    Thank you for your help! Vicky

    • signeh24

      Hi Vikcy! This one is an older one from a Danish brand called Selected Femme. Actually, if you’re interested I might be willing to sell this one since I got a trench gifted from Everlane recently. Would you be interested in that? You can send me an email if you like: <3


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