Sustainable fashion faves #4

Jul 18, 2018 | 1 comment

I think I’m just in time for a round of favourites before the month of July is gone (where did the time go?!), and I’ve got some mixed goodies for you all this month. I’m still loving my collection of golden jewellery, and I’m dreaming of expanding my collection a bit but also just replacing a few items here and there, that just didn’t last as well as I planned out to begin with. I have a few necklaces where the gold plating has simply started to fade away. The most sustainable (but also quite expensive!) solution is obviously to go for solid gold when it comes to jewellery, but if you take good care of your collection gold filled/gold vermeil jewellery is actually quite durable too. A good rule of thumb is for example to never shower with your golden jewellery on, and therefore it’s also important that they are easy to take on and off. There are some good quality brands on the market like Missoma, which is a brand I’ve been eyeing for a while now. I’m absolutely head over heels for the small hoops above with the moon and star charm, which by the way look like they are super easy to take in and out of your ears.

At the moment I’m getting a lot of wear out of my camisoles because of the amazing weather, and at some point I might invest in a slip-dress too. Both are great for summertime, special occasions and for a cool everyday look with a t-shirt underneath. Very 90s but also very timeless I think. I’ve also become quite obsessed with brown accessories, and the classic brown colours are something I see myself digging in to (again) this autumn. I already have a pair of brown boots and a brown bag, but a brown belt is something I’ve been lusting over for some time now and I absolutely love the one above. The cool thing about that belt is that it is actually reversible, which means you have an option to wear it either as black or brown to get most wear out of it as possible. How cool is that! I’m also quite into the brown vegetable-tanned loafers from Everlane, and I totally see myself rockin’ them with a blazer, white tee and a pair of jeans.

Jeg når vidst en omgang favoritter inden juli måned er omme (hvor blev tiden egentlig af?!), og jeg har lidt blandet godter til jer i denne måneds indlæg. Jeg er stadig vild med at bruge min samling af guldsmykker, og drømmer både om enkelte tilføjelser men også om nogle udskiftninger dér, hvor jeg til at starte med ganske enkelt har været gået på kompromis med kvaliteten – hvilket betyder at jeg har et par halskæder, hvor guldet langsomt er ved at forsvinde fra overfladen. Groft sagt er solidt guld jo den mest bæredygtige løsning (også den dyre), men hvis man er god til at passe på sine guldbelagte smykker, så kan de altså holde en del år. Det gælder fx at undgå at bade med sine smykker på, og derfor er en god tommelfingerregel for mig, at de skal være nemme at tage af/på. Det handler meget om, at gå efter god kvalitet og jeg har længe haft en godt øje til Missoma i den forbindelse. Jeg er simpelthen så forelsket i det fine sæt med stjernen og månen ovenfor (som iøvrigt har en super praktisk åbne/lukke funktion så de nemt kan tages ud inden jeg skal bade eller vaske hår)!

Lige for tiden lever jeg også i mine strop-toppe, og på ét eller andet tidspunkt kunne jeg godt finde på at investere i en kjole i samme stil. Begge dele er lækre at have på her om sommeren, er gode til festlige lejligheder og så kan de dresses ned med en t-shirt indenunder til hverdag. Meget 90’er, men også meget tidløst i min optik. Og så har jeg fået en ting for brune accessories! Jeg tror i det hele taget de brune farver er noget jeg kommer til (igen) at dykke mere ned i til efteråret. Jeg ejer både en brun taske og et par brune støvler, men har længe haft en øje til ovenstående bælte også. Det seje ved netop dette bælte er, at det kan vendes så det er brunt på den ene side og sort på den anden, så man får maksimalt udbytte af det! Udover det er jeg også helt skudt i de klassiske brune loafers fra Everlane, og jeg tror de kunne klæde et look med blazer, hvid tee og blå jeans ret godt. Har I nogle favoritter denne gang?

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1 Comment

  1. Raquel

    Hello Signe love reading your thoughts. I have been on a minimalist journey myself for past three years ridding myself of most of my household possessions. It has been liberating not to pack that load around figuratively speaking. The last bastion of materialism left to contend with is in the area of what I call items of personal adornment. I’ve recently done a significant purge of my dressing room contents; example going from 150 pairs of shoes to 80 but still a ways to go! Same with jeans! My goal is to adopt a similar wardrobe as you have which is so timeless and classic and flexible. Love all you looks and do wear them already as we have similar style. I need to purge the ‘noise’ in my wardrobe to get to the ‘joy’! You are my inspiration!


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