We got married in Las Vegas!

Jun 2, 2017 | 5 comments

Som de fleste allerede har set på min Instagram, og som jeg også har teaset om i min seneste Vlog på min Youtube kanal, så blev vi gift da vi var i Las Vegas i maj måned. Som mange af jer ved, så var vi på ferie i Californien i 14 dage, og den anden uge vi var derovre lejede vi en bil og tog på road trip. Vi var ikke helt sikre på herhjemmefra, om vi ville nå til Las Vegas og heller ikke om vi ville gøre alvor ud af vores lille “hemmelige” drøm om, at blive gift derovre. Men da alt kom til alt, så sprang vi ud i det, og det var den vildeste oplevelse!

Vi var begge to meget rørte, og det var bare os der deltog i ceremonien. Det var noget af en overraskelse for vores familier, men ikke desto mindre en dejlig overraskelse. At kunne have det hér sammen, kunne ikke være mere perfekt. Rejsen var den største og længste vi har været på i de 8,5 år vi har været kærester, og vores bryllup i Las Vegas vil for altid stå som ét af vores absolut bedste minder sammen.

/ As most of you have already seen on my Instagram, and as I’ve also teased in my latest Vlog on my Youtube channel, we got married when we were in Las Vegas in May. As many of you know, we were on holiday in California for 14 days and the second week we were over there we rented a car and took a road trip. We were not quite sure of whether we would go to Las Vegas and whether we would proceed with of our little “secret” dream of getting married over there. But when everything came to it, we jumped into it and it was the most amazing experience!

We were both very touched and it was just us who attended the ceremony. It was a bit of a surprise for our families, but nevertheless a lovely surprise. Being able to share this experience just us two is beyond words. The trip was the biggest and longest we have been in for the 8,5 years we have been together and our wedding in Las Vegas will forever be one of our absolute best memories together.

Så meget som jeg synes et traditionelt bryllup er fantastisk smukt at være gæst til, så har ingen af os har kunnet se os selv i det traditionelle kirkebryllup, men vi har længe godt kunne tænke os, at blive gift. Jeg bryder mig ikke om, at skulle være i centrum en hel dag, og det gør min kæreste heller ikke. Så vi valgte at gøre det på denne måde – bare os, helt som vi var (begge to i blå jeans, haha! Jeg havde selvfølgelig et par klassikere ala disse på), og ingen andre. Og så holder vi naturligvis en fest for vores nærmeste familie og venner næste sommer!

Går du selv og drømmer om, at blive gift i Las Vegas, så er her nogle ting du skal overveje. Dét der med, at man bare kan komme fra gaden og blive viet kunne ikke være længere væk fra sandheden. Du skal nemlig have nogle vigtige papirer i orden, før du kan blive gift. Vi havde ikke læst på lektien da vi tog hjemmefra (typisk os!), og da vi nåede til Las Vegas og begyndte at læse på nettet om Vegas-bryllupper, så stod der flere steder, at man mindst 4 uger før afrejse skal forbi sin kommune og have ansøgt om tilladelse til at blive gift. Dette blev vi naturligvis meget nervøse for, men det viste sig faktisk, at du sagtens kan blive viet derovre uden disse papirer. Så skal du bare sørge for, at få dem i orden når du kommer hjem. Ellers er ægteskabet ikke officielt. Når I så er nået til Las Vegas skal i forbi noget der hedder County Clerk og få lavet en vielses-tilladelse (marriage license). Vi udfyldte ansøgningen online, da vi læste, at der godt kunne være lidt kø på kontoret for vielses-tilladelser. Vi kunne derfor springe køen over, og gå direkte til skranken, hvor vi underskrev en masse papirer og betalte for vores tilladelse, som vi skulle have med til den præst der skulle vie os.

/ As much as I think a traditional wedding is a wonderful thing to attend as a guest, none of us have been able to see ourselves in the traditional wedding, but we have dreamt of getting married though. I don’t like to be in the center of attention for a whole day and neither did my boyfriend (HUSBAND!). So we chose to do it this way – just us, just as we were (both in blue jeans, haha! I was of course wearing a pair of cliassics similar to these) and no one else. And of course, we will host a summer party for our close family and friends next summer!

If you are dreaming about getting married in Las Vegas, here are some things to consider. Thinking you can walk in from the street and be wed could not be further away from the truth. You must have some important papers in order before you can get married. We had not read the lesson when we left home (typically us!) and when we reached Las Vegas and started reading online about Vegas weddings, there were several pages claiming that at least 4 weeks before departure we needed to go to our local Municipality and apply for permission to get married (in Denmark – check the rules in your own country though). Of course, we became very nervous about that (because we didn’t do that!), but it turned out that you can easily get married without these papers. Then you just need to make sure you get them done when you get home instead, or else the marriage will not be legal. Once you reach Las Vegas, you must go to the County Clerk and have a wedding license. We filled in the application online. Therefore, we could skip the queue and go straight to the counter, where we signed a lot of papers and paid for our permission, which we should hand over to the priest who was going to devote us.

