Sustainable city guides #1: Copenhagen

Aug 18, 2019 | 2 comments

Jeg får dagligt spørgsmål fra især mine udenlandske følgere, som går på hvor man skal finde de bedste, bæredygtige butikker og secondhand shops i København. De fleste har styr på det helt basale og kulturelle de skal opleve der; Rundetaarn, Den lille havfrue, Streetfood på Reffen, Kastellet og alle de andre “must-see” ting der er i København. Men dét der med bæredygtige initiativer har jeg ærligt ikke været specielt skarp på, og det ville jeg gerne lave om på! Derfor har jeg været i København et par dage, for at tjekke så mange af denne type butikker ud som muligt, og er nu endelig klar med en guide til jer. Dette er blot nogle af mine personlige favoritter, men har I lyst til mere kan man finde mange flere tips på Gogreen Danmark.

Dette bliver en serie af guides med en kombination af videoer og indlæg (der indeholder et kort som du let kan tilgå fra din telefon via Google maps), billeder og beskrivelser af hvor du skal bo, spise og shoppe – på bæredygtig vis – i forskellige byer i Europa. Den næste by jeg rejser til bliver London og herefter Berlin. Begge ture med tog! Jeg har haft den mest fantastiske tur til København, og den vildeste start på denne serie. Jeg håber denne serie vil gøre det nemmere for jer derude, at træffe de mere miljøvenlige valg; også når I skal ud og rejse.

Jeg anbefaler, at man bevæger sig igennem disse områderne én efter én. Start evt. med centrum, og bevæg dig så til Nørrebro, Østerbro og Vesterbro. Du kan i øvrigt følge min tur rundt i København ”live” i videoen nederst i indlægget.

ENG.: I get requests every single day, asking for my best tips on shopping sustainably in Copenhagen. Most people know all the cultural stuff, all the must-sees; Rundetaarn, The little mermaid, Streetfood at Reffen, Kastellet and all the other more turist-y things. But the sustainable concepts and initiatives is something most of us struggle with, including myself. If you don’t know it’s there, how are you supposed to go there, right? So I’ve been on a mission to unfold these not only for myself, but also for you guys. I’ve been in Copenhagen for a few days to explore as many of the sustainable shops & restaurants as possible, and now I’m finally ready with a guide for you. This is just some of my personal faves, but if you are in for many more tips you can find those via Gogreen Danmark.

This post marks the first in a whole new travel series of videos and blogposts (where you’ll find a Google map with all of the featured places that you can easily access with your phone), photos and descriptions about where to sleep, eat and shop sustainably in different cities throughout Europe. I will soon be going to London and Berlin as well, both by train! I’ve had the most amazing trip to Copenhagen, and a great start to this new series. I hope it will make it easier for you guys, to make better choices even when you travel or simply if you’re on the go.

I recommend that you go through the areas on the map one by one. You can start with the center for example, and then go north, east and west. You can also follow my journey “live” in the video in the bottom of this post!

You will find my map on Google Maps right HERE.

Where to stay

Reklame | Jeg boede på hotel Skt. Petri i hjertet af København. Opholdet fik jeg iøvrigt uden beregning af hotellet, så jeg fik mulighed for at teste, om de lever op til deres løfte om “sustainable luxury”. Det er uden tvivl et lækkert hotel, der ligger helt fantastisk. Du kan tage toget til Nørreport station, hvorefter hotellet ligger blot få minutters gang derfra. Skt. Petri gør mange ting for, at være et mere bæredygtigt hotel. Blandt andet bruger de 100% offshore vindmølle energi, deres madaffald bliver genanvendt til biogas, de har sænket vandttrykket i bruserne for at spare energi og meget andet. Læs mere HER. Udover det serverer de lækkert, økologisk mad i deres restaurant. Eftersom Skt. Petri er et 5-stjernet hotel er det selvfølgelig lidt mere pebret at bo her.

Er du på udkig efter et lidt mere budgetvenligt, men stadig øko-venligt hotel, så har Hotel Guldsmeden længe været på min radar. Jeg ved at de blandt andet også gør rigtig meget for, at undgå unødvendig emballage på hotelværelserne, hvilket jeg synes er ret sejt. Der ligger et par stykker af dette hotel i København. Læs mere om hotellet HER.

