Classic neutrals you can wear every spring.

Mar 13, 2019 | 2 comments

Even though I’m especially loving the neutral colour palette this spring season, it’s really a very classic thing to go for this time of year. I love whites, creams, beige and brown. These are not only timeless types of colours – I’d say that if you invest in any of these this spring, you’ll be able to re-love them for many seasons to come as well.

This colour palette is perfect for your wardrobe, but wonderful for interiors as well. I’m dreaming about painting an entire wall in a nice neutral colour or in other ways incorporate these soft, cozy colours into our home. Airy curtains in cream, big fluffy pillows in earthy tones and soap-treated wood are all things that go well with this whole universe. Anyway, that’s not exactly the topic I had in mind for today’s post. Back to the wardrobe…

Selvom den neutrale farvepaletter især hitter i min egen garderobe dette forår, så er det i virkeligheden så klassisk som noget kan være på denne tid af året. Jeg elsker alle afskygninger af hvid, cremefarver, beige og brun. Det er ikke blot tidløse farver – jeg vil også vove at påstå, at investerer du i disse farver dette forår så vil du kunne forelske dig i dem på ny år efter år.

Denne farvepalette er ikke kun smuk i garderoben, den er også skøn indenfor indretning. Jeg drømmer især om, at dedikere en væg til en lækker sandfarve eller på andre måder få de bløde, hyggelige farver ind i hjemmet. Luftige gardiner i knækket hvid, store hyggelige puder i neutrale farver og sæbebehandlet træ er altsammen noget, der passer så fint ind i dette univers. Nå, men det var ikke dét, som dette indlæg skulle handle om. Tilbage til forårsgarderoben…

Neutral statement items

There are several ways in which you can include the neutral colour palette in your wardrobe. I’ve made an effort investing in a few statement items for my own spring wardrobe: my beige biker jacket, my nude ankle boots and my brown blazer are all bought pre-loved, and with the intention of being able to add them to my otherwise very basic looks, and instantly make them a bit more spring appropriate for many seasons to come. These are all wardrobe classics I already know and have loved for years, but just in new colours. Therefore I know I’m gonna love them and it’s going to be easy for me to style them up and get plenty of wear out of them. Speaking of knowing when you love something and sticking with that, I’ve begun to wonder more and more about the phrase “I need to become better at wearing….” (colourful dresses for example). Of course I’m all about challenges, trying something new and learning stuff. But when it comes to fashion, I’ve just learned to be much more comfortable in my own skin I guess. Feel good in what makes ME happy and what makes ME feel confident, and not necessarily what everyone else looks great in or what other people may or may not define as “great style”. It’s such an individual matter. There’s nothing wrong with making a stand and keeping with that (which is a way of looking in life in general, but more about that some other time) and feeling comfortable with the things you know work for you. You know what I mean?

I’ve done my best to find similar options among the sustainable brands below, and there’s also quite a handful of items from the online secondhand shops. I’m also doing my best to pick up similar items for my own shop, so maybe you’ll be lucky to find something over there.

Der er flere måde du kan indarbejde den fine, neutrale farvepalette i din garderobe. Selv har jeg bl.a. prioriteret, at investere i et par statement items: min beige bikerjakke, mine nude ankelstøvler og min brune blazer er alle købt secondhand, og med det formål at jeg let skulle kunne tilføje dem mine looks, og dermed opnå en lidt mere forårs-frisk version af mine sædvanlige basic outfits. De er allesammen afarter af garderobe favoritter jeg i forvejen elsker, og derfor er de også nemme for mig at style og få brugt en masse. Jeg har iøvrigt aldrig forstået det der med, når folk siger “jeg skal blive bedre til at gå i…” (fx farverige kjoler). Selvfølgelig er jeg med på, at det kan være fedt at være kreativ og prøve noget nyt. Skubbe sine grænser lidt. Men lige når det kommer til påklædning, så har jeg lært at hvile mere i dét der gør MIG glad, og giver MIG selvtillid. Ikke nødvendigvis det, som er pænt til alle mulige andre eller som andre har defineret som “god stil”. Det er så individuelt. Der er intet i vejen med at have et ståsted (det gælder iøvrigt livet generelt, men mere om det en anden gang), og hvile i de ting man ganske enkelt véd fungerer. Og være glad for det. Forstår I hvad jeg mener?

Jeg har forsøgt at finde lignende muligheder blandt de bæredygtige mærker her, men der er også en håndfuld fra online secondhand shops. Jeg prøver også på at købe lignende ind til min shop, så måske er der noget derovre der kunne friste.

Neutral wardrobe classics

Besides the more season-based items, of course I already have a handful of basic favourites in my wardrobe that fit perfectly into the neutral universe. I love both all black looks with a touch of something neutral (for example my nude ankle boots), but I’m also really into all white looks this season. A white tee and a pair of white, casual jeans is always a great combo. During summer it would be so cool with brown or black sandals and while it’s still cold it would be awesome with black ankle boots and a biker jacket, either the black or the beige one would look amazing. 

Besides that I of course also have my basic trench coat that I always look forward to wearing after the winter. You can of course get this type of coat in other colours as well. Navy and black are both quite classic trench colours. But to me, the beige colour is a true trench classic and it fits my neutral colour mood perfectly this season.

Udover de mere sæsonbaserede items, så har jeg selvfølgelig en håndfuld fine basis favoritter allerede, som passer perfekt ind i det neutrale farveunivers. Jeg er vild med både helt sorte looks tilføjet et neutralt touch i form af fx mine støvletter, men jeg er også fuldstændig forgabt i helt hvide looks denne sæson. En hvid t-shirt og et par hvide, afslappede jeans er altid super cool. Om sommeren ville det være et skønt look med et par brune eller sorte sandaler, og her mens vejret stadig er ret køligt er det super fint med et par sorte ankelstøvler og så måske en sort biker – eller den beige, som jeg har på ovenfor.

Udover det så er min trench coat noget som jeg glæder mig til, at kunne tage i brug igen hvert eneste forår. Man kan selvfølgelig få denne type frakke i andre farver også. Navy og sort er også klassiske trench farver. Men for mig er den beige farve klassikeren over dem alle, og den passer perfekt ind i mit neutrale univers denne sæson.



  1. lucie

    Love this basic look! Can I ask what size you are wearing for the maje biker? I have seen it on Vestiaire Collective too! Thanks

    • signeh24

      It’s weird, I can’t find any size label in it! But I’m pretty sure its a EU 38/Medium :-* It fits like it anyway.


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