Aftenen inden vi valgte at gifte os, gik vi rundt inde langs The Strip i Las Vegas centrum, for at finde det perfekte sted. Men vi syntes personligt der var lidt for mange mennesker og liiiidt for meget larm og ballade derinde. I know – sådan er Las Vegas! Vi boede på hotel Plaza for enden af Fremont street, som også er en seværdighed i Las Vegas og som ligger lidt uden for midtbyen. I nærheden lå der den hyggeligste lille containerpark, hvor man havde stablet containere ovenpå hinanden i en firkant, så der inde i midten var en hyggelig gård/åben plads med træer og lyskæder. Der lå de hyggeligste low key restauranter og barer, og på 3. etage af containerparken lå Lucky Little Chapel, hvor vi endte med at booke en tid til, at blive viet. Således bookede vi en tid online til kl. 19, mens vi lå på vores hotels 14. etage og solede os ved poolen, haha! Det var det hyggeligste lokale, hvor der blev spillet John Mayer mens vi ventede på præsten. Ved siden af lokalet var der en butik hvor man kunne købe buketter, ringe ja, sågar kjole og hvidt! Der var endda en skønhedssalon ved siden af, hvor man kunne blive gjort fin til sin store dag. Inden det for alvor gik løs fik vi os en drink på noget der hed Oak & Ivy, mens vi nød aftensolen. Selve vielsen foregik på bedste Amerikanske manér med “I do” og “with this ring I give you…”. Præsten holdt den smukkeste tale og vi græd begge to af glæde under vielsen.

Efter vi havde sagt ja til hinanden spiste vi en bøf med pomfritter (classy, ikke? ;-)) gik en tur ned af Fremont Street og hørte livemusik på én af scenerne, og bare nød hinandens selskab. Nu skal vi bare et smut forbi borgerservice herhjemme og have de sidste papirer ordnet, og lige nu venter vi også på at få vores ringe tilbage fra guldsmeden, hvor de er ved at blive indgraveret. Sådan gik det til, at vi sagde ja til hinanden i Las Vegas. Jeg er en meget lykkelig, gift kvinde <3 Hold øje med min Youtube kanal, hvor jeg næste uge lægger del 2. af min Californien vlog op, hvor der vil være film fra vores bryllup.

/ In the night before we chose to get married, we walked around the The Strip in downtown Las Vegas to find the perfect place. But we personally thought there was a little too many people and too much noise and trouble in there. I know – that’s Las Vegas! We stayed at the hotel Plaza at the end of Fremont Street, which is also an attraction in Las Vegas and located a bit outside of the city center. Nearby there was the nicest little container park where there were these stacked containers on top of each other in a square, so that in the middle there was a nice courtyard/open space with trees and light chains. There were the nicest low key restaurants and bars, and on the 3rd floor of the container park was Lucky Little Chapel where we ended up booking a time to be wed. So we booked a time online for 7 pm while we were sunbathing by the pool on the 14. floor of the hotel, haha! It was the nicest place where they had John Mayer playing in the background while we waited for the priest. Next to the room there was a shop where you could buy bouquets and even a wedding dress! There was also beauty salon where you could get pampered for your big day. Before the wedding, we had a drink in a place called Oak & Ivy, while we enjoyed the evening sun. The wedding ceremony took place with “I do” and “with this ring I give you …”., just as you see in American movies! The priest held the most beautiful speech and we both cried happy tears during the wedding ceremony.

After we had said “I do” to each other we ate a steak with fries (classy, ​​huh? ;-)) went down Fremont Street and listened to live music at one of the stages and just enjoyed each other’s company. Now we just need to get the last papers sorted out here in Denmark to finally be legally married, and we are also waiting to get our rings back from the goldsmith where they are being engraved. So that’s the story of how we said “I do” to each other in Las Vegas! I’m a very happy married woman <3 Keep an eye on my YouTube channel where I’ll post part 2 of my California vlog next week, where there will be footage from our wedding.


  1. Madison

    This story is so romantic and touching! Thank you for sharing your experience – TILLYKKE! 🙂

  2. Rebecca

    It sounds like your wedding turned out just like you dreamed. You and your husband look so happy. Nevada is one of the few states that does not have a waiting period between getting your marriage license and your wedding day. Usually there is a 3 day waiting period. So glad everything turned out and you had a very special day without the stress most brides go through. Love to see a close up of your rings when you get them back.

  3. Shelbi

    Congrats to you two! What a wonderful way to do your nuptials! Xo, Shelbi

  4. Florence

    Such a beautiful wedding, just like you & your husband wanted.
    It’s funny that we live in Germany but got married in Denmark because of less beauracracy involved.


  5. Carol Valinote

    You wedding was so sweet and beautiful.
    Congratulations! Best Wishes!
    I enjoy all your videos


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