A/W 17 capsule – visual idea.

Aug 9, 2017 | 9 comments

The perfect basic wardrobe
Autumn seasonals 2017.


Click on the pictures to find the products or find similar in the bottom of this post

/ Even though it’s a bit too early to think about autumn, the wet and cool summer weather has made me think of it anyway. There’s only a little less than a month left before the calendar officially says ‘autumn’, though of course, I hope that summer will come just a little late this year. BUT in fact, I look forward to autumn. Personally, spring and fall are the months I like to style my outfits the most because you can play with multiple layers.

As always, I spice up my all-year basic wardrobe – which remains the same all year round – with a few seasonal products. In my eagerness I have already peeped through my stored autumn clothes from last year, just to remind myself of the awesome products I already have, and at the same time I have also been looking at a few “new” products. Well, I’ve checked out my favourite secondhand webshops and actually found all the things I would like to add to my seasonal capsule there this year. So no brand new products. However, my basic t-shirts might soon need a replacement. Maybe that’s my change to try my first purchase from the sustainable/ethical brands Everlane or People Tree.

Selvom det er en anelse for tidligt at tænke på efterår, så har det våde og kølige sommervejr altså fået mig til, at tænke på netop dette. Der er kun en lille måned tilbage før kalenderen officielt skriver efterår, men jeg håber selvfølgelig, at sommeren bare kommer lidt sent i år. MEN, faktisk glæder jeg mig til efterår. Personligt er forår og efterår de måneder jeg bedst kan lide at klæde mig på, fordi man kan lege med flere lag.

Som altid, så pepper jeg min helårsgarderobe – som er den samme hele året rundt – op med et par sæsonbaserede produkter. Jeg har i min iver allerede været lidt i gemmerne, for at se hvad jeg har liggende fra sidste år, og har samtidig også været ved at kigge lidt på et par “nye” produkter. Det vil sige, jeg har tjekket secondhand webshops’ne ud og faktisk fundet de ting jeg godt kunne tænke mig i år dér. Så ingen spritnye produkter. Mine basis t-shirts kunne dog godt snart trænge til en udskiftning, men det ser jeg på til den tid. Måske skal det være dér jeg prøver mit første køb fra fairtrademærkerne Everlane eller People Tree.

Autumn outfit ideas

/ I”m looking for 3 “new” things to add to my autumn capsule; a camel coat in wool, a brown bag and then either a pair of leopard-patterned or classic brown leather boots. I managed to find a very good selection both at the secondhand shop Vestiaire Collective and at Danish Trendsales, All products both in good quality, well maintained and at reasonable prices. Win! The rest of the products on the collage are products I already have from last year, and the red knit and Levi’s t-shirt I’m going to keep in my wardrobe from my current summer capsule. The red color is so nice and easy to style, and I think it will be nice to have it in order to light up my autumn wardrobe. I really like having this type of “color theme” in my capsules because it allows me to throw some colours in there, but in a very controlled way. As many of you know, too many colours bother me, I’m just personally attracted to monochrome or timeless colours. And I think both the red, the brown and the army green are classic colours that appear every autumn.

I have made the collages on Polyvore (find me HERE), and I usually do this kind of visual overview of my wardrobe every season. I actually consider taking pictures of all my own things, instead of just finding similar ones like I do now. But if you don’t have the patience or the skills to do this, then it works really well this way. It’s just for giving an overview of what you have, what you might need and how to put it together. I also use polyvore as a tool for packing light when travelling or as sort of a wishlist tool, again to make sure I get the most use out of everything as possible.

Jeg har øje på 3 “nye” ting til min garderobe; en camel frakke i uld, en brun taske og så enten et par leopardmønstrede eller klassiske brune læderstøvler. Som sagt er det lykkedes mig, at finde et rigtig godt udvalg både på secondhand shoppen Vestiaire Collective og på danske Trendsales, både i god kvalitet, velholdt og til rimelige priser. Win! Resten af produkterne på collagen er produkter jeg har fra sidste år, og den røde strik samt Levi’s t-shirten fører jeg med fra min nuværende sommer capsule. Den røde farve er så fin og nem at style, og jeg tror det bliver skønt at have den med, for at lyse min efterårsgarderobe lidt op. Jeg kan rigtig godt lide at køre denne form for “farvetema” i mine capsules, fordi det tillader mig at få nogle farver ind, men på en meget kontrolleret måde. Som mange af jer ved, så stresser for mange farver mig ud, og jeg er bare personligt mest tiltrukket af monokrome eller tidløse farver, hvis det endelig skal være. Og jeg synes både den røde, den brune og den armygrønne er klassiske farver, som dukker op hvert eneste efterår.

Collagerne har jeg lavet på Polyvore (find mig HER), og jeg laver stort set altid denne form for visuel oversigt af min garderobe. Jeg overvejer faktisk, at tage billeder af alle mine egne ting, i stedet for blot at finde lignende, som jeg gør nu. Men har man ikke tålmodigheden eller kompetencerne til at gøre dette, så fungerer det altså rigtig fint på denne måde. Det er bare for, at give et overblik over hvad du har, hvad du måske mangler og hvordan du kan sammensætte det hele. Jeg bruger også polyvore som værktøj til, at pakke let når jeg skal ud og rejse eller hvis der er et bestemt produkt jeg ønsker mig.

Visit my Pinterest

/ Last but not least I have found a lot of great autumn inspiration on Pinterest, to support my ideas and the looks I’m going for. I love to play with my style this way. I feel much more confident in my own style, more creative, and find it easier to put together nice looks by really working through my capsules this way. Where others may spend their time shopping and getting an overview of the latest trends, I’d rather spend time exploring how to play with many of the things I already have. Of course, I sometimes add a little new, but I keep it to a minimum, and typically I’m going after timeless classics (most of the time I find secondhand options) that can last many seasons.

Sidst men ikke mindst har jeg fundet en masse lækker efterårsinspiration på Pinterest, for at understøtte mine idéer og de looks jeg går efter. Jeg elsker at nørde med min stil på denne måde. Jeg føler mig meget mere sikker på min egen stil, mere kreativ og har nemmere ved at sammensætte fine looks ved virkelig at gennemarbejde mine capsules på denne måde. Hvor andre måske bruger tiden på at shoppe og få sig et overblik over de nyeste trends bruger jeg i stedet tiden på, at udforske hvordan jeg kan lege med mange af de ting jeg allerede har. Selvfølgelig tilføjer jeg indimellem også lidt nyt, men jeg holder det på et minimum, og går typisk efter tidløse klassikere (meget gerne genbrugt) der kan holde mange sæsoner.


  1. dianne obeso

    Super!! Would love to find a camel coat..been looking for something reasonably priced for two years. 25 years ago found one in a thrift shop which, with tailoring, lasted 10. Thrift here has been replaced with coffee shops and boutiques..will keep looking! I am petite which doesn’t help because I am swimming in a garment at times..but there is hope! Thanks, Dianne

  2. Lisen

    Hey, you can’t use Pinterest images on your site? Unless they are free from copyright.

    • Lisen

      Hi, still would like to know about this?

      • signeh24

        I think you’re right, that’s why I removed them.

  3. gail

    Hi Signe
    Looking for a striped top like yours – the one with littel heart is cute…Kenzo?
    Gail – Australia

  4. Terri- California, USA

    Hi Signe,
    I love your army green utility jacket. Where did you get yours? I love the one made by Anine Bing that you have listed above as well, but it’s $349! Yikes! Is that one (Anine) a great quality jacket? Would secondhand web shops have something like this?
    You are a true inspiration! Thank you!


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