We’re going to London

Jan 19, 2018 | 5 comments

I’m going straight in with new years resolution number 10 on this list, and therefore I have booked at trip to London for my husband and I the first weekend of February. We’ve been talking about going for a long time, but we just never got around to actually booking and planning the trip. Since we didn’t get each other anything for Christmas and I have been wanting to surprise my husband with some awesome for a while, I went ahead and booked both the flight tickets and an airbnb for us last week! We’re gonna be living in the eastern part of London in Shoreditch, and we’re both super excited for our little 4-day getaway!

Jeg lægger hårdt ud med nytårsfortsæt nummer 10 på denne liste, og jeg har således booket en tur til London til min mand og jeg den første weekend i februar. Vi havde længe talt om, at vi gerne ville afsted men fik ligesom bare ikke gjort noget ved det. Vi gav ikke hinanden julegaver, og jeg har længe gerne ville forkæle ham med en overraskelse. Derfor besluttede jeg mig sidste uge for, at booke både flybiletter og airbnb til os! Vi skal bo i Shoreditch i den østlige del af London, og vi glæder os begge helt vildt til at komme afsted, på vores lille 4-dages getaway.

Shoreditch is supposed to be a rather hip and vibrant place to be hanging out. I’ve been in London twice with older jobs, but I’ve never really been anywhere else than the area just around Oxford Circus which I’d like to believe is far from the most charming place in London. I can’t wait to check out the many alternative and hip cafés, shops and markets around Shoreditch.

Shoreditch skulle være et ret hipt og livligt sted at være. Jeg har været i London to gange i forbindelse med tidligere jobs, men har aldrig rigtig opholdt mig andre steder end omkring Oxford Circus, som jeg tror langt fra er det mest charmerende sted at opholde sig i London. Jeg glæder mig til at tjekke alle de alternative caféer, butikker og markeder ud i Shoreditch området.

I’ve already gotten many great tips from you guys over on my Instagram, and some of you have even been so kind to reach out to me with tips via email. Thank you so much guys, really! If you have more tips don’t hesitate to write them in the comment section here as well. My husband and I have often been playing with the thought of living abroad for a year and both London and Amsterdam has been up as possible places. We’ve been in Amsterdam several times, so I can’t wait to see what London has to offer!

Jeg har allerede fået rigtig mange gode tips fra jer ovre på Instagram, og nogle af jer har sågar været så søde at henvende jer via mail med en hel masse tips også. Det er så dejligt I gider, tusind tak! Hvis du sidder derude og har flere tips, så skriv dem endelig i kommentarfeltet her. Min mand og jeg har tit leget med tanken om engang at bo et år i udlandet, og har især snakket om både London og Amsterdam som muligheder. Vi har været i Amsterdam flere gange, så jeg glæder mig til at se, hvad London har at byde på!


  1. Helena

    Hi Signe,
    Have a good time in London.
    I would recommend: Hyde Park, covent Garden, the market in Notting Hill and if the weather is good taking a boat tour to Greenwich. You can also pre-book London eye or Madame Tussauds.

  2. Andrea

    Shore ditch is a super fun area (I highly recommend checking out the Nudie Jeans shop. All organic raw denim.) We just spent the last two years living in London (Queensway across from Kensington Palace/Hyde Park, and in Chiswick, West London) and there is so much to see. Great art museums (love Royal Academy of Art RA and the Tate Modern), exceptional food (love Notting Hill for its tiny restaurants that have so much charm and good food), plus just walking in Hyde Park. You can take a path away from the main area around the Palace and just feel like you’re in another world. It was great for walking the dog. Have a wonderful time. While living in London (with kids and a dog) presented a lot of challenges, I do miss it a lot!

  3. Londynianka

    You have to visit YKK London Showroom on 154 Commercial Str. They have a great exhibition right now !! And the place is super cool. And Anna who is your belowed follower will be super happy ?

  4. Jaclyn

    Look no further than Sammy Maria’s guide to Shoreditch, it’s ace https://youtu.be/rfjFO-VMs5U
    Ps. For deluxe plant based food I recommend What The Pitta! And King Cook Daily, both in Boxpark (in Shoreditch). Also Mildred’s is fantastic and there are four of those across London. Pickywops for vegan pizza. Xx

  5. Tina

    Restaurant Moro! It’s soo great. 34 Exmouth Market. I’m a true foodie and the food is awsome.

    I worked on a food event with all the scandinavian Visit organisations in october last year. It was called Nordic Feast. London is lovely!


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