My jeans guide: 4 timeless staples

My jeans guide: 4 timeless staples

*This post contains adlinks throughout My absolute favourite jeans: my vintage Levi’s 501 in the original, durable quality. The concept of blue jeans arose in the mid-20th century, when Levi Strauss (today popular known as Levi’s) invented this type of...
Style: vintage shirt and Levi’s jeans.

Style: vintage shirt and Levi’s jeans.

vintage shirt – Levi’s 501 jeans – Zign flats – Marc Jacobs bag Links in the bottom of the post / As I sat down and began to write this post, I realized how much I’ve been wearing these jeans lately. haha! It is clearly visible both here...
Style: pinstriped blazer and blue jeans.

Style: pinstriped blazer and blue jeans.

/ It’s not much we’ve seen of summer in Denmark for the last couple of weeks, despite the fact that the calendar writes mid-June. So I still reach for my boots and my woolen scarf, on those cool, gray days with wind and rain drizzles. I really wanted to...
Spring capsule – halfway update.

Spring capsule – halfway update.

[line] Jeg tænkte det var passende at lave en midtvejs-opfølgning på hvordan det går med mit capsule-eksperiment. Den opmærksomme læser ved, at jeg med stor succes satte hele min garderobe i system tilbage i efteråret, og første sæson (dec-jan-feb) med capsule...