Warm & chic winter puffers (and how to wear ’em)

Nov 18, 2020 | 1 comment

Jacket – secondhand Patagonia | jeans – Armed Angels | sneaks – secondhand Converse (leather) | bag – vintage |  jumper – Navygrey | jewelry – my own brand HERE

Det begynder at blive koldere i vejret, og derfor tænkte jeg det var på sin plads så småt at begynde, og dele lidt inspiration til vinter garderoben. Nogle af jer husker måske denne jakke (hvis I er long-time følgere), som jeg har brugt hver hver vinter siden omkring 2013. Jeg har længe gerne villet investere i en ny, kortere model uden pelskrave på – noget lidt mere chic og simpelt. Derfor faldt valget på denne jakke, som er fra Patagonia. Egentlig er det en herremodel, hvilket jeg bevidst gik efter fordi den er mere lige i snittet, hvor damemodellen ser ud som om den er lidt mere taljeret. Det kommer selvfølgelig helt an på hvad man er til, men I kender mig; jeg er mere til det lidt mere casual og oversized. Jeg var så heldig at finde den brugt på Trendsales, men den kan stadig købes hos Patagonia lige HER hvis det skulle friste. Patagonia er iøvrigt et mærke som laver bæredygtigt og funktionelt tøj, og det kan altså mærke på kvaliteten af den. Det er tydeligt at den er designet af mennesker, som forstår hvad sådan en jakke skal kunne holde til. Jeg er blandt andet vild med at den har storm cuffs indeni ærmerne, som en ekstra detalje der sørger for at der ikke blæser kold luft ind, eller (hvis det er tilfældet) at man får fx sne ind i ærmerne. 

Nedenfor har jeg samlet nogle af mine favoritter til jer – i så bæredygtige versioner som muligt. Hvadenten man er til de kortere eller længere modeller, så er sådan en jakke en super god investering. Egentlig kan den jo bæres til alt (vil jeg vove, at påstå) men jeg synes især den er cool når den får lidt kontrast og kant fra hverdagsgarderoben. Sæt den sammen med et par rå jeans og cool støvler, eller med et par herrebukser, en strik og et par sneakers fx. Den kan også sagtens bæres sammen med mere feminine items som kjoler og nederdele, det er igen en god måde at lade kontrasterne spille op mod hinanden.

ENG: Since it’s getting colder I thought it was perfect timing to start sharing some more winter wardrobe inspiration with you all. Some of you might remember this jacket (if you’re a longtime follower), which I’ve used every winter since around 2013. I’ve been wanting to invest in a new one for a long time, something which was more cropped and that didn’t have that faux fur detail on the hood – something a bit more chic and simple basically. That’s why I fell for the jacket I’m wearing here, which is from Patagonia. It’s actually a men’s jacket which I intentionally went for, just because it’s more straight fitted than the women’s version of this jacket. You guys know me, I’m more into those casual and oversized fits when it comes to outerwear and jackets. I found mine secondhand on Trendsales, but you can still buy it from new right HERE. Patagonia is a sustainable brand that makes functional and practical clothing, and it’s very clear when you look at the quality of this jacket. There’s no doubt that it’s been designed by people who knows something about functionality and what a jacket like this should be able to withstand. I love the storm cuffs it has inside of the sleeves for example, which prevents cold air and snow from finding its way in.

I’ve gathered some similar faves for you down below – I’ve done my best to find the most sustainable options on the market. Whether you like the shorter or longer versions of a puffer jacket, it’s a good investment in any case. I’d say you can wear it with just about anything, but it’s especially cool when paired with items that can give it some contrast. Style it with a pair of cool jeans and edgy boots, or with a pair of tailored pants, a jumper and sneakers. You can of course also wear it with more feminine items like dresses and skirts, again it’s a lovely way to add some contrast to the look.

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1 Comment

  1. Dianne

    Dear Signe I love the coat discussion! Here is Southern California the opportunity to wear a coat seems rare at times but I live within a couple of miles of the Pacific.. On my first trip to Paris I saw the puffer coats and were amazed at all the iterations of them…beautiful and practical. Take care and I so enjoyed seeing your video about your birthing experience. I have been wondering how this would go. MIne and my daughter’s were traumatic and upsetting 42 years apart. Such a sweet looking child! Take care. Dianne


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