by use less | Nov 17, 2019 | Capsule wardrobe guides
One thing is that you love colours and that sustainable brands make collections that have nice colors… but how do you choose colors that go nice together with what you already have? How do you build a nice and cohesive wardrobe with color that you can wear in many...
by use less | Feb 27, 2019 | Capsule wardrobe guides
A look back at winter Spring is certainly on its way to little Denmark, and I’ve been quite a cheerful spirit these past couple weeks. I think there’s several reasons for that – I’ve gotten my evenings and my weekend-life back (read more here),...
by use less | Dec 19, 2018 | Style
A while back I asked you guys over on Instagram, if you would be interested in me doing kind of n outfits wrap-up post for this year. And you were rather hooked on that, so I thought it would be a fun way to wrap up the year in here. This will be the last post I...
by use less | Dec 12, 2018 | Capsule wardrobe guides
JavaScript is currently disabled in this browser. Reactivate it to view this content. Usually I’m not one to be late sharing my capsules with you guys, but this time around I’ve had trouble getting things done in time. Life happens! Anyway,...
by use less | Sep 12, 2018 | Capsule wardrobe guides
As I feel like I’ve been touching this subject times before, I still get many questions about how and when I decide to part with something from my wardrobe. So today I’m doing an entire post and video dedicated to the process of decluttering your wardrobe,...