3 tips on caring for your autumn/winter wardrobe

Sep 27, 2020 | 1 comment

I’ve amped up the cozy autumn vibes here on my blog as well as in our home, so today I wanted to share a few tips on how to care for your wardrobe this time of year. There are a few, rather specific things I like to do to give my autumn/winter items a little extra love because they are generally exposed to more dirt, water, salt and other things compared to other seasons. As you know, the most sustainable piece of clothing you will find is the one you already have in your wardrobe, so it always makes sense to me to share wardrobe care tips & tricks like these every once in a while.

Nu da jeg kører på fuld skrue med efterårshyggen både i privaten og her på bloggen, så tænkte jeg det var passende at dele lidt inspiration til pleje af din efterårsgarderobe. Der er nemlig nogle få, helt specifikke ting jeg gør for at pleje mine efterårs/vinter items lidt ekstra. De bliver jo unægtelig udsat for lidt mere vand, skidt, salt, mudder og hvad vi ellers har. Som I ved så er det mest bæredygtige tøj jo det vi allerede har i vores garderober, så derfor synes jeg jo det giver super god mening, at dele lidt tips til garderobepleje i mellem alt stilinspirationen sommetider.

I’m wearing a head-to-toe secondhand look except the Navygrey jumper (I have the “relaxed” in size M). Blazer is about 8 years old and jewelry is my own brand.

Wool comb

Something I absolutely can’t live without is my cashmere/wool comb. I got mine together with my Navygrey jumper, but you can find these several places online, right here* for instance. It’s such a handy little tool because it removes bobbles and pilling from your fave jumpers, wool coats, wool scarves and similar. It’s a natural part of the lifecycle of wool that at some point it will start bobbling, especially on parts of the garment that kind of rub against each other like under your arms etc. With the right care this should decrease in time though. I usually brush the surface with the comb (the comb part itself is sort of this fine metal  lattice that scrapes the bobbles off rather gently), and after running that over my knitwear I remove the excess with a reusable lint remover. I know you can get electric versions of these bobble removers too (like this* one), and I think it’s a matter of taste. I like the comb because it’s a simple, handy tool that doesn’t require batteries. And well, it came with another purchase so I might as well use it. It does the trick just as well I’d say. 

Noget jeg absolut ikke kan leve uden er min uldkam. Den jeg har fik jeg med i købet til min Navygrey striktrøje, men man kan også købe dem flere steder online, bl.a. her*. Den er super smart, fordi den let og skånsomt fjerner nullermænd fra ting som striktrøjer, uldfrakker, uldtørklæder m.m. Det er en naturlig proces, at uld på ét eller andet tidspunkt begynder at fnuldre, gerne på de overflader der gnider mod hinanden, som fx under armene. Især lige i starten, men med den rette pleje skulle det gerne aftage med tiden. Jeg plejer at børste overfladen med kammen (selve enden af kammen er lavet af en slags blødt metal, der ligesom skraber nullermændene fri), og derefter fjerne de løse nullermænd med en genanvendelig fnugfjerner. Jeg ved man også kan få elektriske apparater til, at ”barbere” og suge nullermændene op fra overfladen (som denne*) – det er lidt et temperamentsspørgsmål, tror jeg. Jeg kan godt lide kammen fordi den er helt simpel, fylder ingenting og ikke kræver udskiftning af fx batterier. Og well, nu fulgte den jo med i forbindelse med et andet køb. Så kan jeg ligeså godt bruge den.

Protect your bags & shoes

Some of you might remember me doing THIS collab with Omybag a while back, showcasing how to fix up your leather bags, protect them and make them last longer. Generally speaking this is actually a good routine to follow every once in a while, not only when it comes to bags. Caring for and protecting the leather on your boots and various leather shoes during the autumn/winter season is key as well. Make sure to also think about how you store items like these. Don’t stack dirty footwear and bags on top of each other. A good rule of thumb is to make sure you have some air between the items you have in your wardrobe, to make sure you’re clothes are taken care of even when it’s resting and you’re not wearing it. You could also wrap your bags in dustbags to make sure they don’t scratch each other if they are placed very closely next to each other in your wardrobe.

Nogle af jer husker måske jeg lavede DETTE samarbejde med Omybag for noget tid siden, hvor jeg viser jer hvordan man let kan shine sine lædertasker op, give dem ekstra beskyttelse og ikke mindst forlænge levetiden på dem. Helt generelt vil jeg sige at det er en god rutine, at følge indimellem, ikke kun når det kommer til tasker. At pleje og imprægnere læderet på dine støvler og lædersko især henover efteråret og vintersæsonen er virkelig noget, som gør en kæmpe forskel. Sørg også for, at tænke over hvordan du opbevarer både sko og tasker. Lad være med at stable beskidte sko og tasker hensynsløst oven i hinanden. Som tommelfingerregel vil jeg sige, at man altid bør have god luft og plads imellem de ting man opbevarer i sin garderobe, så man igen forlænger levetiden på sit tøj/sko – selv når det ikke er i brug. Du kan evt. også pakke dine tasker ind i en dustbag hvis de står meget tæt, for at undgå ridser i overfladen.

Speaking of shoes…

Speaking of shoes (and leather in general), support your local cobbler if you are so lucky to have one nearby! Cobblers are getting more and more rare in the suburbs (at least in Denmark), and I’ve had to say goodbye to the one that was closest to my home because his shop sadly went out of business. I now have to drive for around half an hour to get to the next cobbler, but he’s worth the drive I’d say. He helps me extend the life of my favourite shoes and boots, but he also knows how to fix up old bags. I like taking my boots to the cobbler at least once every other year to get them resoled. Sometimes he even gives them a colour treatments so that they look even more fresh! It will of course cost you some money, but again to me this is all worth it.

Nu da vi snakker om sko (og læder generelt), så støt din lokale skomager alt det du kan! Skomagere er i sig selv desværre en uddøende race, og jeg har allerede måtte sige farvel til den der lå nærmest min bopæl. Nu skal jeg starte bilen og køre en halv times tid, før jeg finder en skomager. Men jeg vil sige han er hele køreturen værd. Ikke alene kan han være med til at forlænge levetiden på mine favorit støvler, han har også hjulpet mig med at fixe gamle tasker hvor hanken fx var i stykker. Jeg tager gerne mine støvler til skomager minimum engang hver andet år, og får sat ny hæl samt forsål på. Han giver dem også gerne en opfriskning i farven, og så kan de igen! Det koster selvfølgelig lidt med sådan en omgang, men igen synes jeg det er det hele værd.

1 Comment

  1. Dianne

    Dear Signe It looks to me like you are ready for the sweet one’s arrival soon. Take care and rest..pamper yourself. We are all rooting for you. If you feel really sleepy that is a signal you are in pre-labor at times but the baby has dropped surely based on your profile. I appreciate your strength and positivity.


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