ENG.: Advertisement | I lived at hotel Skt. Petri in the heart of Copenhagen. It was a complimentary stay (free-of charge) that I was so lucky to have been offered by the hotel, so I could experience their promise of “sustainable luxury” myself. It’s without a doubt a lovely hotel with a perfect location. You can take the train to Nørreport Station and then the hotel is only a couple minutes from there. Skt. Petri does lots of things to lower their environmental impact. To name a few examples they use 100% offshore windpower, they turn food waste into biogas, they’ve lowered the water pressure in their showers to save energy and lots of other things. You can read more HERE. Besides that they serve delicious, organic food at their restaurant. Because Skt. Petri is a 5-star hotel, it is of course also a bit more pricey.

If you’re looking for something a bit more budget-friendly, another hotel that’s been on my radar for a while (especially because of their sustainability practices) is Guldsmeden. I know they do a lot of things to also lower unnecessary waste in the rooms, which is pretty cool. There’s a few of these hotels located in Copenhagen. You can read more about it HERE.

The most delicious lunch at Kosmos K café, Sankt Peders Stræde 43

Where to eat

Jeg har valgt at fokusere på veganske restauranter i min guide, fordi jeg personligt selv synes, at det er disse der kan være en udfordring at finde når man er på farten. Jeg er ikke selv veganer men undgår helst animalske madvarer dér hvor jeg kan, og vi kommer ikke udenom, at vores forbrug af netop disse har en massiv negativ effekt på vores miljø og helbred. Så hvorfor ikke forsøge, at blive lidt mere grøn på dette område selv når man rejser?

ENG.: I’ve chosen to focus on vegan restaurants in my guide, because personally I feel like these are the ones that can be a little tricky to find when you’re on-the-go. I’m not vegan but I prefer to eat as little animal-based foods as possible. Plus, it’s no secret that our consumption of animal-based foods has an extremely negative impact on our environment and health. So, why not try to become a little eco-friendlier in this way as well, even whilst traveling?

Where to eat in Copenhagen

LØS market (zero waste grocery store)

Naturli’ social food room (vegan supermarket)

Nicecream (vegan ice cream)

Kosmos K café

Souls (best vegan burgers)

42RAW (rawfood)

SimpleRAW (rawfood)

MyPoké (amazing poke bowls)

Ark by Souls (vegan restaurant)




Kosmos K






Where to shop sustainable fashion & beauty

Listen her er virkelig lang, og jeg nåede langt fra at besøge alle de butikker og secondhand shops, som jeg har gemt på kortet. Jeg har samlet mine favoritter her – tryk blot på drop-down menuerne nedenfor, for at læse og se mere. Jeg har inddelt dem i områder så det forhåbentligt bliver lidt mere overskueligt, og så er der både bæredygtige butikker med nyt tøj, secondhand shops samt butikker der tilbyder naturlig beauty.

ENG.: This list is pretty long, and I didn’t manage to visit all of the shops, that I’ve put into my map. I have gathered some of my favorites below – just click the drop-down menu to read more about each of these shops. I’ve parted these into different areas (north, east, west and central Copenhagen) and I hope this makes it a bit more manageable. You’ll find both sustainable shops with new clothing, secondhand shops and shops that offer natural beauty products. 

City center

Holly Golightly

Mukupa Dakar Collective
Another View
Schulz By Crowd

Pure Shop
Matas Natur


Røde Kors

Be Awear

GOB skincare




Isangs hair & body


I Blame Lulu
Vintage 199




Another View

Another View



  1. Hannah

    Great blog post Signe! I’ve bookmarked it for when I’m next in CPH 🙂 I hope you don’t mind me asking, how did you link that custom google map you made? I have a new blog that I’m doing vegan thrift shopping guides to various EU cities and am trying to figure out how to share my map on my post.

    • signeh24

      Thanks Hannah! You can make lists in Google maps, and you can make these lists public and then share them with others 🙂 That’s how I made mine. The picture is made in Photoshop. Signe x



  1. Copenhagen guide: where to shop, eat & sleep | Sustainable city guides - WorldWidesNews - […] SHOPS+RESTAURANTS Find the blogpost with more info here: […]

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