My new beautiful biker jacket in recycled leather

My new beautiful biker jacket in recycled leather

I promised you guys in my Copenhagen guide, to make a post all about that one thing I bought while I was there. I’ve treated myself to the most beautiful biker jacket in recycled leather from Pelechecoco! I’ve followed this brand forever over on Instagram,...
The valuable lessons being an introvert has taught me.

The valuable lessons being an introvert has taught me.

The misunderstandings of being an introvert My lovely sister has sometimes told me that when I was a kid I often lost myself in my own little world. Apparently comfortable (maybe a bit unaware) in my own little bubble. Later in my life it was probably more a way of...
The art of limitation.

The art of limitation.

/ I’ve been wanting to talk to you about practising the art of limitation in a rather limitless society for quite some time now. To have the courage to miss out on things. You’ve probably already heard about the term called FOMO; fear of missing out. And I know this...